Don Quichotte is a e-humour magazine quartered in Stuttgart.
On the 6th year of the International Cartoon Contest, the chosen theme is '50 Years Together'.
Through Don Quichotte, Turkish caricature comes in contact with that of the world;
international contests and exhibitions on the world agenda are presented with Don Quichotte's polyglot humour.
Our aim in the above contest is to express in lines the nostalgic trip started in Sirkeci train station 50 years previously,
and the reasons and the consequent problems of that migration.
Among the 7 million and plus immigrants living in Germany right now,
Turkish origins constitute half of the total population.
It is still debated whether Germany is a country of immigrants.
We believe that every participant caricaturist will have an efficient answer with some sort of solution.
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet.
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way.
With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 200 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format.
They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly
the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The sent in caricatures are issued first on the web pages of the "Don Quichotte" under
the column "Today". Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition.
Thus in the past the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided.
5) The closing date of the competition is 15 September 2011.
6) The jury, from the artist living in Germany, writer, politician, journalist (immigrant like also Germans)
exists, evaluates the works between 20. and 25. September.
Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 30 September 2011.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in October in Stuttgart
(place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).
- Grand Prize :1.000 Euro
- 2 Honour Prize (Don Quichotte Sculptur)
- Mentions
- DQ Cartoon Committee
Stuttgart merkezli yayin yapan e-mizah dergisi "Don Quichotte",
bu yil altincisini duzenledigi uluslararasi karikatur yarismasinin konusunu "Birlikte 50 Yil" olarak belirledi.
Don Quichotte dergisi, uluslararasi alanda Turk karikaturunu dunya karikaturu ile bulusturan,
dunya gundemindeki konulari uluslararasi duzeyde yarisma ve sergilere donusturen
cok dilli bir entegrasyon mizah dergisidir.
Yarismamizin amacini "Sirkeci'den trenle baslayan gurbet yolculugunun ellinci yilinda gocun nedenlerini,
gocmenlerin sorunlarini irdelemek ve cizgiyle yansitmak" olarak aciklayabiliriz.
Halen Almanya'da yasayan 7 milyonu askin yabanci gocmenin yarisini Turk vatandaslari olusturmakta.
Buna karsin Almanya'nin hala bir goc ulkesi olup olmadigi tartisiliyor.
Umuyoruz ki; yarismamiza katilan her bir karikatur bu tartismaya en etkili yaniti ve cozumu verecektir.
1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden
mail adresine karikatur gonderilerek katilabilinir.
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve
yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 200 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir.
(Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir.)
4) Gelen karikaturler oncelikle ( http://www.facebook.com/l/SAQArw0SyAQBneiFWSVm2I5evbfogGskMlmHv04rJbc-ukQ/www.donquichotte.org) internet sitesinin "Bugun" bolumunde sergilenecektir.
Boylelikle kopya karikaturlerin veya sartnameye uymayan karikaturlerin elenerek,
son zamanlarda oldukca sIk yasanan odul krizlerinin onlenebilecegini dusunuyoruz.
5) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 15 Eylul 2011'dir.
6) Almanya'da yasayan gocmen kokenli sanatci, yazar,
gazeteci ve politikacilardan olusan secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri 20-25 Eylul arasi degerlendirecek,
sonuclar ise 30 Eylul tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
7) Odul toreni ve sergi, Ekim ayinda Stuttgart kentinde gerceklesecektir.
(Kesin tarih ve sergi salonunun yeri daha sonra aciklanacak.)
- Buyuk Odul: 1.000 Euro
- 2 Adet Basari Odulu (Don Kisot Heykelcigi)
- Mansiyonlar
- DQ Karikatur Komisyonu
On the 6th year of the International Cartoon Contest, the chosen theme is '50 Years Together'.
Through Don Quichotte, Turkish caricature comes in contact with that of the world;
international contests and exhibitions on the world agenda are presented with Don Quichotte's polyglot humour.
Our aim in the above contest is to express in lines the nostalgic trip started in Sirkeci train station 50 years previously,
and the reasons and the consequent problems of that migration.
Among the 7 million and plus immigrants living in Germany right now,
Turkish origins constitute half of the total population.
It is still debated whether Germany is a country of immigrants.
We believe that every participant caricaturist will have an efficient answer with some sort of solution.
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet.
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way.
With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 200 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format.
They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly
the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The sent in caricatures are issued first on the web pages of the "Don Quichotte" under
the column "Today". Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition.
Thus in the past the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided.
5) The closing date of the competition is 15 September 2011.
6) The jury, from the artist living in Germany, writer, politician, journalist (immigrant like also Germans)
exists, evaluates the works between 20. and 25. September.
Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 30 September 2011.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in October in Stuttgart
(place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).
- Grand Prize :1.000 Euro
- 2 Honour Prize (Don Quichotte Sculptur)
- Mentions
- DQ Cartoon Committee
Stuttgart merkezli yayin yapan e-mizah dergisi "Don Quichotte",
bu yil altincisini duzenledigi uluslararasi karikatur yarismasinin konusunu "Birlikte 50 Yil" olarak belirledi.
Don Quichotte dergisi, uluslararasi alanda Turk karikaturunu dunya karikaturu ile bulusturan,
dunya gundemindeki konulari uluslararasi duzeyde yarisma ve sergilere donusturen
cok dilli bir entegrasyon mizah dergisidir.
Yarismamizin amacini "Sirkeci'den trenle baslayan gurbet yolculugunun ellinci yilinda gocun nedenlerini,
gocmenlerin sorunlarini irdelemek ve cizgiyle yansitmak" olarak aciklayabiliriz.
Halen Almanya'da yasayan 7 milyonu askin yabanci gocmenin yarisini Turk vatandaslari olusturmakta.
Buna karsin Almanya'nin hala bir goc ulkesi olup olmadigi tartisiliyor.
Umuyoruz ki; yarismamiza katilan her bir karikatur bu tartismaya en etkili yaniti ve cozumu verecektir.
1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden
mail adresine karikatur gonderilerek katilabilinir.
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve
yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 200 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir.
(Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir.)
4) Gelen karikaturler oncelikle ( http://www.facebook.com/l/SAQArw0SyAQBneiFWSVm2I5evbfogGskMlmHv04rJbc-ukQ/www.donquichotte.org) internet sitesinin "Bugun" bolumunde sergilenecektir.
Boylelikle kopya karikaturlerin veya sartnameye uymayan karikaturlerin elenerek,
son zamanlarda oldukca sIk yasanan odul krizlerinin onlenebilecegini dusunuyoruz.
5) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 15 Eylul 2011'dir.
6) Almanya'da yasayan gocmen kokenli sanatci, yazar,
gazeteci ve politikacilardan olusan secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri 20-25 Eylul arasi degerlendirecek,
sonuclar ise 30 Eylul tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
7) Odul toreni ve sergi, Ekim ayinda Stuttgart kentinde gerceklesecektir.
(Kesin tarih ve sergi salonunun yeri daha sonra aciklanacak.)
- Buyuk Odul: 1.000 Euro
- 2 Adet Basari Odulu (Don Kisot Heykelcigi)
- Mansiyonlar
- DQ Karikatur Komisyonu