Saturday, April 19, 2008



Kralja Milana 48
11 000 Belgrade

Propositions and rules:
1. Participants are not age-limited.
2. Only good copies, up to 4 pages will be accepted. Works have to be sent via post office (e-mails excluded).
3. Required language: English.
4. Theme, style, technique, genre and page format are free-choice.
5. Requested info of the participants (writer, artist, colorist, etc.): Name and surname, CV, date and place of birth, country, address, phone number and e-mail. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.
6. Work info: title, authors, technique and the production year should be attached separately to the work. The work can be done by one or more authors (writer, artist, colorist...).
7. Submitted works will be reviewed by the jury and selected works will be shown at the Showroom exhibition.

Awards & Prizes:
1. Grand prix of the Showroom (includes 1000 €);
2. Awards for the following categories: Best traditional style comic, Best alternative comic, Best script, Best graphic;
3. Young Lion special award (for the authors up to 15 years old);
4. Special jury prizes for the best idea, and the authors up to 15 years old;
5. Sponsors’ prizes.

Additional information:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

13th Int Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb

Sunday, April 13, 2008

“ GURA HUMORULUI” International festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature the 18th edition

The 18th edition of “ GURA HUMORULUI”, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held in the period 11-13th of July, 2008 as part of the Festive Days of Humor City.

The Contest Regulations - cartoon:
1. The theme of the edition: ”Election issues”
2. The eligible works are the ones which have not been published or awarded any prizes for other contests.
3. All the works will have on the backside the name of the author and contact data (address, telephone number, e-mail account).
4. A page A3 or A4 will be the right dimensions of the works.
5. The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist.
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be part of the “ GURA HUMORULUI” festival's patrimony and the organizers are entitled to use them as materials edited later, but with the name of the author on them.
7. The participants are required to send the following papers with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photo or portrait/caricature self portrait of the following minimum dimensions: 6x9cm (on paper) or 710x1065pix.(digital format).
8. Number of works: 3 (three)
9. The deadline for the works is June, 20, 2008 (the post date)
10. The prizewinners are to be notified by July,4,2008, to be present for the Awards Festivity on Sunday, July,13, 2008 and will be provided accommodation and meals. Transport expenses will be the responsibility of the participant or the organization/institution he/she is part of. In case other people will accompany the participants, they will pay all the expenses incurred. In addition, the organizers are to be notified in due time, no later than July,7,2008 to make the necessary reservations.
11. The list of the jury members will be posted on the site, starting with June,15,2008.
12. The prizes to be awarded:
- 1st Prize Eur500
- 2nd Prize Eur300
- 3rd Prize Eur 200
- The 'George Gavrileanu' Prize for the débutantes from Bucovina Eur200
13. The jury is the one to decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide the works or the authors that can be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons.
14. There will be no fee for participation.
The works will be sent to the following address:
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina
Piata Republicii nr.2, 725300 Gura Humorului, judetul Suceava
Telephone at the Museum: 0040.230.231.108

Friday, April 11, 2008

International Lodz Cartoon Contest 2008 (Poland)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Contest regulations
THE SATIRICAL CONTEST - is the main element of the Festival. The ceremonial prize-winners presentation is a part of the post-contest exhibition opening and starts the Festival Outdoor Party for the audience. Every year the scenery of the event will be devoted to a different European country. This edition of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” – Poznań 2008” is held under the courtesy auspices of The French Ambassador to Poland
1. The Contest has a semi-open formula and it is addressed to professional artists acting throughout Europe and European art schools students, who create caricature, satirical drawings or animation.
2. Invitations for the Contest together with Contest Regulations and Entry Form will be sent directly to the artists, to art associations and organizations and to art schools rector’s offices. Informing the interested parties will be carried out by mail and e-mail or possibly by media announcements.
3. The Contest has two technical categories:
A. drawing, graphics and other artistic works made in traditional technique
B. computer animation
4. Terms of entries submission:
A category - the submitted works must be original (no photocopies allowed), not larger than A3 size (297 x 420mm). In the case of sculptures, non-standard sizes are allowed, but not larger than 300 x 300 x 300 mm.
B category - the entered works can be made with the traditional art of graphics (drawing) or computer graphics entirely. The length of the animation cannot exceed 30 sec. The file containing the animation should be delivered in the form of MPG1, MPG2 or WMV file.
For category A and B - works previously awarded or submitted for other contests are excluded.
Every participant is allowed to send not more than 5 works, regardless of the technical or theme category of the given contest edition.
Works must be properly secured for shipping to prevent damages.
Any damaged works and not suitable for the display are excluded from the Contest and organizers are not responsible for any damages arisen during transport.
Works sent by e-mail are also excluded from the Contest.
5. Contest themes of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” – Poznań 2008:
I.Free topic
II.Climate changes. Water
III.Famous painters in caricature
6. Contest deadline: 16.06.2008
7. Results announcement: 1.07.2008
8. Contest office address: FESTIWAL SATYRY EUROPEJSKIEJ “KOZIOŁKI” ul. Mazurska 15, 60- 433 Poznań, POLSKA (POLAND)
9. A photograph or a caricature of the author, a short biography note and a completed Entry Form (the form should be typed or handwritten with block letters) should be attached to the entry. The author gives consent to the organizers’ use of their personal data and image in public.
1. The entries are evaluated and qualified for the exhibition by an international jury.
2. The following prizes will be awarded by the jury: - in A category (graphics):
GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” - a statue and a prize in cash: 5 000 Euro
II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” - a statue and a prize in cash: 2 500 Euro
III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” - a statue and a prize in cash: 1 500 Euro
in B category (graphics): GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5 000 Euro
II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” - a statue and a prize in cash: 2 500 Euro
III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” - a statue and a prize in cash: 1 500 Euro
The organizers additionally plan prizes from the sponsors of the Contest .
3. The organizers have sole right to the final prizes distribution, change of their value or not to award any entrant with the Festival’s GRAND PRIX.
4.The Jury’s decisions are final. The contest results will be announced until: 1.07.2008 on the website
5. Note: The prizes are liable to taxation pursuant to the Polish rules of law.
6. To receive the prize in cash the winner must be present at contest results announcement ceremony and collect the prize personally or give their account number. In this case, the prize amonut will be transferred within 7 days.
1. The authors of the works qualified for the post-contest exhibition receive a free catalogue and a place there.
2. The organizors bear the winners transport expenses and guarantee their free participation in the event on 6-7.09.2008
1. The participation in the Contest is free of charge. The winners’ works are kept in the festival archive, the remaining works are passed to The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation and can be sold directly, auctioned or bartered - to gain funds or direct help to realize the following aims within the borders of Europe:
A. Organization of and financing:
a)scholarships for European satire and humour creators,
b)individual and collective exhibitions,
c)courses, conferences and seminars on satire and humour,
d)social help, the of materials, equipment, accessories and tools for satire and humour creators and for chosen scientific-didactic institutions, not-organized children and adults, who are specified by Foundation Board
B. Promotion of European satire and its artists in the media,
C. Running publishing activity within the scope of Foundation’s aims.
(points A, B, C are in concordance with § 9 of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation statute)
NOTE: Every contest participant can specify an aim to pass the means. This information should be written (preferably in English) in ENTRY FORM FOR THE CONTEST in the column: AUTHOR'S NOTICES. The Foundation Board consisting of independent art creators – representatives of different countries – will decide by voting and choose the aim. Information about the realization of the aim will be placed on
2. The entrants give consent to use their works without any compensation and use the information about the Authors in any manner or medium to promote and advertise the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
3. The organizers are the only and final entity to interprete these Regulations.
4. By entering the Contest the Authors agree to accept the Regulations provisions.
5. The Organizer of the Contest is The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
info: e-mail: tel./fax +48 61 8 488 744 (FSE carries on its direct correspondence only in Polish and English)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


A prefeitura de BARAKALDO convoca o 8º concurso de Humor Gráfico ¨Novas Tecnologias¨, que terá carater internacional. Os desenhistas deverão mandar uma cena de humor gráfico relacionado com as novas tecnologias que tenham um impacto na vida quotidiana (INTERNET, BIOLOGÍA, ESPAÇO, TELE-COMUNICAÇOES, MEDICINA, ETC...) que façam com que os cidadãos reflexionem sobre os novos caminhos do progresso científico.
PARTICIPANTES - Poderão participar todas as pessoas que desejem, sem limite de idade. Cada participante poderá apresentar no máximo três obras. Não se admitirão trabalhos de autores que já ganharam o Prêmio Hernes no ano anterior a este concurso.
MODALIDADE E FORMATO - As cenas e personagens deverão ser de criação própria e inéditos. Os trabalhos poderão ser realizados em preto e branco ou colorido. As obras terão a extensão de uma única página, que não superará o tamanho de 800 X 600 píxeles, com uma resolução mínima de 72 píxeles por polegada. Os trabalhos deverão ser apresentados sem assinatura ou acreditação pessoal. Qualquer sinal de distinção irá supor a eliminação do participante.
IDIOMAS - Os trabalhos podem ser realizados em Euskera ou Castelhano. Admitem-se cenas de humor sem palavras feitas por artistas de outros âmbitos linguísticos e geográficos.
APRESENTACÃO - Os participantes deverão mandar um e-mail com nome, sobrenome, endereço, data de nascimento, documento de identidade e telefone para contacto. Enviarão este e-mail com o arquivo do desenho adjunto nos formatos: JPG.
ENTREGA DOS TRABALHOS - Os trabalhos, com os dados do autor, deverão ser enviados exclusivamente por correio eletrônico: , antes do dia 13 de outubro de 2008.
EXPOSICÃO VIRTUAL - Com os trabalhos apresentados e posteriormente seleccionados por um jurado, a prefeitura pretende realizar uma difusão pública dos mesmos. A exposição das obras no dará direitos pecuniários para os autores das ilustrações.
OUTRA DETERMINAÇãO - A participação no concurso, implica a aceitação destas normas.

BASES - EL AYUNTAMIENTO DE BARAKALDO convoca el octavo concurso de HUMOR GRÁFICO “NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS”, que tendrá carácter internacional. Los dibujantes mandarán una escena de humor gráfico relacionada con las nuevas tecnologías con un impacto en la vida cotidiana (INTERNET, BIOLOGÍA, ESPACIO, TELECOMUNICACIONES, MEDICINA, ETC…) que permita a los ciudadanos reflexionar sobre los nuevos ámbitos del progreso científico.
CONCURSANTES - Podrán participar todas las personas que lo deseen sin límite de edad. Cada participante podrá presentar un máximo de tres obras. No se admitirán trabajos de autores que hayan ganado el Premio Hermes el año anterior a la presente convocatoria.
MODALIDAD Y FORMATO - Las escenas y los personajes deberán ser de creación propia e inéditos. Los trabajos podrán ser realizados en blanco y negro o en color. Las obras tendrán una extensión de una única página que no superará el formato 800 x 600 pixeles, con una resolución mínima de 72 pixeles por pulgada. Las obras se presentarán libres de firmas y créditos. Cualquier signo distintivo supondrá la eliminación del concursante.
LENGUAS - Los trabajos pueden ser rotulados en castellano o euskera. Se admiten escenas de humor sin palabras por parte de los artistas de otros ámbitos lingüísticos y geográficos.
PRESENTACIÓN - Los concursantes deberán mandar un correo-e con sus nombres, apellidos, dirección, fecha de nacimiento, DNI, teléfono de contacto. Enviarán este correo-e con el archivo del dibujo adjunto en formato JPG.
LUGAR Y TÉRMINO DE PRESENTACIÓN - Los trabajos con los datos del autor deberán ser enviados exclusivamente por correo electrónico: antes del 13 de octubre de 2008.
EXPOSICIÓN VIRTUAL - Con los trabajos presentados y posteriormente seleccionados por el jurado, el ayuntamiento se plantea realizar una difusión pública de los mismos. La exposición de las obras no devengará derechos pecuniarios para los autores de las ilustraciones.
OTRA DETERMINACIÓN - La participación en el concurso, implica la aceptación de estas bases.

REGLEMENT - La mairie de BARAKALDO organise le huitième concours international d´humour graphique "Nouvelles technologies". Les dessinateurs enverront une scène d´humour graphique qui aura trait aux nouvelles technologies qui ont un impact dans la vie quotidienne (internet, biologie, espace, télécommunications, médecine, etc...). Cette scène donnera l´occasion aux citoyens de réfléchir aux nouveaux domaines du progrès scientifique.
PARTICIPANTS - Toutes les personnes intéressées pourront participer, sans limite d´âge. Chaque participant pourra présenter trois oeuvres, au maximum. Les travaux des auteurs qui ont gagné le prix Hermès l´an passé ne seront pas admis lors de cette session.
MODALITÉ ET FOTMAT - Les scènes et les personnages devront être de création propre et inédits. Les travaux pourront être réalisés en blanc et noir ou en couleur. Les oeuvres auront une extension d´une page unique qui ne dépassera pas le format 800 x 600 pixels avec une résolution minimum de 72 pixels par pouce. Les œuvres présentées ne devront pas être signées. Le concurrent sera directement éliminé si son œuvre porte un signe distinctif.
LANGUES - Les travaux pourront être développés en langue espagnole ou en langue basque. Les scènes d´humour sans parole sont admises de la part d´artistes d´autres domaines linguistiques et géographiques.
PRÉSENTATION - Les concurrents devront envoyer un e-mail avec leurs nom, prénom, adresse, date de naissance, numéro de carte d´identité, téléphone de contact. Ils enverront ce courriel avec le dossier du dessin joint en format JPG.
LIEU ET DATE DE CLÔTURE - Les travaux accompagnés des références de l´auteur devront être envoyés exclusivement par courrier électronique à: avant le 13 octobre 2008.
EXPOSITION VIRTUELLE - A partir des travaux présentés et postérieurement sélectionnés par le jury, la mairie étudiera la possibilité de réaliser une diffusion publique des oeuvres reçues. L´exposition des œuvres ne sera suivie d´aucune rétribution aux auteurs participants.
AUTRE DÉTERMINATION - Le fait de poser sa candidature implique l´acceptation du présent règlement et la décision du jury.

CONDITIONS - The city of BARAKALDO organizes the "New technologies" eighth international contest of pictorial humour. The cartoonists will send a work of illustrated humour in relation with new technologies which have a considerable impact on the day to day life (i.e. INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC...). The idea is to help citizens to think about the new grounds for scientific progress.
APPLICANTS - The competition is open to everyone, especially with no regard of age. Each applicant can present a maximum of three piece of work. The works of the authors who won the Hermes prize the year before will not be taken in consideration.
FORM AND SIZE - The scenes and characters will have to be originals and of proper creation. The works can be drawn in black and white or in colour. The works will have a length of one page that will not exceed 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch. The authors must not include their name or any other information about themselves on the works. Otherwise, they will be eliminated from the contest.
LANGUAGES - Only two languages can be used: spanish or basque. Nonetheless the panel will take into consideration works of pictorial interest without text, proceeding from artists of places where these languages are not used.
PRESENTATION - Applicants will send a e-mail with their names, surnames, address, date of birth, passport number, telephone number. They will send this e-mail with the file of the picture in JPG format.
PLACE AND DEADLINE OF THE APPLICATION - The piece of work with the reference of the artist will be sent exclusively through e-mail, to the following address: before 2008 Octobre 13th.
VIRTUAL SHOWING - The city contemplates realizing a public diffusion of the works presented and lately selected by the panel. The virtual show of the works received during the contest will not be granted by any type of economic retribution.
AWARDS - The "Hermes de Barakaldo" prize amounts to 4.500 euros shared between five winners:
1st prize: 1.500 euros.
2nd prize: 1.000 euros,
3rd prize: 800 euros.
4th prize: 700 euros.
5th prize: 500 euros.
PANEL - A qualified panel of judges will pick out the best works. Prizes will be handed on the first week of December 2008, in Barakaldo. The city leaves to the panel the possibility to declare no winners, according to quality criteria.
OTHER DETERMINATION - Taking part to the competition implies the acceptance of the conditions overhead.