Saturday, November 29, 2008

3º Competição Internacional de Caricatura URZICENI "Liberdade não é de graça" ROMÊNIA

Prazo Final: 10 de Dezembro de 2008
Regras: - Competição aberta a todos cartunistas, profissionais e amadores.
- Tema: "Liberdade não é de graça"
- Obras: max. 5
- Os trabalhos devem ser acompanhados pela biografia do autor.
- Tamanho: A4(210x297mm) , A3(297x420mm)
- Técnica: livre
- Prazo: 10th Dezembro de 2008
- Prêmios:
Primeiro prêmio – 1000$
Segundo prêmio – 700$
Terceiro prêmio – 500$
Prêmio especial de 600 $ pelo retrato de alguma personalidade conhecida no mundo.
- Catálogo: Todo artista selecionado irá receber uma cópia.
- Comentário: os trabalhos não serão devolvidos, eles se tornarão propriedade da Casa de Cultura Urziceni para futuras exibições.
Os trabalhos deverão ser enviados para:
Diretor do Festival,NICOLAE PETRACH
Detalhes para contato:Tel: 0040 722 433 933 ; 0040 243 254

41th edition UMORISTI A MAROSTICA 2009

UMORISTIA MAROSTICA 41ª rassegna internazionale di grafica umoristica
Theme for the year 2009 will be: LIES (BUGIE)
The time limit to send your works are 15 of January 2009
Verbale di Giuria 2008 (PDF)
(Soon we will update the website, meanwhile, you can peek on the information reviewed at this address):
Umoristi A Marostica, Piazza Castello, 12, 36063 Marostica - Vicenza - ItaliaTel.-Fax. +39 0424 72150

Contest: open to all cartoonists
Theme: LIES
Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original, without titles and accompanied by author's entry-form and biography
Size: free
Technique: free
Deadline: January 15, 2009
Prizes: "Scacchiera International Grand Prize" for each section
Opening and prize distribution: April 12, 2009
Exhibition: April 12 - May 25, 2009
Catalogue: each participating artist will receive a copy (by enclosing 7,00 €uro for the postage charges)
Remark: the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Umoristi a Marostica Museum"
The works should be sent to:
For further informations:
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150
Sample of entry-form for lack of original one.

2nd FESTIMENC International Festival of Honorable Mentions RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL 2009

1 - Could participate FESTIMENC the 2nd, professional and amateur artists, living in Brazil or others countries, provided they respect the rules of this regulation. Will be accepted work produced digitally, as well as sculptures or other proposals, provided that the perpetrators sending in the vertical direction, taking steps such as the A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm), as follows:
CARICATURE/ HUMOUR PORTRAIT: Theme: "JORGE BENJOR" (Brazilian singer and composer)
2 - Each competitor can participate in three modes, with only a work in each mode. And behind each work should include: Full name, nickname, Full Address, Phone, Email, and Category Entered, Title of the Work.
3 - For each of the modalities will be given 20 (TWENTY) Honorable Mentions, which will be determined by the number of points awarded by the judges to work competitors. By way of comment by competitors, the work will be analyzed in the following aspects:
* Development of the subjects offered (in all categories)
* Distortion and preservation of identity (in caricature form)
* Technical (all categories)
* Presentation (in all categories)
4 -To 20 (TWENTY) best artists in each discipline will be awarded certificates of Honorable Mentions of the 2nd FESTIMENC and their works will be exposed in the Cultural JORGE BENJOR, which is beside the railway station of Realengo.
5 - The first three placed in each category, according to the decision of the committee judges, will be awarded the following prizes:
1st, 2nd and 3rd place - special certificate Trophy + Project SORRIALENGO Kit (shirt, cap, key chain and a caricature in color produced by cartoonists of SORRIALENGO)
6 - For those prepared to work computer, its authors must send the art-final in size A3 to the address in item 8. WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ONLINE.
7 - Work winners become part of the file Project SORRIALENGO and can be run in future exhibitions, provided that they have to respect the disclosure of the design of humor and there are no profit with the same exposure and the authors are reported and have its claims and contacts exposed. And the other work may be withdrawn personally at the same address, until the day on March 20, 2008, Monday through Friday, from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm on presentation of identity. After the day on March 20, 2008, all those works that are not withdrawn will be part of the file Project SORRIALENGO.
8 - The work should be directed to the following address:
9 - The entry in the competition implies the acceptance by competitors of all terms of this regulation.
10 - If the committee judges is informed by one of the competitors on possible fraud or breach of any of the items of the regulation, it may dismiss the award, thereby giving that competitor who has then. Single paragraph: If any of the competitors have a complaint to make regarding potential fraud, for which the claim is examined by the judges, can not be made until the day before the awards. If not happen that way, it will be disregarded.
SELECTION OF WORKS: January 16 and 17, 2009
CEREMONY OF PRIZE: January 20, 2009
Joao Carlos Mattias
President of Sorrialengo ProjectPresident of 2nd FESTIMENC

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jubilee International Cartoon Contest - Germany

Dear Mr. or Mrs,
In May 2009 the Federal Organization for Physical and Multiple Handicapped People will celebrate its 50th anniversary in Berlin. In 1959 it has been founded by parents of children with spastics. The group of people with cerebral palsy still forms the biggest part in our association. We themed our 50th anniversary - also in allusion to one of the main characteristics of this disability - with following slogan: "It doesn't matter how you move, what really counts is what you move!" It would be a great pleasure for us and all the people who get involved in our work, if you could paint a little caricature or what ever you like that adverts to our slogan. We will collect the drawings that we receive and want to publish them in a brochure. We would like to give these brochures to our members and guests on the anniversary celebration. Of course we will sign each drawing with the artist's name. We would be very happy if you'd be interested in this campaign. - If you want to be part of it, send your drawing to the address stated below till December 15th 2008. Kind regards. Norbert Müller-Fehling, Secretary Anne Ott, Press and publicity
Bundesverband für Körper-und Mehrfachbehinderte e.V.Brehmstr. 5-7, D-40239 Dusseldorf DEUTSCHLAND

2nd "Black Cat" International Cartoon Web Contest - Baku, Azerbaijan 2008

Contest: Open to all cartoonists
THEME: "Black Humor"
Deadline: 20 December 2008
ENTRIES: Max. 1 cartoon ( 2 or more cartoons sent to contest will not be accepted)
TECHNICAL INFO: A4 size max. 100 dpi, format (JPEG). Max one entry in each section: black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. Name, address, tel and e-mail.
At the end of competition there will be an exhibition on internet from the selected cartoons.
The participant must send their photo along with their autobiography.
All cartoonists can participate through their own e-mail by submitting your cartoons to:
First prize (Diploma, web page)
Second prize ( Diploma, web page)
Third prize ( Diploma, web page)
Honourable mentions: 5 (certificate)The diplomas will be sent to e-mail address of the winners via e-mail.
The results will be on on 25 December 2008, right after the international juries' evaluation.
Address: Az 1000, Post BOX N0 1, Baku-Azerbaijan.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

XVI Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Cuba 2009 - Homo sapiens S.O.S

Convocatoria XVI Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Cuba 2009 - Homo sapiens S.O.S
Del 29 de marzo al 2 de abril de 2009
Sede: San Antonio de los Baños
Subsede: Ciudad de La Habana
La Unión de Periodistas de Cuba, el Círculo de Humoristas e Historietistas de la UPEC. Y el Museo del Humor de San Antonio de los Baños, convocan a la XVI Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Cuba 2009, que se celebrará del 29 de marzo al 2 de abril, con el coauspicio de la Dirección de Cultura de La Habana, y la Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas (FELAP).
Por la salvación de la especie se propone este encuentro en un mundo donde se habla de emisiones de carbono con efecto invernadero y cambio climático, manipulaciones mediáticas, deforestación, desertificación, desigualdades, guerras, unipolaridad, xenofobia. A quienes hacen reír y pensar está llamando un planeta, donde campea la irracionalidad de privilegiados por mantener sus riquezas y se convierten los alimentos en energéticos. Los estómagos cada vez más hambrientos de los pobres de la tierra claman ante el peligro que corren selvas, bosques, y el aire que respiramos. Convocamos a los humoristas gráficos por la defensa de la humanidad.
Del concurso de Humor GráficoLa participación en el encuentro está abierta a todos los profesionales del humor gráfico en el mundo y se puede concursar en las siguientes categorías:.
Humor general.
Sátira política.
Historieta Humorística.
Caricatura personal.
Fotografía humorística
- Se aceptarán obras impresas procesadas digitalmente en cualquier categoría de las anteriormente expresadas.
- Podrán enviarse hasta 3 obras por cada categoría.
- Las obras en originales serán realizadas en cualquier técnica con un formato máximo de 40 x 50 cm.
- Debe precisarse en cada obra los siguientes datos del autor:
Nombres y Apellidos (Además nombre artístico)
Categoría en que concursa
Dirección particular
Correo electrónico
- Las obras convenientemente embaladas se recibirán hasta el 31 de enero de 2009 en:
Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC)
XVI Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico
Calle 23 no.452,
Cuba. CP 10 400
Teléfonos: 832- 37 22 / 832- 45 59
De los jurados :
Una selección de las obras presentadas, realizada por un jurado de admisión especializado, se expondrá en el XVI Salón Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico en San Antonio de los Baños.
Un jurado internacional, integrado por prestigiosas figuras del humor gráfico, otorgará los premios.
De los premios.
Premio Eduardo Abela, consistente en Diploma y 1000 CUC.
Primero, segundo y tercer lugar, premios en cada categoría, consistente en diploma.
Otras instituciones culturales cubanas entregarán premios.
Encuentros de humoristas
Del 29 de marzo al 2 de abril tendrán lugar talleres teóricos y de creación artística en San Antonio de los Baños y la Ciudad de La Habana, a fin de que los participantes puedan intercambiar experiencias, dar a conocer su obra (no deje su portafolio en casa) y reflexionar sobre el papel del humor en el siglo XXI.También asistiran a la inauguración de exposiciones de humor gráfico.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

10èmes Rencontres Internationales de Dessin de Presse (RIDEP)

Dans le cadre des 10èmes Rencontres Internationales de Dessin de Presse (RIDEP) qui se tiendront à Carquefou près de Nantes (France) les 16, 17 et 18 janvier 2009, les élèves de seconde Arts appliqués du Lycée Eugène Livet de Nantes vous invitent à participer à la réalisation d'un numéro spécial de leur journal sur le thème suivant : Quels droits humains pour demain?

Quels droits humains pour demain?
Numéro spécial dessin de presse
Depuis la création des RIDEP (Rencontres Internationales de dessin de Presse), il y a 10 ans, le monde a beaucoup changé avec des améliorations notables : mise en place d'une justice internationale, recul de la peine de mort, diffusion plus large et plus rapide de l'information...
Pour autant, bien des problèmes restent posées : discriminations (racisme, sexisme...), résurgence de la torture, droits des enfants (travail, éducation, enrôlement forcé, abandon...), crise alimentaire, effets des dérèglements climatiques...
Imaginez par vos dessins, quels sont, pour les 10 prochaines années, les combats majeurs à mener et les espoirs à faire naître pour avancer vers un monde plus humain.
Ce numéro sera réalisé sur le site des 10èmes Rencontres Internationales de Dessin de Presse de Carquefou, près de Nantes, dans la journée du 16 janvier 2009.
Merci de nous contacter pour nous informer de votre participation :
Fax : 33/(0) Patrick Chauveau, Lycée Livet, Nantes (France)
Quelques règles à respecter :
- les dessins peuvent être en couleurs ou noir et blanc
- chaque dessin doit être légendé et signé
- la légende de votre dessin ne doit pas comporter plus de 20 lignes et peut être bilingue
- les textes doivent être saisis sous Word
- les images doivent être d’assez bonne qualité (car elles seront peut être amenées à être réduites), et au format jpeg
- le nombre de dessins par classe participante est limité à 10
- les participants acceptent la diffusion de leurs dessins sur notre site
- les dessins copiés sur des originaux de professionnels ne seront pas acceptés
- n’hésitez pas à mettre des liens vers le site de votre établissement
- envoyez-nous vos contributions en fichiers joints à l’adresse :
avant le vendredi 16 Janvier 2009, 9h (heure locale)
- n’oubliez pas de préciser le nom de l’établissement, la commune, le pays, la classe.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

50th anniversary of the Federal Organization for Physical and Multiple Handicapped People

Dear Mr. or Mrs
In May 2009 the Federal Organization for Physical and Multiple Handicapped People will celebrate its 50th anniversary in Berlin. In 1959 it has been founded by parents of children with spastics. The group of people with cerebral palsy still forms the biggest part in our association. We themed our 50th anniversary - also in allusion to one of the main characteristics of this disability - with following slogan: "It doesn't matter how you move, what really counts is what you move!"
It would be a great pleasure for us and all the people who get involved in our work, if you could paint a little caricature or what ever you like that adverts to our slogan. We will collect the drawings that we receive and want to publish them in a brochure.
We would like to give these brochures to our members and guests on the anniversary celebration. Of course we will sign each drawing with the artist's name. We would be very happy if you'd be interested in this campaign.
- If you want to be part of it, send your drawing to the address stated below till December 15th 2008.
Kind regards
Norbert Müller-Fehling Anne Ott Secretary Press and publicity
Bundesverband fur Körper-und Mehrfachbehinderte e.V.Brehmstr. 5-7D-40239

Saturday, November 15, 2008

3rd International Cartoon Competition URZICENI 2008 - "Freedom is not Free"

Contest is open to all cartoonists, both professional and amateurs.
Theme: "Freedom is not Free"
Entries: max.5
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size:A4(210x297mm) - A3(297x420mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: 10th December 2008
First Prize – 1000$Second Prize – 700$Third Prize – 500$
One Special Prize of 600 $ for a portrait of a well known world personality – any domain.
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will be not returned, they will remain the property of the House of Culture Urziceni for the future exhibitions.
The works should be sent to:
Director Festival,NICOLAE PETRACHE
Contact details:Tel: 0040 722 433 933 ; 0040 243 254 020.

7th Lm International Cartoon Contest (China)

The Organizing Committee of the 7th Lm International Cartoon Contest invites cartoonists from all over the world to participate in this contest. Beautiful tableaus, lovely sculpting, humorous content and rich sentiment are the criterion of China LM International Cartoon Contest to award prize every year.
1. THEME: Free (Humorous)
2. THE WORKS FOR THE CONTEST: A) Only original cartoons are accepted. Photographs, Copy, Computer painting, photocopies etc. will not be accepted.
B) The cartoonist's name, address, telephone number and E-mail, must be on the reverse side of each cartoon
C) Size: Preferable 21 x 29.7 cm or 29.7 x 42 cm D) Maximum number of entries: 3
3. THE WORKS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Googlm, Jin Ling Zha 21- 603, Nanjing City, p.c.210001, China.
4. WEB:
TEL: 0086-25-52202120
5. DEADLINE: December 22, 2008 (The late works will be accepted as the entries for the 8th Lm International Cartoon Contest)
6. FREQUENCY: Annual
7. JURY: The group of judges consists of the organizer, cartoonists, Editor and art scholars. Participants are not allowed to raise any objections to judge determinations.
8. THE PRIZES: * Grand prize of 1 (Medal, Certificate, Album)* Gold prize of 4 (Medal, Certificate, Album)* Silver Prize of 5 (Medal, Certificate, Album)* Bronze Prize of 5 (Medal, Certificate, Album)* Prizes for excellence of 100 (Certificate, Album)
9. THE RESULTS AND EXHIBITIONS: A) The results of the contest will be made public in March 3rd, 2009 on our website:
B) We will send the medals, certificates and albums for all the winners before May 1st, 2009.
C) The exhibition will be organized from January to October in 2009 in large cities of China for three times between two LM cartoon contests.
10. RIGHTS OF THE ORGANIZER: A) The organizer can collect the works and put them into an album for publishing, exhibition.
B) The entries can also be expressed in other publication.
C) Artworks: will not be returned. Unite the collections to the Lm Cartoon Museum.Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetary compensation.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

19th International Biennial of Humour and Satire in the Arts – Gabrovo 2009

We are pleased to inform you that on May 16th, 2009 the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE in Gabrovo, Bulgaria will inaugurate the 19th INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE IN THE ARTS.
The Biennial exhibition has got six categories: cartoons, graphics & drawings, paintings, sculpture, photographs and posters that are open to humour artists from the world over without entry fee, but with all the freedom of technique.
The competition subject matter is THE WORLD LASTS BECAUSE IT LAUGHS;
the deadline for entries is March 1st, 2009.
Our kind request is to assist us in disseminating the complete conditions of entry and entry-form herewith attached. Their English, German, French and Russian versions can be viewed at under International & National Events.We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation and remain at your disposal. We hope that Biennial 2009 will draw artists with original thinking and a fresh sense of humour.Sincerely,
Tatyana Tsankova (Mrs.), Research Associate Director


CONDITIONS OF ENTRYWelcome. We wish every success for your entry in the Nineteenth InternationalBiennial Exhibition of Humour and Satire in the Arts.
1.This International Exhibit and Festival recognizes the highest achievements of humour andsatire in the following CATEGORIES, each to have its own exhibition area:
2.SUBJECT MATTER: The World Lasts Because It Laughs
3.ORGANIZERS:Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE, Gabrovo Municipality, the Ministry of Culture andthe Humour of the Peoples Society; the Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor ofGabrovo.
4.OPENINGMay 16, 2009, at 11:00 a.m., Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIREThe exhibitions will run until September 30, 2009
5.JURYA jury of professional artists and former Biennial winners selects the works for the exhibitions andawards the prizes. The decisions of the jury are final and there is no appeal.
6.PRIZES- GRAND PRIX - the GOLDEN AESOP statuette, 2 000 BGN, a certificate and aninvitation to stage a one-artist show during Biennial 2011.
- PRIZE of the town of GABROVO - the GASCAR statuette, 1 500 BGN and a certificate.- Prizes (six) of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria – 1 000 BGN each anda certificate in each category.SPECIAL PRIZES- Prize for sculpture awarded by Skalni Materiali JS Co–Rousse – 2 000 BGN and acertificate- Prize of Skalni Materiali JS Co-Rousse - 1 000 BGN and a certificate - awarded to ayoung sculptor (up to 35 yrs.)- Prize of LIONS CLUB of Baden/Helenental, Austria - 500 EUR and a certificate -awarded to a young Bulgarian graphic artist (up to 30 yrs.)- Prize of the Humour of the Peoples Society - 400 BGN and a certificate- Prize of Inter Data Systems, Co. - professional Lowepro photo backpack and acertificate; prize goes to the funniest photograph submitted.
SPECIAL SUBJECT MATTER PRIZES- Prize for poster of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria on Life Free ofTobacco Smoke – 800 BGN and a certificate- Prize for cartoon of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – Prestigio DataSafe I external hard drive- Prize for photograph of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – PrestigioData Safe I external hard drive- Prize for poster of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – Prestigio DataSafe I external hard drive- Prize for cartoon of the Directorate of CENTRAL BALKAN National Park onSafeguarding Nature - a 3-day visit to CENTRAL BALKAN National Park and a certificate.- Prize of Gabrovo Planet Society - the Gabrovo Planet statuette, 100 BGN and acertificate - awarded to the best work on Gabrovo subject matter.The cash prizes in BGN (Bulgarian Leva) are subject to taxation in conformity withBulgarian law.
The prize winning works remain in the Humour of the Peoples collection ofthe Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE. The latter reserves the right to extendpersonal invitations to the prize winners to attend the prize-awarding ceremony.
1. ELIGIBILITYThe competition is open to all artists who accept the conditions of entry. The working languagesare Bulgarian and English. In case of disagreement on the interpretation of the text, the Bulgariantext is the valid one.
2. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: March 1, 2009
ADDRESS: HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE68, Bryanska St., P. O. Box 104, 5300 Gabrovo, BULGARIA
For contacts: Tel. +359 66 /807248/; +359 66 /803526/; +359 66 /804945/Fax: +359 66 /806989/E-mail:;
The conditions of entry (in Bulgarian, English, German, French and Russian), the jury membersand the recognition of the entries received, selected and awarded can be viewed at

3. All art works should be originals signed by the entrants and entrants' property. They should nothave been awarded before. Any technique is acceptable.
4. MAXIMUM SIZES- CARTOONS A4 (29 x 21 cm)- GRAPHICS & DRAWINGS 70 x 100 cm- PAINTINGS 150 x 150 cm- SCULPTURE 80 cm maximum height and 20 kg maximum weight- POSTERS 70 x 100 cm- PHOTOGRAPHS 30 x 40 cm
5. Each artist may submit up to 5 entries for each category, but no more than 2 works can beselected for exhibition.
6. The artist's name, title of the work, year of creation, technique, value and category type shouldbe printed on the back of each entry. Each work should be accompanied by an entry formcompleted in capital block letters in either Bulgarian or English.
7. Unless indicated otherwise, all entries submitted will be considered donations to the Humour ofthe Peoples collection at the House of Humour and Satire; therefore, artists are requested tocomplete and sign the Certificate of Donation on the entry form. The organizers greatlyappreciate these donations which will significantly enhance the international collections to beenjoyed by all. The donors' names will be listed on the homepage of the House of Humour andSatire; the donated works will be shown in future exhibitions both in Bulgaria and abroad.
8. Artists who cannot donate their work and explicitly indicate TO BE RETURNED on the entryform should deposit by September 30, 2009 the following return sums which cover packaging,dispatching and postage charges:
The artists will have their works returned by December 31, 2009.Works lacking return postage by September 30, 2009 and unclaimed by the artists untilDecember 31, 2009 will be registered in the Humour of the Peoples collection.
9. The return sums can be sent by:- Bank transfer to:House of Humour and SatireDSK Bank PLc – Gabrovo branchIBAN number: BG83STSA93003110025400BIC code of DSK Bank Plc: STSABGSF- Money order payable to the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE- Cash at the pay office of the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE (a happycircumstance for the organizers to meet you, the artist).Sorry, NO cheques or charge cards.
10. All entries should be sent frameless and unmounted as printed matter with PRINTEDMATTER noted on the package.
11. Artists should cover the transport costs franco Gabrovo. The organizers will not collectpackages sent franco other destinations.
12. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE guarantees the safety of the works fromthe date of receipt to the date of return. No responsibility is assumed for damage or loss duringtransit.
13. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE reserves the right to reproduce the workson display and have them printed in its publications and other publicity materials.
14. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE publishes an art catalogue of the worksselected for display. Only artists with selected works are entitled to a free copy. The catalogue isavailable at the museum gift shop and all other artists can have it for 50 EUR (postage included)remitted according to item 9.
15. The conditions of entry are contractually binding. By submitting works to the BiennialExhibition artists agree to the terms of this contract.

Friday, November 07, 2008

International Contest for Youth up to 18 Years Old - SERBIA

CATEGORIES1. CARTOON2. WRITTEN FORM (short story, poem, aphorism)3. STRIP
PROPOSITIONS1. CARTOON - Minimum A4 (210 x 297 mm), Maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm), free technique2. WRITTEN FORM - maximum two typed pages3. COMIC - original, up to eight tables, free technique
AWARDSThe Jury will award one category each and select five best participants in all three categories to attend Master Class within 15th to 17st January 2009 in Krusevac. Lecturers will be prominent authors.Works to be signed in full name, family name, address, contact phone and e-mail.Written works to be send exclusively under a code.
All woks to be properly packed and sent to:KULTURNI CENTAR KRUSEVACMEDJUNARODNI KONKURS ZA MLADETOPLICINA br. 2, 37 000 KRUSEVAC, SRBIJATEL/FAX: + 381 (37) 423 025, 28 983
The authors will be informed on awards on December 1st, 2008. The Organizer will bear travel and accommodation cost of awarded authors. Festival official languages are Serbian and English.
DEADLINE: November 20th, 2008.