Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
XV Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Cuba 2007
Con el lema: "Los Humoristas gráficos por un mundo de paz", La Unión de Periodistas de Cuba, el Círculo de Humoristas e Historietistas de la UPEC y el Museo del Humor de San Antonio de los Baños, convocan a la XV Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico Cuba 2007, que se celebrará del 25 al 29 de marzo con el auspicio de la Dirección de Cultura de La Habana, y la Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas (FELAP).
El encuentro, está abierto a todos los profesionales del humor gráfico en el mundo, se puede concursar en las siguientes categorías: Humor general, Sátira política, Historieta humorística, Caricatura personal y Fotografía Humorística.
Se incluyen obras impresas procesadas digitalmente en cualquier categoría de las anteriormente expresadas.Se podrán enviar hasta 3 obras por cada categoríaLas obras en originales serán realizadas en cualquier técnica con un formato de 40 x 50 cm. como máximo.
Debe precisarse en cada obra los siguientes datos del autor, Nombre y Apellidos (Además nombre artístico), País, Categoría en que concursa, Dirección particular y Correo electrónico.
Las obras, convenientemente embaladas antes del 31 de enero de 2007
a:Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC)
XV Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico
Calle 23 no. 452,
Cuba. CP 10400
Teléfonos: 832 3722
Fax: (537) 33 3079
Email: cip301@ cip. enet. cu
The 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival
The 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held between April 20th and 23rd, 2007 during 23rd April Children’s Day activities, which will be celebrated for the 77th time in our country.The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children; whom are going to be the future adults, like cartooning to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour and to enrich their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2007. Cartoons should be sent to the following address:ULUSLARARASI 7-77 KARIKATUR YARISMASI PK:364/06443 YENISEHIR/ANKARA/ TURKEYThe sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.The results of the competition will be announced on April 15th, 2007 in press and on the web.The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara between April 20th and 23rd, 2007 to be a guest for the activities to be held during the 13th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Starting with 2003, The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST has a new dimension – a world wide, permanent one. Any inhabitant of the planet – which has access to the Internet, of course – can see the Exhibitions (sitting comfortably at home, in his armchair), and also the prizes and the selected drawings. Those exhibitions are open non-stop, 7 days a week, from 0 until 24! And there is no entrance fee!
You can view and review at any time your cartoons witch are displayed here, or you can invite your friends to see your works. You can save the works you like, e - mail them to whoever you wish or send them as e-cards.
For all of this, it’s enough to follow the links:
HumoDAEVA 2005: http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html .
In 2007, as soon as the works arrive at us, we will select, scan and display them in the virtual gallery of HumoDÆVA 2007 ( http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html ). So, you can visit us from time to time, to see if your drawings arrived, how many of them were selected for the contest, and to see if you are one of the winners!
In addition, near every drawing you will find a voting system witch you can use to give marks to the works. Your vote will help us to choose five web - winners, witch will receive prizes from the organizers!
The catalogue for the previous edition, together with the personal album, in full-color, of the GRAND PRIZE Winner of the 5th edition, Ali Miraee, are in printing now and will be sent to all the participants starting the second part of November, 2006.
CRISAN Publishing House and The ACCES Association – as the organizers – and the founders are very glad to invite you to participate in
1. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME, under the categories:
A. CARTOON: drawings without any relation to a specific fact;
B. CARICATURE: portrait with anatomic and psychological distortion of well known personalities;
C. STRIP: drawings in sequential panels;
D. HUMOROUS PHOTOS (PICS): good-humored photos with universal theme
2. The 6th HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The Participation on the International Contest is free of charge.
3. You can submit an unlimited number of entries; the maximum format is A3 (30 x 42 cm). Drawings should not be framed in any way and sent packed flat without rolling or folding.
4. Works must be originals (photocopies are not accepted!), using any technique, black and white or in colors, without words. If the works are made with the computer – PC GRAPHICS – you can send them by internet, at the address: HumoDAEVA@yahoo. com, or on a CD or DVD. In this case, the works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format – high quality – with the maximum limit of 5 MB.
Works should be accompanied by the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
5. Each drawing realized in the classical mode, should bear on the backside the registration form. Only submissions arriving with a filled-in registration form (in block capital letters and glued on the back side of each work) will be accepted! For the drawings realized on the PC, the registration form should be completed and sent from our website.
6. Artists should cover the transport costs of works franco Deva. Works should be adequately packed to avoid damage. No liability at all for transport damages and/or loss for submissions it’s assumed by the organizer.
7. The Deadline for sending works (postal stamp) is 1 March 2007 at the address:
(Horia CRISAN & Liviu STANILA)
OP 1, C.P. 174, 330.190 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA
8. The decisions of the Jury are final. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
The GRAND PRIZE _______ 1200 Euro (A full color Personal Album and a Special Honor Diploma)
The SECOND PRIZE ___________ 500 Euro and Special Honor Diploma
The THIRD PRIZE ____________ _ 300 Euro and Special Honor Diploma
10 “Prizes of Excellence” _______ Special Honor Diploma
5 “Prizes of the web-visitors” ___ Special Honor Diploma
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
9. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDÆVA web site: http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html . The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges.
In the same time, all the arrived and accepted works will be scanned and exposed on the mentioned website – there will be a poll and the first 5 placed will be also awarded.
10. All selected cartoonists will get, free of charge, a full-color Catalogue – Calendar of the 2007 HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST.
11. The works will be returned, on demand and on the artist’s expense. The awarded drawings will not be returned, they will become property of the organizers. If no request of returning the drawings is made until 31.08.2007, the drawings will remain in the property of the organizers who retain the right to use all the drawings received (to make exhibitions in Romania or abroad, to publish them in newspapers, magazines, books, posters, postal cards, internet, multimedia products and in any other form, without any compensation or fee to the author).
12. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on the site www.BestHUMOR. info from where those can be sold, case in which the artist will receive 50 % from the selling fee.
13. For further information: phone 0040 - 722 - 281314, e-mail: HumoDAEVA@yahoo. com .
14. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
You can view and review at any time your cartoons witch are displayed here, or you can invite your friends to see your works. You can save the works you like, e - mail them to whoever you wish or send them as e-cards.
For all of this, it’s enough to follow the links:
HumoDAEVA 2005: http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html .
In 2007, as soon as the works arrive at us, we will select, scan and display them in the virtual gallery of HumoDÆVA 2007 ( http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html ). So, you can visit us from time to time, to see if your drawings arrived, how many of them were selected for the contest, and to see if you are one of the winners!
In addition, near every drawing you will find a voting system witch you can use to give marks to the works. Your vote will help us to choose five web - winners, witch will receive prizes from the organizers!
The catalogue for the previous edition, together with the personal album, in full-color, of the GRAND PRIZE Winner of the 5th edition, Ali Miraee, are in printing now and will be sent to all the participants starting the second part of November, 2006.
CRISAN Publishing House and The ACCES Association – as the organizers – and the founders are very glad to invite you to participate in
1. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME, under the categories:
A. CARTOON: drawings without any relation to a specific fact;
B. CARICATURE: portrait with anatomic and psychological distortion of well known personalities;
C. STRIP: drawings in sequential panels;
D. HUMOROUS PHOTOS (PICS): good-humored photos with universal theme
2. The 6th HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The Participation on the International Contest is free of charge.
3. You can submit an unlimited number of entries; the maximum format is A3 (30 x 42 cm). Drawings should not be framed in any way and sent packed flat without rolling or folding.
4. Works must be originals (photocopies are not accepted!), using any technique, black and white or in colors, without words. If the works are made with the computer – PC GRAPHICS – you can send them by internet, at the address: HumoDAEVA@yahoo. com, or on a CD or DVD. In this case, the works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format – high quality – with the maximum limit of 5 MB.
Works should be accompanied by the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
5. Each drawing realized in the classical mode, should bear on the backside the registration form. Only submissions arriving with a filled-in registration form (in block capital letters and glued on the back side of each work) will be accepted! For the drawings realized on the PC, the registration form should be completed and sent from our website.
6. Artists should cover the transport costs of works franco Deva. Works should be adequately packed to avoid damage. No liability at all for transport damages and/or loss for submissions it’s assumed by the organizer.
7. The Deadline for sending works (postal stamp) is 1 March 2007 at the address:
(Horia CRISAN & Liviu STANILA)
OP 1, C.P. 174, 330.190 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA
8. The decisions of the Jury are final. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
The GRAND PRIZE _______ 1200 Euro (A full color Personal Album and a Special Honor Diploma)
The SECOND PRIZE ___________ 500 Euro and Special Honor Diploma
The THIRD PRIZE ____________ _ 300 Euro and Special Honor Diploma
10 “Prizes of Excellence” _______ Special Honor Diploma
5 “Prizes of the web-visitors” ___ Special Honor Diploma
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
9. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDÆVA web site: http://www.besthumo humodaeva. html . The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges.
In the same time, all the arrived and accepted works will be scanned and exposed on the mentioned website – there will be a poll and the first 5 placed will be also awarded.
10. All selected cartoonists will get, free of charge, a full-color Catalogue – Calendar of the 2007 HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST.
11. The works will be returned, on demand and on the artist’s expense. The awarded drawings will not be returned, they will become property of the organizers. If no request of returning the drawings is made until 31.08.2007, the drawings will remain in the property of the organizers who retain the right to use all the drawings received (to make exhibitions in Romania or abroad, to publish them in newspapers, magazines, books, posters, postal cards, internet, multimedia products and in any other form, without any compensation or fee to the author).
12. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on the site www.BestHUMOR. info from where those can be sold, case in which the artist will receive 50 % from the selling fee.
13. For further information: phone 0040 - 722 - 281314, e-mail: HumoDAEVA@yahoo. com .
14. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
2nd International DON QUICHOTTE Cartoon Contest
Into Turkish and into appearing German caricature magazine -Don Quichotte- specified the topic to second competition in this year as -immigration-. -Don Quichotte- is a bi-lingual culture magazine, to make possible a whose goal a direct connection of the Turkish caricature with the world caricature and to point the topics out of the world from different point of view as well as to bundle these works in an exhibition to a forming of an opinion. These topic tables` definitions are in the 50. Anniversary of German -immigration-, both in the society, and in the intercultural exchange, once more the centre. The goals of this competition are to be pointed out above all the reasons of immigration and the analysis of the problems of the immigrants.
The basis of this topic table`s definition lies in two questions hidden:
1) Why do humans decide to leave and live in another country live its country?
2) Why do the country of the immigration accept these humans not as like their own citizens? The problems of the illegal immigration employ us in the whole world each day ever more. Humans, who are transporters illegally from a country to another, the either at hunger and suffering or as we in the last months frequently experienced, drown on grausemer way in the sea. The powerlessness of the states before this problem and the inability to find a durable solution increase this kind of tragedies each year. -Don Quichotte- hopes by the diversion of the attention by designs, its contribution for the identification of a durable solution, carries out to be able.
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet.
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in JPEG format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The sent in caricatures are issued first on the web pages of the -Don Quichotte- under the column (today/Bugun). Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition. Thus in the past the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided.
5) The closing date of the competition is 28 February 2007.
6)The jury, from the artist living in Germany , writer, politician, journalist (immigrant like also Germans) exists, evaluates the works between 10. and 15. March. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 31 March 2007.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in April in Esslingen (place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).
PRIZES: - First Prize: 1,000, 00 Euro- Second Prize: 750,00 Euro- Third Prize: 500,00 Euro- Special Prizes (given change from the Institutional and federations Active in Germany in this area)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Concurso de BD de LUZERN
Tema: "Futuro"
Tema: "Futuro"
Data Limite 15 de Janeiro de 2007
Formato: A4 ou A3
Número de páginas: máximo 4
Categorias:I. superior a 18 anos
II. Entre 13 e 17 anosI
II. Até aos 12 anosPrémios monetários.
Mais informações: Fumetto competition
Postfach 51636000
Luzern 5
Monday, December 04, 2006
We are inviting you to participate in The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition, it is the matter attach in The Olympic games 2008, Beijing. And it is the first time that digital work and paperback have equality in official cartoon competition.Thank you very much in advance for your attention and contributions.Committee of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition
The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon CompetitionOrganizer: China Animation Association Beijing Red-Green-Blue Cinema & TV Advertisement CenterJury Organizer: China Art Association Cartoon committeeThe Competition open to any professional and afterhours cartoonists and humor writers all over the world.The tenet of Competition is: Healthy, facetious, Harmonious and Enterprising. All discrimination against religion or race will not be acceptted, also all relate to obscenity or violence will be rejectted.categories: A) All about Olympic, including Olympic Games and all relate to sports stuff; B) My Choice(Free Theme), all about Humor...;C) Humor essay and joke.Date: Deadline: Jan.1, 2008.Jury meeting: Mar.1-10, 2008.Award ceremony: will be helden on The Great Wall before The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.Exhibition: will be helden in Yufa New Media Cinema & TV Advertisement City attach in The National New Media Base, Daxing, Beijing before The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and itinerant exhibitions around China. Prizes:1)Monthly Prizes: Any author may win prizes repeatedly, and monthly Prizes will not impact the main prizes.RMB 5,000 for 1-3 winners for each category (A and B category), RMB 1,000 for 1-3 winners (C category).The Monthly Prizes will be awarded from Dec, 2006 to Jan, 2008, in number 14 months. 2)Main Prizes:Grand Prize: RMB 250,000 for 1 winner;Gold Prize: RMB 50,000 for 1 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 10,000 for 1 winners for C category.Silver Prize: RMB 30,000 for 2 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 5,000 for 2 winners for C category.Bronze Prize: RMB 10,000 for 3 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 3,000 for 3 winners for C category.100 Special Prizes will be awarded a special Jade medal.Rules:1) No entry fee.2) participator may submit up any quantity works, no limited for entries, whether any category. 3) The entries may be sent by email or by postal mail, For the works is submitted by email or CD, the digital files must be A4(21×29.7cm), 300 dpi, Jpeg or Gif format;For the works on paper, The maximum size of work is A4(29.7×42cm), the quality prints will also be acceptted;For the 3D works, the maximum length of any side is 50cm, the maximum weight is 20kg;No limit about the essay and joke. 4) All entry must be accompanied with the resume of author, also the author's Name, title of the work, address, telephone number, email must be with works together.5) The technique of entry is no limited, any drawing, digital work, prints, photograph and sculpture will be acceptted.6) Entries must not be framed.7) Authors should be responsible for the originality of their works.8) All entries will be not returnned back, will be collected in Yufa New Media Cinema & TV Advertisement City attach in The National New Media Base, Daxing, Beijing.9) The organizer may use all entries for any objective for spreadding the competition without additional commision.10) All selected artists and writers will get an free album.11) The participator accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to abide by the decisions of the jury. 12) The organizer have right to explain all the rules.Address:Email to: manwu1001@126.comPostal mail to:15 Floor-B, Shijijinyuan Hotel Business Building, No.69 Banjing RD,Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. ChinaPost code: 100089Contact:Tel: 0086 10 88454391Fax: 0086 10 88443757Web site: www.manwu1001.comwww.cartooncn.orgEmail: manwu1001@126.comEntry form download:
The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon CompetitionOrganizer: China Animation Association Beijing Red-Green-Blue Cinema & TV Advertisement CenterJury Organizer: China Art Association Cartoon committeeThe Competition open to any professional and afterhours cartoonists and humor writers all over the world.The tenet of Competition is: Healthy, facetious, Harmonious and Enterprising. All discrimination against religion or race will not be acceptted, also all relate to obscenity or violence will be rejectted.categories: A) All about Olympic, including Olympic Games and all relate to sports stuff; B) My Choice(Free Theme), all about Humor...;C) Humor essay and joke.Date: Deadline: Jan.1, 2008.Jury meeting: Mar.1-10, 2008.Award ceremony: will be helden on The Great Wall before The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.Exhibition: will be helden in Yufa New Media Cinema & TV Advertisement City attach in The National New Media Base, Daxing, Beijing before The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and itinerant exhibitions around China. Prizes:1)Monthly Prizes: Any author may win prizes repeatedly, and monthly Prizes will not impact the main prizes.RMB 5,000 for 1-3 winners for each category (A and B category), RMB 1,000 for 1-3 winners (C category).The Monthly Prizes will be awarded from Dec, 2006 to Jan, 2008, in number 14 months. 2)Main Prizes:Grand Prize: RMB 250,000 for 1 winner;Gold Prize: RMB 50,000 for 1 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 10,000 for 1 winners for C category.Silver Prize: RMB 30,000 for 2 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 5,000 for 2 winners for C category.Bronze Prize: RMB 10,000 for 3 winners each category (A and B category), RMB 3,000 for 3 winners for C category.100 Special Prizes will be awarded a special Jade medal.Rules:1) No entry fee.2) participator may submit up any quantity works, no limited for entries, whether any category. 3) The entries may be sent by email or by postal mail, For the works is submitted by email or CD, the digital files must be A4(21×29.7cm), 300 dpi, Jpeg or Gif format;For the works on paper, The maximum size of work is A4(29.7×42cm), the quality prints will also be acceptted;For the 3D works, the maximum length of any side is 50cm, the maximum weight is 20kg;No limit about the essay and joke. 4) All entry must be accompanied with the resume of author, also the author's Name, title of the work, address, telephone number, email must be with works together.5) The technique of entry is no limited, any drawing, digital work, prints, photograph and sculpture will be acceptted.6) Entries must not be framed.7) Authors should be responsible for the originality of their works.8) All entries will be not returnned back, will be collected in Yufa New Media Cinema & TV Advertisement City attach in The National New Media Base, Daxing, Beijing.9) The organizer may use all entries for any objective for spreadding the competition without additional commision.10) All selected artists and writers will get an free album.11) The participator accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to abide by the decisions of the jury. 12) The organizer have right to explain all the rules.Address:Email to: manwu1001@126.comPostal mail to:15 Floor-B, Shijijinyuan Hotel Business Building, No.69 Banjing RD,Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. ChinaPost code: 100089Contact:Tel: 0086 10 88454391Fax: 0086 10 88443757Web site: www.manwu1001.comwww.cartooncn.orgEmail: manwu1001@126.comEntry form download:
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Make humor, not War :FECO, a Federation of Cartoonists Organisations who has members all over the world, is pleased to note the high degree of solidarity in which concerns the defence of freedom of expression by cartoonists. All cartoons we received are showed here. We are not censors and we do not want to do any kind of provocation to anyone. We make humour, not war."Sub comandante"Carlos BRITO"Comandante" Marlene POHLE>>>The Cartoons (249):>>>The Comics (2) :OF COURSE ALLAH & GOD HAS SENSE OF HUMORDiscrimination, or hurting on purpose others feelings, is NOT the same as provocation.A cartoonist may provoke, may ridiculise things, have to point out things, but not inflict deep wounds.Humor should always be the base and a way of communication.To communicate you need to understand each other's language!People in Great Britain seem to have a different sense of humor than people in Japan or Egypt. Cartoonists in Germany draw in a different way than cartoonists in Russia.Phases in life are cheerfully illustrated in the form of pleasant madness and disguised reality by cartoonists.Humor is of all times and all countries (we can never say certain people do not have any sense of humor). But then not everywhere do people laugh equally loud or so often. Sometimes one will appreciate the humor of a certain country more when one gets to know more about the specific cultural traditions of its people.As far as I know there has never been a cartoonist who killed other people with his pen!Freedom and understanding.?Drawing the world together? as FECO wants, hopes. Is that still possible?I am shocked by the reaction and violence in some countries. Based on non-communication and non-understanding (perhaps from both sides) There should not be both sides, just one side!I am pleased with the non-violent reaction of many Islamic leaders.I am pleased with the reaction of many FECO members of which some disagree and some agree about the cartoons made by our Danish colleagues. That?s freedom; to agree or disagree. It should NEVER be a reason to end friendship.We have to communicate, to respect other's opinion, to continue a dialogue, to make cartoons in freedom. NOT to create BLACK-lists with rules and names!If someone feels offended or discriminated against, there is always the possibility to go to the court. (that applies to many countries)Please let?s continue to communicate by making fun, by making jokes about each other without hurting ones feelings on purpose. Of course a cartoonists walks the line, is looking ?how far can I go?, has some form of self-censorship; but that?s freedom too.Be proud to be a cartoonist. However today it seems to be a dangerous professionDo not draw the world apart, but draw the world together!Peter NieuwendijkSecretary General FECOConfused about how to navigate this website? - take a tour of the siteSITE CONTENTSABOUT FECOAll you want to know about FECO - what it is, when it was founded, how to become a member and moreWORLDFECO organisations around the world - contact details of all the general and national officers of the constituent member-country FECO branches.NEWS and REVIEWSAn assortment of news items of interest to FECO cartoonists. Also reports from recent international cartoon exhibiitons together with a limited gallery of photo's from these events. Please send us any reports if you've been to visit an international exhibition or if you have any newsworthy items to publish.ARTISTSViews and interviews of leading cartoonists and humourists.MEMBERS' AREAThese password-protected pages contain up-to-the-minute news of current cartoon competitions around the world and other information exclusively for FECO members. At present, this information is presented in English, French, Spanish and German, although we hope to extend this to other languages in future. In response to its members, FECO has introduced its own rules rating system to rate the rules and regulations many and varied cartoon competitions from around the world, in order to make it easier for cartoonist-members to judge whether it would be interesting to enter any particular competition. If you're a cartoon competition organiser, or you're planning to organise one, then take a look at the criteria we use to assign a points rating to the rules of each competition. Even better, you can also consult the set of model cartoon competition regulations. If you'd like to know how many points your competition has been awarded by FECO or you would like to show previous winning entries of your competition to our cartoonist members on this site, please contact us. Remember that the higher points-rating your competition gets, the more likely it is that you'll receive high-quality entries from our members. However, you'll only be able to see the full competition listings if you're a FECO member. Any information regarding cartoon competitions should be sent to in the members' area is an almanac, showing a table of all the regular international cartoon competitions known to FECO, together with their deadlines. There are links to pages showing previous winning cartoons in these competitions, so you'll be able to see the sort of work which wins international prizes.An additional, new attraction in the members' area is access to back issues of FECO publications online, downloadable as .pdf filesLINKSLinks to the websites of national FECO branches, together with links to other cartoon organisations and to individual cartoonist members' websites.CONTACTContact FECOWEB - who to contact for more information on any of the above.
// posted by humorgrafe @ 6:29 AM 0 comments
Cartoons do not set fire on flags, do not threaten lives, do not kill people. The power of cartoons is that they constitute the culture of our everyday lives. It's time to use this power to bring cultures and civilizations closer.In this respect, the 1st International Cartoon Contest, organized by GREEKARTOON with the support and under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, has as its theme: CARTOON BRIDGING CULTURESThe contest is open to all cartoonists worldwide.Deadline for entries is August 21st 2006.1st Prize : 8.000 euros and Trophy2nd Prize: 3.500 euros and Trophy3rd Prize: 2.000 euros and TrophyMORE>PRESS CONFERENCE FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST BY THE MINISTER OF CULTURE GEORGE VOULGARAKIS AND THE SECRETARY GENERAL CHRISTOS ZAHOPOULOSDuring the PRESS CONFERENCE Mr. Voulgarakis stated that:"On a world scale, this is the first time that such a considerable international committee, consisted of representatives from the biggest three Internet cartoon sites, is cooperating on the occasion of an exhibition.We are convinced that Art and Culture, constitute the counterbalance to any bigotry and intolerance, and the most effective tools, through which bridges of communication and mutual understanding could be constructed, not only between the artists, but in relation to their, incidentally, international public.Cartoon is a political skill and craft, and in this manner, it is a barometer of political life and of democracy itself.The Ministry of Culture is aiming in using the communicational bridge of cartoon in an attempt to tackle with matters of world importance."
// posted by humorgrafe @ 6:28 AM 0 comments
5th Tabriz International cartoon Festival
5th Tabriz International cartoon FestivalCollection of Received Cartoonsl with objective of prevention from social harms and adiction will dispose. This festival, that will dispose by effords and supports of Behzisti organization of east Azarbaijan province, invites all of the artists to take part in this festival and share their atitudes and compete with eachother. we must mention that participate in this festival that has an important Objective is a positive and benevolent act.General Information :- Primary field of festival is Cartoon- Secondary fields are Painting, Photography and Animation- Maximum number of works that can be send is 3- Maximum size of works is A4. Works should be in JPEG format and do not exceed 1 Mb.- Artists must fill up the Participation Form- Artists can send their works by E-Mail- Works will not be sended back- A collection of sended works will be sendto all of the participants- Deadline for entries is 2006/ 7/ 1- Theme: Social harmsPrize:Fist prize: Gold MedalSecond prize: Silver medalthird prize: Bronze medalAnd Honour prize to 10 selected worksE-mail: Rahim@tabrizcartoons.comAddress: 29 Bahman BLV. Tabriz Culture and art center third floorRegulations & Form BrochureWeekly Notes June 15, 2006Total number of countries participated in our contest "Social Harms" reached 30. We still wait to receive your beautiful cartoons. I will tell you about the exhibition and jury members. This week, we will have the third election of Tabriz Cartoon Association in Tabriz and if I am elected and voted as the head of association, I will continue writing Weekly Notes. After 5 years, this is the third election in which 150 members will take part. In previous 2 elections, I have been the head, otherwise I will leave it. I received 3 catalogues from Belgium, Spain, and Poland which I introduced them in my personal website. I also will talk about a Romanian magazine.Irancartoon has held a new cartoon contest, "Occupation" which I advise you to participate. By the way, Masoud Shojai gives stars to cartoon contests and our contest has got 4 stars. Irancartoon magazine is also published! Mana Neyestani, the drawer of the cartoon about Turks and Azeris, is still imprisoned. During last week, new contests announced their regulations.Till next week,Rahim - IRAN
Dear Colleagues and Friends,With this message we would like to bring to your attention the creation of the GREEKARTOON. Most of all we would kindly asking you to note the ongoing “1st International Cartoon Contest” entitled “CARTOON BRIDGING CULTURES” organized by GREEKARTOON under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.More information and details on the contest could be obtained in or www.greekartoon.comPlease, be also advised that GREEKARTOON in order to promote its founding principles and facilitate cartoon production and collaboration considers soon forming an appropriate section in its website. All those interested likewise may inform accordingly GREEKARTOON about exchanging links.Best Regards,GREEKARTOON.
International Cartoon Festival of Iran
International Cartoon Festival-OccupationTheme: OccupationDeadline: September 2,2006The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 99 years of age.Works can be sent by E-mail to: with author’s short biography, Name, Address, Telephone, Email & Photo. Works should be 1000 pixel ,Jpg format and 100 dpi .The catalogue of the festival will be dedicated to those artists whose works showcased in the exhibition.The best works will be submitted at of declaring the results: September 21 – September 28Prizes: First prize:1000 US $Second prize:700 US $Third Prize:500 US $Address of the festival secretariat:2nd fi.No4m Mir – Emad st., Shahid motahhari Av. Tehran. Iran.Tel: (+9821) 88506008 Fax: 88759600Massoud Shojai TabatabaiDirector of Irancartoon web siteManager of The Iranian House of Cartoon
Make humor, not War :FECO, a Federation of Cartoonists Organisations who has members all over the world, is pleased to note the high degree of solidarity in which concerns the defence of freedom of expression by cartoonists. All cartoons we received are showed here. We are not censors and we do not want to do any kind of provocation to anyone. We make humour, not war."Sub comandante"Carlos BRITO"Comandante" Marlene POHLE>>>The Cartoons (249):>>>The Comics (2) :OF COURSE ALLAH & GOD HAS SENSE OF HUMORDiscrimination, or hurting on purpose others feelings, is NOT the same as provocation.A cartoonist may provoke, may ridiculise things, have to point out things, but not inflict deep wounds.Humor should always be the base and a way of communication.To communicate you need to understand each other's language!People in Great Britain seem to have a different sense of humor than people in Japan or Egypt. Cartoonists in Germany draw in a different way than cartoonists in Russia.Phases in life are cheerfully illustrated in the form of pleasant madness and disguised reality by cartoonists.Humor is of all times and all countries (we can never say certain people do not have any sense of humor). But then not everywhere do people laugh equally loud or so often. Sometimes one will appreciate the humor of a certain country more when one gets to know more about the specific cultural traditions of its people.As far as I know there has never been a cartoonist who killed other people with his pen!Freedom and understanding.?Drawing the world together? as FECO wants, hopes. Is that still possible?I am shocked by the reaction and violence in some countries. Based on non-communication and non-understanding (perhaps from both sides) There should not be both sides, just one side!I am pleased with the non-violent reaction of many Islamic leaders.I am pleased with the reaction of many FECO members of which some disagree and some agree about the cartoons made by our Danish colleagues. That?s freedom; to agree or disagree. It should NEVER be a reason to end friendship.We have to communicate, to respect other's opinion, to continue a dialogue, to make cartoons in freedom. NOT to create BLACK-lists with rules and names!If someone feels offended or discriminated against, there is always the possibility to go to the court. (that applies to many countries)Please let?s continue to communicate by making fun, by making jokes about each other without hurting ones feelings on purpose. Of course a cartoonists walks the line, is looking ?how far can I go?, has some form of self-censorship; but that?s freedom too.Be proud to be a cartoonist. However today it seems to be a dangerous professionDo not draw the world apart, but draw the world together!Peter NieuwendijkSecretary General FECOConfused about how to navigate this website? - take a tour of the siteSITE CONTENTSABOUT FECOAll you want to know about FECO - what it is, when it was founded, how to become a member and moreWORLDFECO organisations around the world - contact details of all the general and national officers of the constituent member-country FECO branches.NEWS and REVIEWSAn assortment of news items of interest to FECO cartoonists. Also reports from recent international cartoon exhibiitons together with a limited gallery of photo's from these events. Please send us any reports if you've been to visit an international exhibition or if you have any newsworthy items to publish.ARTISTSViews and interviews of leading cartoonists and humourists.MEMBERS' AREAThese password-protected pages contain up-to-the-minute news of current cartoon competitions around the world and other information exclusively for FECO members. At present, this information is presented in English, French, Spanish and German, although we hope to extend this to other languages in future. In response to its members, FECO has introduced its own rules rating system to rate the rules and regulations many and varied cartoon competitions from around the world, in order to make it easier for cartoonist-members to judge whether it would be interesting to enter any particular competition. If you're a cartoon competition organiser, or you're planning to organise one, then take a look at the criteria we use to assign a points rating to the rules of each competition. Even better, you can also consult the set of model cartoon competition regulations. If you'd like to know how many points your competition has been awarded by FECO or you would like to show previous winning entries of your competition to our cartoonist members on this site, please contact us. Remember that the higher points-rating your competition gets, the more likely it is that you'll receive high-quality entries from our members. However, you'll only be able to see the full competition listings if you're a FECO member. Any information regarding cartoon competitions should be sent to in the members' area is an almanac, showing a table of all the regular international cartoon competitions known to FECO, together with their deadlines. There are links to pages showing previous winning cartoons in these competitions, so you'll be able to see the sort of work which wins international prizes.An additional, new attraction in the members' area is access to back issues of FECO publications online, downloadable as .pdf filesLINKSLinks to the websites of national FECO branches, together with links to other cartoon organisations and to individual cartoonist members' websites.CONTACTContact FECOWEB - who to contact for more information on any of the above.
// posted by humorgrafe @ 6:29 AM 0 comments
Cartoons do not set fire on flags, do not threaten lives, do not kill people. The power of cartoons is that they constitute the culture of our everyday lives. It's time to use this power to bring cultures and civilizations closer.In this respect, the 1st International Cartoon Contest, organized by GREEKARTOON with the support and under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, has as its theme: CARTOON BRIDGING CULTURESThe contest is open to all cartoonists worldwide.Deadline for entries is August 21st 2006.1st Prize : 8.000 euros and Trophy2nd Prize: 3.500 euros and Trophy3rd Prize: 2.000 euros and TrophyMORE>PRESS CONFERENCE FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST BY THE MINISTER OF CULTURE GEORGE VOULGARAKIS AND THE SECRETARY GENERAL CHRISTOS ZAHOPOULOSDuring the PRESS CONFERENCE Mr. Voulgarakis stated that:"On a world scale, this is the first time that such a considerable international committee, consisted of representatives from the biggest three Internet cartoon sites, is cooperating on the occasion of an exhibition.We are convinced that Art and Culture, constitute the counterbalance to any bigotry and intolerance, and the most effective tools, through which bridges of communication and mutual understanding could be constructed, not only between the artists, but in relation to their, incidentally, international public.Cartoon is a political skill and craft, and in this manner, it is a barometer of political life and of democracy itself.The Ministry of Culture is aiming in using the communicational bridge of cartoon in an attempt to tackle with matters of world importance."
// posted by humorgrafe @ 6:28 AM 0 comments
5th Tabriz International cartoon Festival
5th Tabriz International cartoon FestivalCollection of Received Cartoonsl with objective of prevention from social harms and adiction will dispose. This festival, that will dispose by effords and supports of Behzisti organization of east Azarbaijan province, invites all of the artists to take part in this festival and share their atitudes and compete with eachother. we must mention that participate in this festival that has an important Objective is a positive and benevolent act.General Information :- Primary field of festival is Cartoon- Secondary fields are Painting, Photography and Animation- Maximum number of works that can be send is 3- Maximum size of works is A4. Works should be in JPEG format and do not exceed 1 Mb.- Artists must fill up the Participation Form- Artists can send their works by E-Mail- Works will not be sended back- A collection of sended works will be sendto all of the participants- Deadline for entries is 2006/ 7/ 1- Theme: Social harmsPrize:Fist prize: Gold MedalSecond prize: Silver medalthird prize: Bronze medalAnd Honour prize to 10 selected worksE-mail: Rahim@tabrizcartoons.comAddress: 29 Bahman BLV. Tabriz Culture and art center third floorRegulations & Form BrochureWeekly Notes June 15, 2006Total number of countries participated in our contest "Social Harms" reached 30. We still wait to receive your beautiful cartoons. I will tell you about the exhibition and jury members. This week, we will have the third election of Tabriz Cartoon Association in Tabriz and if I am elected and voted as the head of association, I will continue writing Weekly Notes. After 5 years, this is the third election in which 150 members will take part. In previous 2 elections, I have been the head, otherwise I will leave it. I received 3 catalogues from Belgium, Spain, and Poland which I introduced them in my personal website. I also will talk about a Romanian magazine.Irancartoon has held a new cartoon contest, "Occupation" which I advise you to participate. By the way, Masoud Shojai gives stars to cartoon contests and our contest has got 4 stars. Irancartoon magazine is also published! Mana Neyestani, the drawer of the cartoon about Turks and Azeris, is still imprisoned. During last week, new contests announced their regulations.Till next week,Rahim - IRAN
Dear Colleagues and Friends,With this message we would like to bring to your attention the creation of the GREEKARTOON. Most of all we would kindly asking you to note the ongoing “1st International Cartoon Contest” entitled “CARTOON BRIDGING CULTURES” organized by GREEKARTOON under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.More information and details on the contest could be obtained in or www.greekartoon.comPlease, be also advised that GREEKARTOON in order to promote its founding principles and facilitate cartoon production and collaboration considers soon forming an appropriate section in its website. All those interested likewise may inform accordingly GREEKARTOON about exchanging links.Best Regards,GREEKARTOON.
International Cartoon Festival of Iran
International Cartoon Festival-OccupationTheme: OccupationDeadline: September 2,2006The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 99 years of age.Works can be sent by E-mail to: with author’s short biography, Name, Address, Telephone, Email & Photo. Works should be 1000 pixel ,Jpg format and 100 dpi .The catalogue of the festival will be dedicated to those artists whose works showcased in the exhibition.The best works will be submitted at of declaring the results: September 21 – September 28Prizes: First prize:1000 US $Second prize:700 US $Third Prize:500 US $Address of the festival secretariat:2nd fi.No4m Mir – Emad st., Shahid motahhari Av. Tehran. Iran.Tel: (+9821) 88506008 Fax: 88759600Massoud Shojai TabatabaiDirector of Irancartoon web siteManager of The Iranian House of Cartoon