The International Biennale Cartoon Písek (further only Biennale) takes place every odd year since 1995 and is an open competition where authors from the Czech Republic and abroad can attend.
• The Biennale has it’s own logo which can only be used with the agreement of the organizers.
• The organizers are The Town of Písek represented by the department of culture and tourism and the Czech Union of Cartoonists.
1 - Participation Conditions
• The competition is declared by publishing at, in specialized press and by sending the competition rules to distinguished authors in the Czech Republic and abroad by electronic mail.
• The participant accedes to the rules of the Biennale set in the statues by sending in the cartoons.
• The participant of the competition can be anyone who will meet the following requirements.
2 - Content and Technical Conditions
• Theme: THEATRE• Number of cartoons: minimum 3 (three), maximum 5 (five)
• Format: minimum A4, maximum A3• Cartoon colours: coloured as well as monochrome
• Each cartoon must be signed with the name and address of the participant on the backside.
• Cartoons can be accepted by post and also in electronic form (JPG or PDF format, the cartoon size shall be under 3MB).
• The competition cartoons must not have received any prize in the past in other international competition.
3 - Current Regulations
• The participants agree that the cartoons can be used for promotion and presentation of the Biennale in the Biennale advertising materials and in the means of communication for it’s promotion and also in case of professional review of the author or the Biennale.
• Final cartoons - maximum 40 - will become the property of the Town of Písek. Other cartoons will be returned on request until June 30, 2010.
• The most appreciated foreign author and the most appreciated Czech author will have individual exhibitions within the Biennale 2011. The organizer subsidies the travel costs and covers accommodation for one person and one night.
• The prize-winners and the jury will be invited to the varnishing day and their accommodation will be reimbursed; foreign guests will be also granted the travel expenses in max. sum 100 EUR, paid in CZK according to the current exchange rate.
• The other participants of the Biennale can book their accommodation through the website
• The accommodation can also be paid for invited guests on whom the organisers will agree.
4 - Prizes
• The Main Prize: sandglass clock + 20 000 CZK
• The Town of Písek Award: sandglass clock + 10 000 CZK
• The Miroslav Liďák (Haďák) Prize: sandglass clock + 5 000 CZK
• 3 prizes: sandglass clock + 1 000 CZK• 4 prizes: small bag with sand + 1 000 CZK
• Diplomas and honourable mention: the number is not limited; it depends on decision of the jury.
• Financial awards in CZK are paid to the authors pre-tax and are due to taxation according to the present code.
• Not collected prizes including money awards will not be sent by post and will fail to the organisers.5 - Honorary Presidium
• Tom Zajíček - Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic
• Ing. Miroslav Sládek - Mayor of the Town of Písek• Josef Kobra Kučera - Vice chairman of the Czech Union of Cartoonists6 - Place of action
• Cultural space Sladovna Písek, o.p.s.7 - Calendar
• Announcement: March 2009
• Application closing date: May 22, 2009
• Varnishing day: September 1, 2009. After the open varnishing day there will be a festive evening with the participation of the invited authors, partners and organizers.
• Exhibition: September 1 - 27, 20098 - Jury
• Selection of the cartoons for the exhibition, selection of 40 finalists and conferment of prizes will be performed by an international jury on its special session.
• The Jury consists of: representative of the Town of Písek, Chairman of the Czech Union of Cartoonist and chairman of FECO Czech Republic, maximum two representatives of the Czech Union of Cartoonists, maximum four foreign delegates
• The Jury’s chairman will be chosen from its foreign members in the beginning of jury’s session. The jury members will receive money award according to the agreement of the organizers. This financial award in CZK is paid pre-tax and is due to taxation according to the present code.
• The organizer will cover accommodation for the jury members for one night and foreign members of the jury will be granted the travel expenses in max. sum 100 EUR, paid in CZK according to the current exchange rate.
• Form of jury’s agenda:
a) Selection for the exhibition (standard)
b) Selection of 40 finalists (standard)
c) In the final selection, enclosed boxes will be placed in front of each picture and the jurors will obtain three vessels with accurately measured volume of sand. The jurors will divide this volume of sand into the boxes with maximum of one vessel of sand being given to one cartoon. Each jury member will poor sand individually in one round under the supervision of the jury secretary. The volume of sand will be weighed and according to the weight the placing will be set.
d) In case of the Town of Písek Award the town’s deputy will choose from the final collection.
9 - Catalogue
• The catalogue cartoons will be selected from the final collection. The catalogue has format A5, approximately 148 pages, up to 500 copies.• Each exhibitor will receive one copy of the catalogue, Czech Union of Cartoonists 100 copies, the partners 5 to 20 copies according to their agreement. Each author chosen into the exhibition collection will obtain a catalogue in which all the participants will be named.
• Logos and advertisement are placed in the catalogue according to previous agreement.
10 - Accompanying programme
• Further programme can take place upon proposal of the organisers or the main partner, in case of agreement presentational events of partners and advertisers are possible.11 - Presentation of the partners and advertisers
• The partners and advertisers are by the organisers given space for their logo on the posters, on the reverse of the catalogue and in the exhibition rooms, at,
attendance at the varnishing day and the festive evening where contacting the authors is possible.12 – Financing
• Financing of the International Biennale Cartoon Písek is set in separate agreement between the main organiser and the specialized guarantee - the Czech Union of Cartoonists.
13 - Information
• All information is made public on the website After each year the information will be saved in the website archives.