2nd International Greekartoon "Luciano Pavarotti" Web Exhibition
GREEKARTOON in further honouring "the master" Luciano Pavarotti, would like to announce an international web exhibition.
Permanent Web Exhibition: Open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc, etc.
Theme: “Luciano Pavarotti”
Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
Entries: No limit
Technical Info: Any style, any technique, any size, any format, max 300 dpi will be accepted.
All works will be publisched and displayed on Greekartoon's website at http://www.greekartoon.gr/ and http://www.greekartoon.com/
Participators must send their works along with their biography and photo. All artists can participate through E-mail by submitting their works to: support@greekartoon.gr with subject "Luciano Pavarotti"
Please, feel free to send your works about Luciano Pavarotti to the attention of GREEKARTOON's IT Manager Mr. Nickola' van Karavanis at support@greekartoon.gr
If you need additional information and material about Luciano Pavarotti ( fotos etc.) contact us by e-mail at support@greekartoon.gr
Permanent Web Exhibition: Open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc, etc.
Theme: “Luciano Pavarotti”
Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
Entries: No limit
Technical Info: Any style, any technique, any size, any format, max 300 dpi will be accepted.
All works will be publisched and displayed on Greekartoon's website at http://www.greekartoon.gr/ and http://www.greekartoon.com/
Participators must send their works along with their biography and photo. All artists can participate through E-mail by submitting their works to: support@greekartoon.gr with subject "Luciano Pavarotti"
Please, feel free to send your works about Luciano Pavarotti to the attention of GREEKARTOON's IT Manager Mr. Nickola' van Karavanis at support@greekartoon.gr
If you need additional information and material about Luciano Pavarotti ( fotos etc.) contact us by e-mail at support@greekartoon.gr