International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival ‘PHILOSOPHY’
7 November-30 November 2012, Eskisehir, Turkey
Dear cartoonist friend,
Cartoonists all around the world participated to the international cartoon festivals which were organized by Active philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Assosiation in Istanbul in the recent years. The first festival’s subject we arranged was mixed(1997); the second festival’s subject was “East and West”(2000); the third festival’s subject was“Water and Life”(2003), the fourth festival’s subject was “Global Warming”(2005), the fifth festival’s subject was “Intercultural Tolerance”(2007), the sixth festival’s subject was “Energy” (2009) – in total 30 countries, 431 cartoonists, 1209 cartoons-. This year, the festival will be held in Eskisehir which is the cultural capital of Turkey. The festival is called 7th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival and will be organized by Active philosophy- Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Assosiation as usual. Anadolu University which is a world wide known university, Anadolu University Center of Investigation and Application of Cartoon Art and Museum of Cartoon Art will incorporate and participate in the festival.
The subject of the 7thInternational Cartoon Festival which will be held in Eskisehir this year is‘philosophy’.
Philosophy comes from Philosophia meaning ‘the love of wisdom’. It contains theory and practice together regarding the definition of wisdom although it is underestimated to a speculative brain gymnastics in which some mental ropes are tied and untied today.
Because wisdom is the experiences that leads individuals and communities to virtue and kindness in the light of true knowledge. With this aspect, philosophy emphasizes the togetherness of thought, feeling and action as an art of living despite being thought otherwise. The individual who studies philosophy or who is a philosopher applies what is learned, doesn’t ignore the problems related to nature or mankind and chooses to be the part of the solution not the problem by knowing one’s self and nature while learning throughout whole life.
Regarding this definition, philosophy means working because of love without losing humanist values or sensitiveness, doesn’t mean watching below from ivory towers.
Our association taking these values which have been emphasized by the tradition of ‘Philosophy Schools in the classical manner’ throughout ages as a model, applies the real definition of philosophy into the life by doing many activities in different areas with the professional volunteer consciousness and calling this ‘ACTIVE PHILOSOPHY’.Because of this, this year’s subject was chosen as ‘PHILOSOPHY’ after the sixth year of the festival. Moreover, 20 November 2012 will be celebrated as World Philosophy Day. In these celebrations, there will be exhibitions with the subject ‘philosophy’.
We, Active philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association, expect different comments on the subject ‘Philosophy’from all cartoonists.
The cartoons to be exhibited during the festival in Eskisehir will also be exhibited in other branches of our association which are in other cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Eskisehir, Adana, Antalya, Van, Bursa, Izmit, Mersin, Manisa, Aydın and associations in abroad which collabarates with Active philosophy, Yeni Yuksektepe; for people who are interested in art. Anadolu University and Museum of Cartoon Art will exhibit these cartoons in other international museums of cartoon which they cooperate with.
We would like to invite you to the 7thInternational Cartoon Festival which will be held on 7 November-30 November 2012 with your talented cartoons.
1) EXHIBITIONS : Exhibitions of the cartoons under the theme of “Philosophy” will take place during 7 November-30 November 2012. More than 200 well-known cartoonists are expected to participate to the exhibition as before.
2) PANEL: An opportunity is created for inter-disciplinary works by performing a symposium under the theme of “Philosophy” with participation of guests on arts, science, philosophy.
3) CONCERT: A concert of AFMA music group will be held.
4) DANCE SHOW: A modern dance show related with Plato’s Cave Myth will be performed.
7 November 2012 Wednesday
17:30 Opening of the exhibition, Museum of Cartoon Art
19:00 AFMA Concert, Anadolu University Social Sciences Institute
19:30 Modern Dance Show, Anadolu University Social Sciences Institute
19:45 Panel, Anadolu University Social Sciences Institute, red hall
1) The theme of the exhibition is “Philosophy”. Cartoons not related with the main theme and the sub- themes, may not take part in the festival and the exhibition. The final decision is to be given by the Organizational Committee, and this committee works with cartoonist Tan Oral’s chairmanship.
1) Technique: Free. Black/white or colour.
2) Dimension: A4 or A3. No passé partout, no frame.
Sending Way (Possible in 3 ways):
1) By E-mail: Cartoons should have 300 dpi resolution and JPEG formatted. (Max. 2 MB)
Work should be named. Example: nameandsurnameofartist_nameofcountry.jpeg Please
2) By post: If this way is preferred, cartoons shouldn’t have passé partout and frame. Please
send them with filled participation form to the below address.
Aktiffelsefe-Yeni Yuksektepe Kultur Dernegi,
Isiklar Mah. Gultugrul Sok. No:6 26120 Eskisehir-TURKEY
3) By website: Cartoons should have 300 dpi resolution and JPEG formatted. (Max. 2 MB)
Work should be named. Example: nameandsurnameofartist_nameofcountry.jpeg
4) No limitation for the number of works to be sent for the exhibition.
Sending Back the cartoons:
1) All cartoons will be kept in the cartoon archives of Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association
and archives of Anadolu University Museum of Investigation of Cartoon Art and will not be sent back, unless there is a special request from the artist to send his/her work back.
Usage Rights of the cartoons:
All the usage rights of the cartoons belong to Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association without any commercial purposes and Anadolu University which supports the 7thInternational Festival. The originals may be printed or exhibited in Turkey or abroad; used for the books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, VCD’s and DVD’s to be printed by Yeni Yuksektepe and its corporative associations in Turkey or abroad; sent to another association in Turkey or abroad for the purpose of exhibiting or printing without commercial purpose by Yeni Yuksektepe. Anadolu University can use the works in classes or class books or TRT School broadcasting channel with educational purposes. Even if the cartoonist sends the originals or the copies to Yeni Yuksektepe, the cartoonist will be the owner of the publication and financial rights. Cartoons that were exhibited in the festival will be covered under a booklet. A copy of the booklet will be uploaded on the Internet web site http://cartoonistfest.org free for download. News covering the festival will also be available on the same web site. The originals may be used in the news coverage about the Festival in the Print and TV Media.
The deadline for the cartoons to arrive to the Festival Organizational Committee is1st October 2012.
Please send a reply e-mail to notice that you have received this e-mail.
What is Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association?
Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association is a non-profit, non-governmental, philosophical-cultural organisation which does not have a religious or political identity.
Yeni Yuksektepe organises helpful activities for public interest and community awareness; aims to improve the world of culture with cultural activities; helps people in need in emergency situations by the GEA search and rescue team; protects nature through ecological activities. All activities organised by Yeni Yuksektepe are based on universal principles:
· To unite human beings regardless of their creeds, races, and social status around an ideal of love, respect, tolerance and universal fraternity.
· To awaken a global vision in men and women through the comparative study of sciences, religions, arts and philosophies.
· To enable men and women to live as a part of nature and to express their true personalities, by developing the capacities of each individual.
We would be pleased to stay in contact with you and thank you very much for your attention.
Best Regards,
Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association
Eskisehir Branch
Public Relations Department
For your questions you can send an e-mail.
Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association Eskisehir Branch
Isiklar Mah. Gultugrul Sok. No:6 26120 Eskisehir-TURKEY
Tel: +90 222 220 51 66
I accept all terms and conditions of the festival which is organized by Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association.