Thursday, July 30, 2009

XVI Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico de Alcalá 2009 estará dedicada a la educación

La Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá convoca la XVI Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico bajo el título la Educación Básica Universal (2º Objetivo del Milenio).
Los autores pueden presentar sus obras hasta el 28 de agosto.

Alcalá de Henares, 3 de junio de 2009. La Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá abre el plazo de presentación de obras para las XVI Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico que este año reflexionará sobre unos de los segundos Objetivos del Milenio: la Educación.
Hoy día hay más de 125 millones de niños sin escolarizar en el Mundo y un número superior que no completa 5 años de educación. Una de las metas de la ONU es lograr la educación primaria universal, de tal manera que en 2015 los niños/as de todo el mundo puedan terminar un ciclo de educación primaria.
Este es el eje central de la XVI Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico: ayudar, a través de la utilización del humor grafico como herramienta pedagógica y de denuncia, a la consecución de este segundo Objetivo del Milenio. Los autores podrán presentar obra hasta el 28 de agosto de 2009. La Muestra Internacional está abierta a todos los profesionales del Humor Gráfico y la caricatura que publiquen o hayan publicado en medios de difusión nacional o internacional y tiene como principal objetivo la sensibilización de la importancia de la educación y la difusión, entre la población en general y entre los escolares en particular, de la necesidad de profundizar en la sensibilización sobre este aspecto clave en el desarrollo de la humanidad.Las bases de la convocatoria, así como toda la información adicional sobre esta edición de la Muestra Internacional de Humor Gráfico pueden consultarse en la página web: Este año las bases pueden ser consultadas en Castellano, Portugués, Inglés, Chino, Ruso y Alemán.

Dear friends
From Graphic Humor Department of the General Foundation of the University of Alcala has organized the International Exhibition of Graphic Humor.
This year is the 16th edition entitled: Universal Education (2nd goal of the millennium).
We woud like to remind you that deadline for sending the cartoons is August 31.
You can find more information in:
Thank you for your collaboration.
Best regards

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni'

The 15th edition of the International Cartoon Contest is organized by the "Pro Loco" of Gallarate for cultural purposes, to attest the worthy creative contents of thought and the humoristic graphic art which contribute in no mean way to the development of attentive, innovative, pluralistic and open-minded social relationship.
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world.
2) Theme: STARS (2009 International Year of Astronomy)
A) Graphics/Cartoon
B) Satire
C) Caricature
It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back. The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of the various prizes; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.
6) Deadline: September 28, 2009 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni"1st Prize; Special Prize of Jury; 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature); 6 Special Prizes.
8) Exhibition: October 17-25, 2009 at Broletto Palace.Opening ceremony: October 18, 2009
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy.
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate, Vicolo del Gambero n. 10, 21013 Gallarate (VA) ITALY
Click and download the Entry-form (doc format)
For further informations:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Noviye Izvestia" international Cartoon Competition -2009

"Noviye Izvestia" international Cartoon Competition -2009
Competition is opened for all.
On competition are supposed both originals, and qualitative copies of works.
The size: no more format А3 (297х420 mm).
Technics: any, including the computer drawing. Are accepted both new products, and earlier participating in competitions or the awarded works.
But the jury at award of prizes will give preference to new products.
The works sent by e-mail, should be accompanied by an addition «On competition of caricatures» and the text with representation of the author of caricatures.
Deadline – September, 1st, 2009.
The address: Russia, 107076, Moscow, street Electrofactory, 33, "Noviye Izvestia".
An E-mail:
Prizes: – the main award – 1000 US dollars, – three equivalent awards on 500 dollars, – ten honourable Diplomas.
Under laws of the Russian Federation, the award are object of the taxation.
By results of competition the catalogue with 100 best works which awarded and have been selected for an exhibition will be let out.
Exhibition opening – in November, 2009 in exposition halls of edition of "Noviye Izvestia" and the Central house of the artist.
The chairman of jury of competition – Michael Zlatkovsky, the political commentator-artist of "Noviye Izvestia".
Organizers of competition reserve the right to itself to use the sent works under their discretion without indemnifications to authors.
The products sent on competition do not come back.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Concurso Europeu de Cartoon - “Criatividade e Inovação” / “Creativity and Innovation“

Caro(a) Cartunista,
É com muito gosto que vimos convidá-lo a participar no Concurso Europeu de Cartoon subordinado ao tema “Criatividade”, cuja entrega dos trabalhos termina a 30 de Setembro de 2009.
O tema deste concurso europeu está em sintonia com a proclamação de 2009 como o Ano Europeu da Criatividade e Inovação..
Se há sector que tem, na sua natureza, uma incidência forte na criatividade e inovação, esse sector chama-se Cartoon. Por isso, desenvolver a criatividade e a inovação sobre a criatividade e a inovação europeias constitui certamente um duplo desafio. Ele aí está.
Com a qualidade do humor vamos provar que é sustentável a criatividade e a inovação.
Precisamos de rios de humor que alaguem as margens da insustentabilidade!
Na expectativa da sua participação e com as nossas cordiais saudações.
O Director
Luís Humberto Marcos
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: 351+22 530 49 66
Fax: 351+22 530 10 71


O presente concurso, subordinado ao tema “Criatividade e Inovação” é organizado pelo Museu Nacional da Imprensa, entidade promotora do PortoCartoon-World Festival.
2. TEMA - O ano de 2009 foi designado pelo Conselho e pelo Parlamento Europeu como o Ano Europeu da Criatividade e Inovação. Com um objectivo: servir de oportunidade para o reforço de competências e de acções que estimulem o aproveitamento da criatividade e da inovação, entendidas como factores essenciais de um sustentável desenvolvimento económico e social. O humor tem aqui um papel acrescido. Desconstruindo e construindo a criatividade e a inovação, poderemos ir longe.
3.1. As medidas dos trabalhos não devem ultrapassar os 42 cm x 30 cm.
3.2. Os trabalhos concorrentes devem ser originais, sendo admitidas quaisquer técnicas plásticas e gráficas incluindo trabalhos digitais, desde que devidamente assinados pelo autor e com a indicação expressa de que se trata da impressão número 1.
3.3. As obras devem apresentar, no verso, as seguintes informações: nome do autor e endereços, título e ano.
4. PARTICIPANTES - O Concurso é dirigido a autores europeus (por nascimento, residência ou trabalho), de qualquer país da Europa, independentemente de fazer parte ou não dos 27 países integrantes da União Europeia.
5. ENVIO DOS TRABALHOS - Os trabalhos devem ser enviados para o Museu Nacional da Imprensa, Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206 (Freixo), 4300-316 Porto / Portugal, até dia 30 de Setembro de 2009, acompanhadas pelo CV do autor (participação em exposições, prémios, publicações, etc.) e pela ficha de inscrição.
6.1. A participação neste Concurso implica automaticamente a cedência de direitos à publicação e reprodução dos trabalhos em qualquer suporte (páginas web incluídas), no âmbito da produção e divulgação do mesmo, bem como das posteriores exposições, incluindo a edição de catálogos, postais e outros tipos de difusão.
6.2. A utilização dos trabalhos não premiados fora da exposição, promoção e divulgação (inclui o catálogo e outros suportes) do presente Concurso, fica sujeita ao pagamento de direitos de autor, nos termos em que forem devidos.
7. PRÉMIOS - A definir oportunamente.
8.1. Será constituído um Júri internacional, composto por um número ímpar de membros.
8.2. As decisões do Júri são irrevogáveis, não podendo ficar sujeitas a qualquer tipo de recurso ou reclamação.
9. TRABALHOS PREMIADOS - Os trabalhos premiados ficarão propriedade do Museu Nacional da Imprensa e farão parte de uma exposição itinerante. Os restantes só serão devolvidos depois da exposição (incluindo digressões) aos artistas concorrentes que o solicitarem formalmente no acto da inscrição.
10. TRABALHOS SELECCIONADOS - Todos os concorrentes cujos trabalhos forem seleccionados para a exposição terão direito a um exemplar do catálogo.
11. ENTREGA OFICIAL DOS PRÉMIOS - A entrega dos prémios será feita em cerimónia pública organizada para o efeito, em data e local a definir.

1. ORGANIZATION - This contest under the theme of “Creativity and Innovation“ is organized by the Portuguese Printing Press Museum, entity which organizes the PortoCartoon-World Festival.
2. THEME - The year 2009 was designated by the Council and the European Parliament as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. With one purpose: to provide the opportunity for the enhancement of skills and activities that stimulate the use of creativity and innovation as essential for a sustainable economic and social development. The humour here has an important role. We can go far constructing and deconstructing the creativity and innovation.
3.1. The works measurements should not exceed 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3).
3.2. The works must be originals and any kind of plastic or graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork if they are signed and if they are print number one.
3.3. The works should present on the reverse the following information: name and address of the author, title, theme section and year.
4. PARTICIPANTS - This contest is for European authors (by birth, residence or work), of any European country, being part or not of the 27 countries of the European Union.
5. SENDING THE WORKS - The works should arrive at the Portuguese Printing Press Museum (address: Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206, 4300-316 Porto / Portugal) at the latest on 30th September 2009, together with the author’s CV (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and the application form.
6.1. The participation in this contest means automatically that the author is waving copyrights of his works in any kind of support (including web pages), concerning the production and diffusion of the contest, as well as late exhibitions and catalogue edition and other kind of diffusion material.
6.2. In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except this contest exhibition or its promotion (including the catalogue), copyright payment will be made to the artists whenever it takes place to.
7. AWARDS - To be defined timely.
8.1. The International Jury will have an odd number of judges.
8.2. The Jury decisions will be final with no subjection to any kind of appeal or reclamation.
9. AWARDED WORKS - The awarded works will become property of the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and will make part of itinerant exhibition. The others will be sent to the artists, if formally requested on the application form, after its public exhibition and possible exhibitions in other cities and countries.
10. SELECTED WORKS - All the artists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
11. AWARDS DELIVERY - The prize will be delivered in a public ceremony, in place and date to be announced.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bases 14º Salón Mercosur Internacional Premio Diógenes Taborda 2.009

Bases 14º Salón Mercosur Internacional Premio Diógenes Taborda 2.009
Podrán participar, humoristas, fotógrafos, pintores, ilustradores,de todos los países del mundo Auspicia: Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.
Resolucion Nº1454-29 Mayo-2.009. Registro Nº 3318-DGTALMC-09 JURADO: artistas premiados en los concursos anteriores
Humor Grafico, color/ tinta china: medida única: 0,30 x 0,40 cm. sin marco, sobre cartón /papel/técnica libre
Caricatura: medida única: 0,30 x 0,40 cm. sin marco, sobre tela /cartón /papel/técnica libre
Ilustración: medida única: 0,30 x 0,40 cm. sin marco, sobre tela /cartón /papel/técnica libre
Arte Digital: medida única: 0,30 x 0,40 cm. sin marco, sobre papel/técnica libre
Fotografía: Monocromo o color, sin marco, medida 0,30 x 0,40 / 0,20 x 0,30 cm.
Pintura: medida única: 0,30 x 0,40 cm. sin marco, sobre tela /cartón /papel/técnica libreTEMA: LibrePREMIOS: 1°premio de cada categoría: exposición individual a realizarse en el año 2010 en el Itimuseum / Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda / Museo de Fotografia Fernando Paillet, diplomas de participacion y la edicion de un catalogo o postal. ENTREGA DE OBRAS
Originales: del 1 de Agosto al 28 de Agosto del año 2.009
personalmente o por correo/. También adjuntar un curriculum de artista con su nombre, dirección, teléfono y una breve biografía. Declarar en el sobre del envío sin valor comercial / donación sin cargo a la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens:
Caseros 2739 - CP 1246 - Buenos Aires - Argentina, ENTREGA DE OBRAS
Digitales: del 1 de Agosto al 28 de Agosto del año 2.009 a las siguientes direcciones: / ,
1 - 6 trabajos en un tamaño que no exceda A4, digitalizado a 300 DPI en CMYK y en formato TIF. También adjuntar en el envio un documento de Word con su nombre, dirección, teléfono y una breve biografía. declarar en el Mail sin valor comercial / donación sin cargo a la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens: Caseros 2739 - CP 1246 - Buenos Aires - Argentina
COSTOS: Se cobrara a los artistas participantes para los gastos de organizacion y embalaje / transporte en la devolución de las obras,50 Dólares. Depositar el importe solicitado a nombre de la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens, cuenta corriente Banco Francés Nº 012-009379-9 - Buenos Aires - Argentina.
De no pode enviar el dinero solicitado las obras enviadas serán consideradas donadas sin cargo a la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens, para ser parte del acervo del Itimuseum / Museo Diógenes Taborda / Museo Paillet o para ser regalados a alguna institución de bien público.
La Fundación Volpe Stessens velara por la buena conservación de las obras consignadas pero no serán responsables ante robo, hurto, perdida o rotura de las mismas. Al participar de estos salones se autoriza la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens a reproducir las imágenes de las obras expuestas en libros, revistas, diarios o donde Jorge Volpe crea conveniente, para la mejor difusión y promoción de los premios.
Esperando poder contar con su participación en la divulgación de esta información para la mejor realización del 14° Salón Diógenes Taborda, lo saluda atentamente, Jorge Volpe,
Presidente de la Fundación Cultural
Volpe Stessens.
Nº 0000162 Cuit
Nº 30 70908642 - 8 -
Av. Caseros 2.739 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina
CP 1246 -Buenos Aires - Argentina

Friday, July 17, 2009

3rd International Bursa Cartoon Competition with theme: The End

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality is organizing the 3rd International Bursa Cartoon Competition.
- Cartoons which will be sent to the competiton could be published before, but should not be awarded at another competition.
- The works must be original (photocopy, photography, print out, ... will not be accepted.)
- The cartoons size should be at least A4 and not more than A3.
- Each participant can send up to 5 works for competition.
- Participants must write their names, family names, addresses, mobile and home phone numbers, e-mails, and country on the back of the work.
- Works will not be returned to the owner. All rights of exhibiting, printing and etc belong to BURFAS.
Theme: The End
Deadline: September 28, 2009
BURFAS Yakin Cevre Yolu, Next to Bursa Zoo Park (Bursa Hayvanat Bahcesi), Osmangazi, Bursa, Turkey
Prizes:1st Prize: 5000$2nd Prize: 2500$3rd Prize: 1000$Honorary Mentions: 200$ for 10 people.Certificate of Achievement for finalists.

9th International Mediterranean Cartoon Contest, Alanya 2009 with Free theme

1- The Contest is organized by Alanya Tourism & Promotion Foundation and it is open to the cartoonists worldwide.
2- The works contributed to this contest may have been published before; however, they should not have received any prize in any type of contest.
3- The technique and quantity of works are free. However, all works must be original. Digital prints will be accepted as long as they have been originally signed by the artist. Photocopies will not be accepted.
4- If there is any script involved, it should either be in English or Turkish.
5- The size should not exceed 30 x 40 cm.
6- Participants should write their names, family names, country, address and telephone number(s) in capital letters on the back of their works and they should enclose a short biography either in English or Turkish.
7- The contributions should be received by the following address prior to October 1, 2009:9th INTERNATIONAL MEDITERRANEAN CARTOON CONTESTAlanya Turizm Tanıtma Vakfı,Atatürk Caddesi Şen Apt. No: 51/6,07400 Alanya / Turkey
8- The results of the contest will be announced on October 03, 2009.
9- Works sent to the contest will not be sent back to the participants. All works submitted whether they are given a prize or not can be used or published in cultural activities. On the other hand the copyright in commercial usage is belonged to the artist. All of the participants are considered to have accepted these conditions.
10- Some of the cartoons may be exhibited in Alanya along with the prize-winning works for a week after the ceremony.
11- If the contributions are collected and published in an album by Alanya Tourism and Promotion Foundation, the participants will receive a copy.
12- The prize ceremony will be held in Alanya on October 24, 2009.
JURY: Ercan Akyol (cartoonist), Cihan Demirci (cartoonist), Faik Melih Kaptanoglu (Tourism – Chairman of Alanya Tourism & Promotion Foundation), Mahmut Karatoprak (cartoonist-painterartist), Natasa Kostovska (cartoonist - Macedonia), Kamil Masaracı (cartoonist), Nuvit Ozkan (Tourism), Kamil Deniz Som (Journalist), Ibrahim Tapa (cartoonist).
PRIZE:1st Prize: 2500 USD + Flyticket for one Person round trip + Holidays in Alanya for 2 Person (All Inclusive)2nd Prize: 1500 USD + Flyticket for one Person round trip + Holidays in Alanya for 2 Person (All Inclusive)3rd Prize: 1000 USD + Flyticket for one Person round trip + Holidays in Alanya for 2 Person (All Inclusive).

Monday, July 06, 2009

1st Belo Horizonte International Graphic Humor Hall 2009 - Brazil

The Trash is a universal problem, faced by all sectors of any society. It is basically everything that is discarded from human activities. Lately, the problem of waste is taking absurd dimensions! It invaded the streets, air, water, and believe me, to our virtual world through the spans and viruses that threaten our computers. Sometimes, we even desire to send it all to space! But the worst is that we already sent it! The orbit of the earth is full of rubble, debris from satellites, ships and other lumber from space!Much has been discussed on the best ways to recycle or dispose the waste generated by the style of contemporary life. Any attempt to reduce the amount of waste or changing its composition requires changes in our social behavior. The demographic concentration in cities and large increase in consumption of soft goods generates an enormous amount of waste of all kinds. Both come from homes and public activities such as industrial processes and technology. Litter is the faithful mirror of a society. The more rich has the higher consumption, generating more rubbish. Their disposal and possible reuse is a challenge still to be won.So we call all cartoonists, professionals and amateurs, for a humorous and critical reflection on the theme! It’s time to recycle our ideas. So, let’s work ...Oh, and remember to reuse paper that you used to scratch!Good luck to all
2 - Categories:Cartoon theme: "trash" will be accepted by the organizing committee only cartoons that are related to the topic indicated.
Caricature: Free
a) May compete graphic artists in general, amateur or professional, Brazilian or foreign.
b) Each competitor may submit a total of two (2) unpublished works by category.
c) The candidate to enroll in this competition, is aware that is solely responsible for the accuracy of data and authorship of the work presented, responding civil and criminal in case is established, during or after the competition, the falsehood of data or works authorship submitted.
d) Are excluded from participation in this campaign people directly connected to the event process.
a) In this category will compete only students enrolled in basic education schools located in the state of Minas Gerais.
b) Each competitor may submit a maximum of two (2) works only for the Cartoon Topic Category: Trash.
c) The candidate to enroll in this category, should complete fill the registration form with his and school details.
d) The awards for this category are:1st thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 computer to the winner student and 01computer to the school that he/she studies.2nd thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 camera for the winner student.3rd thematic Cartoon (trash): 01 Mp3 for the winner student.
* All students who will be placed between the first 10, will win a special kit with books, designs materials, and other gifts.e) Are excluded from participation in this campaign people directly connected to the event process.
a) Forms for registration will be available on the site
b) The registration can be done via the event website or via mail.c) It will not be accepted more than one (1) registration form per participant.d) Approval of entries will be disseminated through e-mail confirmation.
e) The registration will require acceptance of this Regulation in all its terms and in compliance with the final result of the competition and the allocation and use of drawings.
a) The works must be sent in format A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal or vertical, in JPEG with resolution of 300 DPIs.
b) The cartoonists who are involved with 2 (two) works must send them attached to a single time in each of the categories.
c) The organization is not responsible for any entry not received due technical components, congestion, failures of communication lines and any other factor preventing the success of transmission via the event website.
a) The works must be submitted in A3 format (29.7 cm x 42.0 cm), horizontal or vertical.
b) The work should be sent together with the completed registration form and delivered via mail at:1° BH HUMORAv. Álvares Cabral, 400 - CentroBelo Horizonte - MG - BrasilCEP: 31.170-000
c) The work should be sent, without any frame in appropriate packaging. The organization of the event is not responsible for damage caused in the transmission of works.
d) The organization is not responsible for entries not received due to lost of correspondence, Postal misscarriage, and any other factor preventing the success of sending via mail.
a) All the works listed and sent for selection will belong to the organizing committee of the BH Humor, which put on a nonexclusive and exclusive, the property for use as all or part of their interest, which would not, in any case, compensation of any kind to authors.
b) After selection, the selected works will be exhibited in the House Casa do Baile and published in site and may have, still, together with other works, other destinations.
c) It will not be responsibility of the organizing committee the damage caused by third parties, at the exposure to the public or damage caused by the handling of the work during the event.
6 – TIME
a) The works will be received until 01 September 2009.
b) The trial of the work occurs between days 02 and 05 September 2009.
c) Exposure happens between days 10 September to 18 October 2009.
a) For selection and work awards it will be followed the criteria of creativity, originality and relevance to the theme, the judging committee’s responsible for evaluating, whose decisions must be accepted by the participants, without any possibility of dispute.
b) The judging committee will select from the works received 00 (one hundred) works for exhibition that will take place in the Casa do Baile, Pampulha.
c) From the 100 (one hundred) works selected six (6) will be awarded, 3 (three) of each category, whose decisions would not be appealed.
d) Any omission of this Regulation shall be in due course resolved by the trial, through the organization of the referendum BH humor.
a) To the selected works awards will be granted:
1st Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 10,000.00
2nd Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 3.000,00
3rd Place Cartoon ................................ R$ 1000.00
1st Place Caricature................................ R$ 10,000.00
2nd Place Caricature ................................ R$ 3.000,00
3rd Place Caricature................................ R$ 1000.00
b) The disclosure of the winners will be held on 10/09/09 with the opening of the exhibition.Winners will be informed by telegram and / or phone / e-mail their prize.
c) The award will be delivered until 60 days after its result‘s disclosure.d) On the values of the prizes, all taxes will force until the date of payment.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The 21st Rotary Cartoon Awards 2009 - Australia

The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City invites you to enter . . .
The 21st Rotary Cartoon Awards
The competition is designed to recognise the best of Australian and International cartoons with prizes totalling over $10,000. The Rotary Cartoon Awards are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City to raise funds for various Rotary charities and to promote cartooning through the Bunker Cartoon Gallery. All entries will be donated to the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City for exhibitions at the Bunker Cartoon Gallery and other galleries in Australia. They will become part of the Coffs Cartoon Collection. The cartoons may be exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue or similar, onto post cards and copied, at the Rotary Club’s discretion, any time in the future, for sale through the Bunker Cartoon Gallery. The First and Merit winners in all categories also receive a medallion.
Open ONLY to Australian citizens or residents of Australia over 18 years of age (The closing date for these entries is 1 August 2009.)The categories are:Best Cartoon with a Political Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250Best Cartoon Open Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250Best Cartoon Sports Theme 1st: $750 Merit: $250Best Cartoon: Fires, Flood and Drought 1st: $750 Merit: $250Best Comic Strip 1st: $750 Merit: $250Best Caricature of a well known person 1st: $750 Merit: $250
Open to cartoonists worldwide, over 18 years of age. Closing date for entries, 1 August 2009.The category is:Special 2009
1st: $750 Merit: $250.
One cartoon will be selected from all categories (National and International sections). This prize which includes the category prize will be $3000 and a special Winner’s Plaque.The Award Presentation will be held on Saturday 5th September 2009 at The Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour. The Rotary Cartoon Awards 2009 are conducted in association with the Australia Cartoonists' Association and the Federation of Cartoonists Organisations.
CLOSING DATE: 1 August 2009.
Send entries to: The Secretary, Rotary Cartoon Awards Bunker Cartoon Gallery PO Box 2474 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 AustraliaInternational Section
1. The Rotary Cartoon Awards are open to anyone over the age of 18.
2. No captions are permitted in this section.
3. Identification of the subject must appear on reverse of the work, written in pencil, in the top left hand corner.
4. All cartoons submitted must be clearly labelled with the artist’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address written on the reverse of the work, in pencil, beneath the subject’s name, in the top left hand corner. This makes for easy identification of subject and artist and does not mar the work for exhibition.3. There are no restrictions on the number of entries submitted and entries may have been published or be unpublished.
5. Cartoons must be originals and may be either colour or black and white. Suggested size of cartoon entries is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) but oversized entries will be accepted.
6. Please do not frame entries.
7. Entry to the awards will be taken as an agreement to accept the rules and entry conditions.
8. The cartoons may be exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue or similar, onto post cards and copied, at the Rotary Club’s discretion, any time in the future, for sale through the Bunker Cartoon Gallery.
9. The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City will appoint judges for the competition.
Judges will not be eligible to enter the competition. Judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.10. Winners of the 2009 competition will be announced on 5th September 2009.
The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City will notify all winners.
The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City
Both International Section & National Section Rules & Entry-Forms at the website.

Friday, July 03, 2009

The 9th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial / 2009

The 9th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial organizing committee invites cartoonists from all over the world to participate in this contest.
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists.
2) The contest will be in four categories:
A) Cartoon (Two Sections)
Theme: 1. Fear
2. Free.
B) Comic strip, theme: Free.
C) Caricature, theme: Political portraits and Free.
Grand Prize: 8000 $, Trophy and Honorable Mention (The main cartoon theme).
First Prize: 2000 $, Trophy and Honorable Mention.
Second Prize: 1500 $, Trophy and Honorable Mention.
Third Prize: 1000 $, Trophy and Honorable Mention.
The first to Third Prize will be awarded separately for each section of the contest.
The jury panel of the 9th Tehran Cartoon Biennial will also award 10 selected artists with Honorable Mentions.
Special Prizes will be offered by various Sponsors, Establishments, Associations, Newspapers and Agencies.
4) A maximum of 3 works in each section can be submitted by the participating cartoonists.
5) The dimensions of works should not exceed the minimum 20x30 cm and maximum 30x40 cm.
6) Comic strip must be presented in one page and without any words.
7) Only original artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame, accompanied by the entry form and author’s short biography and photo.
8) Quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be accepted as originals as long as they are hand signed by the author, accompanied by the digital file of the artwork in Tiff format with 300 Dpi resolution on a CD. No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.
9) Name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail of the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon.
10) The choice of technique is free, color or B&W and etc.
11) The deadline: 22 October 2009 (depending on the posting date).
12) The participating cartoons will not be returned.
13) All cartoonists whom their cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
14) The organizers will do their best to protect all submitted cartoons from any probable damage, but takes no responsibility of the damages caused by post or bad transport.
15) The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them in any from.
16) All participants are considered to accept all the conditions.
17) All works must be sending to the following address:
Iranian house of Cartoon, No.44, Golnabi (Ketabi) St., Shariati Ave, Tehran, I.R. Iran
18) For further information, visit our website or e-mail us:
Tel: (+98 21) 22868600 - 22846928
Fax: (+98 21) 22867080