Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dear Collegues,
The deadline of the „Selective Cartoon Contest” is 29th October.
I hope you will send your work on this contest and together can show the people the importance of the collecting selective the mess.
The announcement and the details are ont he website: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
Good work.
Best wishes,
István Kelemen
Cartoonist, organizer of the contest
The deadline of the „Selective Cartoon Contest” is 29th October.
I hope you will send your work on this contest and together can show the people the importance of the collecting selective the mess.
The announcement and the details are ont he website: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
Good work.
Best wishes,
István Kelemen
Cartoonist, organizer of the contest
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Theme: CYBER SPACES (such as: Internet, Digital Media, Mobile, Bluetooth, SMS, MMS, etc...)Deadline: September 27, 2010 - Sending via email > last days !Money Prize: 4.500 US$ €uro
16th edition of HUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest - Gallarate (Italy)
Dear colleague,
we remember you to participate in 16th edition of HUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest - Gallarate (Italy) organized by Pro Loco of Gallarate and dedicated to Marco Biassoni (1930-2002) one of the greatest italian Masters of graphic, humour, cartoons and advertising.
This year, Humour a Gallarate will be exhibited in the prestigious "MAGA" Museum Arthttp://www.museomaga.it
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon B) Satire C) Caricature
Total Prizes: Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work+ 1st Prize Special Prize of Jury 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)New 2010 > "Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution. This special prize is dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".
Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof) > last days for participating in !
Attached the complete regulations and entry-form (doc format)
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world
2) Theme: MODERN ARTSections: A) Graphics/Cartoon B) Satire C) CaricatureBeginning this year, there will also be instituted a special Section dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back.The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of prizes of Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni"; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.All the works, included works sent in digital form, will be taken into consideration only for the "Cava" Prize.
6) Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work1st Prize Special Prize of Jury 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)"Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution.
8) Exhibition: October 17 - 24, 2010 at the "MAGA" Museum Art Gallarate.Opening ceremony: October 17, 2010 at 11,00 AM
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the " Humour Gallarate Collection ".
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco GallarateVicolo del Gambero n. 1021013 Gallarate (VA)ITALY
For any further information and communication:Segreteria Pro Loco Gallarate
tel/fax (+39)0331-774968
we remember you to participate in 16th edition of HUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest - Gallarate (Italy) organized by Pro Loco of Gallarate and dedicated to Marco Biassoni (1930-2002) one of the greatest italian Masters of graphic, humour, cartoons and advertising.
This year, Humour a Gallarate will be exhibited in the prestigious "MAGA" Museum Arthttp://www.museomaga.it
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon B) Satire C) Caricature
Total Prizes: Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work+ 1st Prize Special Prize of Jury 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)New 2010 > "Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution. This special prize is dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".
Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof) > last days for participating in !
Attached the complete regulations and entry-form (doc format)
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world
2) Theme: MODERN ARTSections: A) Graphics/Cartoon B) Satire C) CaricatureBeginning this year, there will also be instituted a special Section dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back.The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of prizes of Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni"; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.All the works, included works sent in digital form, will be taken into consideration only for the "Cava" Prize.
6) Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work1st Prize Special Prize of Jury 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)"Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution.
8) Exhibition: October 17 - 24, 2010 at the "MAGA" Museum Art Gallarate.Opening ceremony: October 17, 2010 at 11,00 AM
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the " Humour Gallarate Collection ".
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco GallarateVicolo del Gambero n. 1021013 Gallarate (VA)ITALY
For any further information and communication:Segreteria Pro Loco Gallarate
tel/fax (+39)0331-774968
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
KOMIKAZEN 6th International Reality Comic Festival
Gathering of Authors, workshops and performances from 8th to 10th October
Exhibitions until 7th November 2010
Ravenna – Various venues
The sixth edition of the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival following tradition presents major previews from internationally accredited authors until now unpublished in Italy, together with the big names of the world of comics who are well-known to the Italian public.
Created with the aim of researching and investigating the relationships between the presentation of reality and graphic literature, Komikazen does not disappoint enthusiasts of the ninth art thirsting for something new and for meaningful face-to-face meetings with the authors. In addition to being occasions for reflecting and gaining deeper insights, there will also be exhibitions of high quality art and workshops with guest authors both for the curious and for professionals.
In the setting of MAR – the city’s Museum of Art – there will be an exhibition with originals from the talented young Frenchman Maximilien Le Roy: just 24 years old, he has already published six volumes, among them the major work dedicated to Nietzsche on the text by the philosopher Michel Onfray. He is also an expert in comic journalism and works with the photographer Maxence Emery, who collaborated with him on the important trilogy on the Israeli – Palestinian conflict (Faire le Mur, Gaza and Hosni). In particular the collective work entitled Gaza, December 2008: uscito per La Boîte à Bulles will be presented to the public. It is a book that uses comic strip, graphical art and political analysis to tell the story of the operation Cast Lead in real time, but also to present the conflict in a new form.
From Spain there will be Pablo Auladell, illustrator of a comic script by Felipe H. Cava, of Soy mi sueño, nomination of the best illustrator award at the Salon de Comic of Barcelona in 2009 and set in the Second World War. It is a work that achieves the poetic level of a metaphor for the rise and fall of a Europe that was staring into the abyss. A master illustrator who visualises with oneiric precision the text of the Spanish scriptwriter already a guest at the first edition of the festival who, with his usual mastery, pits himself against the difficult theme of the recovery of memory. Auladell’s illustrated book Isis, was published in Italy by Orecchio Acerbo.
Instead, guest of honour at the exhibition of the Teatro Rasi is the Italian drawer Igort, who will present for the first time in Italy the storyboard of his new book Quaderni ucraini. Memorie dal tempo dell'URSS, published in Italy by Mondadori.
There will also be an important meeting with an artist who goes beyond the realms of the comic, that is Apostolos Doxiadis, author of the best seller Lo zio Petros e la congettura di Goldbach, but who created the screenplay of Logicomix, another publishing success recently released also in Italy by Guanda.
But Komikazen is a centre, not merely of knowledge, of deeper insights and reflections, but also of production: the participants are young designers from Emilia Romagna, from among whom Komikazen will make its selection with the prize of the publication of a book. For the fourth year a winner will be chosen, giving a designer under 35 the opportunity to produce a book to be published by Comma 22. There will also be the presentation of the volume of the 2009 winner, Pietro Scarnera, that deals with an autobiographical matter of a highly delicate ethical nature, that is his perception of his father's life in a vegetative state from 2003 to 2008. From notebooks full of drawings and sketches produced during those years, he has created a delicate and tormenting volume. After the polemics surrounding the case of Eluana Englaro, the author decided not to remain silent and to tell the story of his own experience.
Scarnera's originals can be seen at Mirada's stand.
In addition to the workshops and the meetings, Komikazen coincides with the city's golden night and so the evening of Saturday 9th offers the possibility of enjoying the city until dawn.
Some information about the festival.
Mirada has organised extensive exhibitions and workshops with comic-strip writers such as Joe Sacco, Marjane Satrapi, Aleksandar Zograf, Danijel Zezelj, and many others. It has organised the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival each year since 2005.
The need to 'tell it as it is' is becoming urgent in an era in which it is becoming ever more difficult to understand whether or not what we are being told is reliable and truthful.
In the world of comics, characterised through antonomasia by the patina of careless people, an imaginative source of the fantastic and absolutely unreal, the trend of real story telling is, when all is said and done, fairly old (obviously in the meaning that this adjective can have when we are speaking of this medium). The autobiographical, memoir oriented, historic and news reporting tendency has always been present and has always been ingrained in many of the grand masters of sequential art.
Komikazen is the promoter of the European and Mediterranean circuit of comic art and research of which are a part: Periscopages Association _ Rennes (France) , Babel – Atene (Greece), Comica – London (UK), Chili cum Carne - Lisbon (Portugal), Boom Festival – St. Petersburg (Russia) and La Maison du Livre – Beirut (Lebanon)
The following have been guests of Komikazen: Raul, Felipe H. Cava, Khamel Khelif, Tomaz Lavric, Nicole Schulman, Phebe Gloeckner, the Turkish comic writers of the magazine Le Man, Stripburger, Filipe Abranches, Marcos Farrajota, Le Dernier Cri, Ho Che Anderson, Stefano Ricci, Samir Harb, Federico Del Barrio, Nadim Tarazi with the Lebanese comic writers, Anke Feuchtenberger, Giuseppe Palumbo, Vittorio Giardino, Paolo Bacilieri, Dave McKean, Davide Toffolo, Carlos Trillo and Peter Kuper.
For information:
Associazione Mirada
Via Mazzini 83 Ravenna
Tel +39 0544 217359 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39 0544 217359 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mob: +39 3280709837 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39 3280709837 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Exhibitions until 7th November 2010
Ravenna – Various venues
The sixth edition of the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival following tradition presents major previews from internationally accredited authors until now unpublished in Italy, together with the big names of the world of comics who are well-known to the Italian public.
Created with the aim of researching and investigating the relationships between the presentation of reality and graphic literature, Komikazen does not disappoint enthusiasts of the ninth art thirsting for something new and for meaningful face-to-face meetings with the authors. In addition to being occasions for reflecting and gaining deeper insights, there will also be exhibitions of high quality art and workshops with guest authors both for the curious and for professionals.
In the setting of MAR – the city’s Museum of Art – there will be an exhibition with originals from the talented young Frenchman Maximilien Le Roy: just 24 years old, he has already published six volumes, among them the major work dedicated to Nietzsche on the text by the philosopher Michel Onfray. He is also an expert in comic journalism and works with the photographer Maxence Emery, who collaborated with him on the important trilogy on the Israeli – Palestinian conflict (Faire le Mur, Gaza and Hosni). In particular the collective work entitled Gaza, December 2008: uscito per La Boîte à Bulles will be presented to the public. It is a book that uses comic strip, graphical art and political analysis to tell the story of the operation Cast Lead in real time, but also to present the conflict in a new form.
From Spain there will be Pablo Auladell, illustrator of a comic script by Felipe H. Cava, of Soy mi sueño, nomination of the best illustrator award at the Salon de Comic of Barcelona in 2009 and set in the Second World War. It is a work that achieves the poetic level of a metaphor for the rise and fall of a Europe that was staring into the abyss. A master illustrator who visualises with oneiric precision the text of the Spanish scriptwriter already a guest at the first edition of the festival who, with his usual mastery, pits himself against the difficult theme of the recovery of memory. Auladell’s illustrated book Isis, was published in Italy by Orecchio Acerbo.
Instead, guest of honour at the exhibition of the Teatro Rasi is the Italian drawer Igort, who will present for the first time in Italy the storyboard of his new book Quaderni ucraini. Memorie dal tempo dell'URSS, published in Italy by Mondadori.
There will also be an important meeting with an artist who goes beyond the realms of the comic, that is Apostolos Doxiadis, author of the best seller Lo zio Petros e la congettura di Goldbach, but who created the screenplay of Logicomix, another publishing success recently released also in Italy by Guanda.
But Komikazen is a centre, not merely of knowledge, of deeper insights and reflections, but also of production: the participants are young designers from Emilia Romagna, from among whom Komikazen will make its selection with the prize of the publication of a book. For the fourth year a winner will be chosen, giving a designer under 35 the opportunity to produce a book to be published by Comma 22. There will also be the presentation of the volume of the 2009 winner, Pietro Scarnera, that deals with an autobiographical matter of a highly delicate ethical nature, that is his perception of his father's life in a vegetative state from 2003 to 2008. From notebooks full of drawings and sketches produced during those years, he has created a delicate and tormenting volume. After the polemics surrounding the case of Eluana Englaro, the author decided not to remain silent and to tell the story of his own experience.
Scarnera's originals can be seen at Mirada's stand.
In addition to the workshops and the meetings, Komikazen coincides with the city's golden night and so the evening of Saturday 9th offers the possibility of enjoying the city until dawn.
Some information about the festival.
Mirada has organised extensive exhibitions and workshops with comic-strip writers such as Joe Sacco, Marjane Satrapi, Aleksandar Zograf, Danijel Zezelj, and many others. It has organised the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival each year since 2005.
The need to 'tell it as it is' is becoming urgent in an era in which it is becoming ever more difficult to understand whether or not what we are being told is reliable and truthful.
In the world of comics, characterised through antonomasia by the patina of careless people, an imaginative source of the fantastic and absolutely unreal, the trend of real story telling is, when all is said and done, fairly old (obviously in the meaning that this adjective can have when we are speaking of this medium). The autobiographical, memoir oriented, historic and news reporting tendency has always been present and has always been ingrained in many of the grand masters of sequential art.
Komikazen is the promoter of the European and Mediterranean circuit of comic art and research of which are a part: Periscopages Association _ Rennes (France) , Babel – Atene (Greece), Comica – London (UK), Chili cum Carne - Lisbon (Portugal), Boom Festival – St. Petersburg (Russia) and La Maison du Livre – Beirut (Lebanon)
The following have been guests of Komikazen: Raul, Felipe H. Cava, Khamel Khelif, Tomaz Lavric, Nicole Schulman, Phebe Gloeckner, the Turkish comic writers of the magazine Le Man, Stripburger, Filipe Abranches, Marcos Farrajota, Le Dernier Cri, Ho Che Anderson, Stefano Ricci, Samir Harb, Federico Del Barrio, Nadim Tarazi with the Lebanese comic writers, Anke Feuchtenberger, Giuseppe Palumbo, Vittorio Giardino, Paolo Bacilieri, Dave McKean, Davide Toffolo, Carlos Trillo and Peter Kuper.
For information:
Associazione Mirada
Via Mazzini 83 Ravenna
Tel +39 0544 217359 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39 0544 217359 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mob: +39 3280709837 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39 3280709837 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sunday, September 12, 2010
“DIGNITY” Internacional Cartoon exhibition - Invitation
FECO PORTUGAL (Cartoonist association) and Amnesty International - (Portugal), are co-organizers, of a cartoon international exhibition, whose topic and title is : “Dignity”.It is the intention of this initiative to call the attention of society for a crises in values which we have been witnessing, where “HAVING” is being overestimated as up against the undermining of “BEING”.For more information about the theme, see Demand Dignity Campaign in www.amnesty.org".This event is not a contest; consequently there will not be any prizes or classifications.
1- Theme: “Dignity”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Dignity (or the lack of it….), having in mind the positive side of such a concept.
2- The exhibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3- All the proposed drawings must be original creation of each authour, irrelevant of the fact that they might have already been (or not) published or exhibited in any way.
4- Only one work is allowed per artist in one of the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is allowed, including the usage of a computer, in black and white or in color.
5- If a drawing has text, this text must be written in Portuguese.
6 - Drawing size permitted is A4 (21 x 29,7 cm). Drawings must be sent by e-mail using JPEG file at 300 dpi to: presidente_dir@feco-portugal.org
7 - Each work must be accompanied by a file containing: the title of the work, the author’s name, telephone number, e-mail address, (not forgetting to mention the country).
8 - Short curriculum must be included in another computer file.
9 - Entry dead line is September 30 – 2010.
10 - Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements, after which the works will be framed, exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue. The jury is entitled to the right to select a number of works extra-catalogue, which will also be exhibited and their authors will be also mentioned in the catalogue. The jury is composed by a representative of FECOPORTUGAL, one representative of Amnesty International, one guest-cartoonist, one cartoonist-researcher and one text expert.
11- Every artist who has been selected will be given a copy of the catalogue
12 - The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º156” (Lisbon - Portugal) October 21st -2010. The exhibition will stay on place for about two weeks after which it will go on an itinerancy through Portugal and other countries
13 - The artist’s participation implies accepting the rules above and the submission of respective author’s rights, only to be used to promote and inform about the event as well as the edition of the catalogue and the itinerary exhibition. As there is no profit involved in these procedures, no payment will be made to any of the participants.
14 - No media or other entity will be authorized to use for publication or any other use, any of the works submitted to this event, with the exception of rule 13.
“DIGNIDADE” Exposição internacional de CartoonA FecoPortugal – Associação de Cartoonistas e a Amnistia Internacional – Portugal são co-organizadoras de uma exposição internacional de cartoon, que tem por tema e título: DIGNIDADE.Esta iniciativa pretende chamar a atenção da sociedade para a crise de valores a que vamos assistindo, com a crescente sobrevalorização do TER, à custa da subvalorização do SER.Para mais informações acerca do tema, veja Campanha Exija Dignidade em www.amnistia-internacional.pt”Esta iniciativa não é um concurso, não havendo, portanto, prémios nem classificações.
1 – Tema: “Dignidade”. Cada autor pode abordar a problemática da Dignidade (ou da falta dela…), tomando em sentido lato o valor positivo do conceito.
2 – Podem participar artistas profissionais ou amadores, de qualquer nacionalidade.
3 – As obras têm de ser criação original de cada autor, podendo ter sido já divulgadas ou publicadas (ou não) na imprensa ou outros meios de difusão.
4 – Cada autor pode participar com uma única obra, que pode ser Cartoon, Caricatura, Ilustração, ou Banda Desenhada em história de página única, elaborados em qualquer técnica, inclusivamente com recurso a computador, a preto e branco ou cores.
5 – As obras que tiverem texto, devem contê-lo em língua portuguesa.
6 – As obras, que devem ter dimensões máximas A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), têm de ser enviadas por e-mail, em ficheiros JPG com resolução de 300 dpi, para:presidente_dir@feco-portugal.org
7 – Com cada obra, mas em ficheiro separado, deve ser enviado um ficheiro com: Nome da obra, nome do autor, endereço postal sem esquecer o país, telefone e e-mail.
8 – Um curriculum resumido deve acompanhar as obras, em documento anexo.
9 – O prazo de recebimento das obras termina a 30 de Setembro de 2010.
10 – Um júri, constituído por cinco elementos, procederá à selecção das obras recebidas, que serão expostas depois de devidamente emolduradas e reproduzidas em catálogo. O júri pode ainda seleccionar um conjunto de obras extra-catálogo, que poderão igualmente ser emolduradas e expostas. Os autores cujas obras seleccionadas e expostas não constem do catálogo, são mencionados nele. O júri terá a seguinte constituição: um representante da FecoPortugal, um representante da Amnistia Internacional, um cartoonista convidado, um investigador da área do cartoon e um profissional da escrita.
11 – Todos os autores de obras seleccionadas para o catálogo receberão um exemplar desse catálogo.
12 – A exposição será inaugurada na “ Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º 156 (Lisboa - Portugal) a 21 de Outubro. Ficará exposta durante duas semanas, após o que inicia um período de itinerância em Portugal, podendo também ser exposta no estrangeiro.
13 – A participação dos autores implica a aceitação do conteúdo deste regulamento e a cedência de direitos de autor à organização, apenas para difusão informativa e promocional do evento e edição do catálogo, bem como exposição itinerante. Essas utilizações, que não possuem nenhuma finalidade lucrativa, não implicam qualquer pagamento aos autores.
14 – Nenhum órgão de comunicação ou outra entidade será autorizado a utilizar, para publicação ou outra finalidade, qualquer das obras enviadas, fora do âmbito do ponto anterior.
1- Theme: “Dignity”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Dignity (or the lack of it….), having in mind the positive side of such a concept.
2- The exhibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3- All the proposed drawings must be original creation of each authour, irrelevant of the fact that they might have already been (or not) published or exhibited in any way.
4- Only one work is allowed per artist in one of the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is allowed, including the usage of a computer, in black and white or in color.
5- If a drawing has text, this text must be written in Portuguese.
6 - Drawing size permitted is A4 (21 x 29,7 cm). Drawings must be sent by e-mail using JPEG file at 300 dpi to: presidente_dir@feco-portugal.org
7 - Each work must be accompanied by a file containing: the title of the work, the author’s name, telephone number, e-mail address, (not forgetting to mention the country).
8 - Short curriculum must be included in another computer file.
9 - Entry dead line is September 30 – 2010.
10 - Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements, after which the works will be framed, exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue. The jury is entitled to the right to select a number of works extra-catalogue, which will also be exhibited and their authors will be also mentioned in the catalogue. The jury is composed by a representative of FECOPORTUGAL, one representative of Amnesty International, one guest-cartoonist, one cartoonist-researcher and one text expert.
11- Every artist who has been selected will be given a copy of the catalogue
12 - The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º156” (Lisbon - Portugal) October 21st -2010. The exhibition will stay on place for about two weeks after which it will go on an itinerancy through Portugal and other countries
13 - The artist’s participation implies accepting the rules above and the submission of respective author’s rights, only to be used to promote and inform about the event as well as the edition of the catalogue and the itinerary exhibition. As there is no profit involved in these procedures, no payment will be made to any of the participants.
14 - No media or other entity will be authorized to use for publication or any other use, any of the works submitted to this event, with the exception of rule 13.
“DIGNIDADE” Exposição internacional de CartoonA FecoPortugal – Associação de Cartoonistas e a Amnistia Internacional – Portugal são co-organizadoras de uma exposição internacional de cartoon, que tem por tema e título: DIGNIDADE.Esta iniciativa pretende chamar a atenção da sociedade para a crise de valores a que vamos assistindo, com a crescente sobrevalorização do TER, à custa da subvalorização do SER.Para mais informações acerca do tema, veja Campanha Exija Dignidade em www.amnistia-internacional.pt”Esta iniciativa não é um concurso, não havendo, portanto, prémios nem classificações.
1 – Tema: “Dignidade”. Cada autor pode abordar a problemática da Dignidade (ou da falta dela…), tomando em sentido lato o valor positivo do conceito.
2 – Podem participar artistas profissionais ou amadores, de qualquer nacionalidade.
3 – As obras têm de ser criação original de cada autor, podendo ter sido já divulgadas ou publicadas (ou não) na imprensa ou outros meios de difusão.
4 – Cada autor pode participar com uma única obra, que pode ser Cartoon, Caricatura, Ilustração, ou Banda Desenhada em história de página única, elaborados em qualquer técnica, inclusivamente com recurso a computador, a preto e branco ou cores.
5 – As obras que tiverem texto, devem contê-lo em língua portuguesa.
6 – As obras, que devem ter dimensões máximas A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), têm de ser enviadas por e-mail, em ficheiros JPG com resolução de 300 dpi, para:presidente_dir@feco-portugal.org
7 – Com cada obra, mas em ficheiro separado, deve ser enviado um ficheiro com: Nome da obra, nome do autor, endereço postal sem esquecer o país, telefone e e-mail.
8 – Um curriculum resumido deve acompanhar as obras, em documento anexo.
9 – O prazo de recebimento das obras termina a 30 de Setembro de 2010.
10 – Um júri, constituído por cinco elementos, procederá à selecção das obras recebidas, que serão expostas depois de devidamente emolduradas e reproduzidas em catálogo. O júri pode ainda seleccionar um conjunto de obras extra-catálogo, que poderão igualmente ser emolduradas e expostas. Os autores cujas obras seleccionadas e expostas não constem do catálogo, são mencionados nele. O júri terá a seguinte constituição: um representante da FecoPortugal, um representante da Amnistia Internacional, um cartoonista convidado, um investigador da área do cartoon e um profissional da escrita.
11 – Todos os autores de obras seleccionadas para o catálogo receberão um exemplar desse catálogo.
12 – A exposição será inaugurada na “ Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º 156 (Lisboa - Portugal) a 21 de Outubro. Ficará exposta durante duas semanas, após o que inicia um período de itinerância em Portugal, podendo também ser exposta no estrangeiro.
13 – A participação dos autores implica a aceitação do conteúdo deste regulamento e a cedência de direitos de autor à organização, apenas para difusão informativa e promocional do evento e edição do catálogo, bem como exposição itinerante. Essas utilizações, que não possuem nenhuma finalidade lucrativa, não implicam qualquer pagamento aos autores.
14 – Nenhum órgão de comunicação ou outra entidade será autorizado a utilizar, para publicação ou outra finalidade, qualquer das obras enviadas, fora do âmbito do ponto anterior.
KONU:Naci Talat Portre Karikatürleri...
THEME:Naci Talat Portrait Cartoons...
NACİ TALAT ÖZGEÇMİŞ:10 Mart 1945 yılında, Mağusa'nın (Kıbrıs) Büyükkonuk köyünde doğdu. İlk veorta öğrenimini Lefkoşa'da tamamladıktan sonra 1962 yılında AnkaraUniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi'ne başladı. 1963 Toplumlararası Çarpışmalarnedeni ile ile tahsiline ara verip Erenköy Harekatı'na katıldı. 1971yılında, Hukuk Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu. Öğrenciliği sırasında, Öğrencikuruluşlarında çeşitli kademelerde görev aldı. Kıbrıs Türk Ulusal ÖğrenciFederasyonu'nun ilk başkanlığını yaptı.1972 yılında Lefkoşa'da başladığı avukatlık mesleğine, milletvekiliseçldiği 1976 yılında ara verdi. 1975 yılında Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devletive 1983 yılında Kuzey Kıbrıs Kurucu Meclislerinde Cumhuriyetçi TürkPartisi'nin temsilcisi olarak bulundu. Hiç ara vermeden 20 Haziran 1976,28 Haziran 1981, 23 Haziran 1985 tarihli genel seçimlerde milletvekiliseçildi. 6 Mayıs 1990 tarihli seçimde milletvekili seçildiği haldeiktidarın anti-demokratik uygulamalarını boykot etti, Meclis'egirmedi.1972 ile 1991 yılları arasında Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi'nin GenelSekreterliğini yapan Naci Talat, yaşamını Kıbrıs Türk Toplumunun barışve demokrasi mücadelesine adadı.Kıbrıs Türk siyasi yaşmına yön veren önemli siyasetçilerin başında gelenefsanevi lider, 26 Haziran 1991 tarihinde, Londra'da sevdiklerine vemücadelesine veda etti.
NACI TALAT BIOGRAPHY:He was born on March 10, 1945 in Buyukkonuk Village in Magusa. Aftercompleting his primary and secondary education in Nicosia, in 1962 he wentto University of Ankara Law School. He married Vesile Usar in 1969 and hada daughter and a son. He then graduated from Law School in 1971. He wasfluent in English and Greek and while he was a student, he took part invarious positions in student organizations. He was the first president ofthe Cypriot Turkish National Student Federation.When he was elected as a deputy of the Congress in June 1976, he took abreak from his job as a lawyer which he started in 1972. He was arepresentative of Cumhuriyetci Turk Partisi in the Founding Assembly ofKTFD (Turkish Federative State of Cyprus) in 1975 and (Northern CyprusParlementer Assembly) in 1983. Without any breaks, he was re-elected as adeputy after the June 1981 and June 1985 elections. After the May 1990election, even though he was elected as a deputy, he boycotted theanti-democratic practices and did not join the Congress.Between 1972 and 1991, Naci Talat was the Secretary General ofCumhuriyetci Turk Partisi, and he dedicated his life for the peace anddemocracy struggle of the Cypriot Turkish Community.This legendary leader, who was one of the most important politicians thatguided Cypriot Turkish political life, said his goodbyes to the struggleand the people who loved him, on June 26, 1991 in London.Even though years have passed since he passed away, Naci Talat's thoughts,voice, and image still continue to affect tens of thousands of people.
EN SON KATILIM:15 Ekim 2010
DEADLINE:15 October 2010
TEKNİK BİLGİLER:Ölçü: A4... En fazla 100-300 dpi... En fazla bir eser... Siyah-beyaz veyarenkli... Her katılımcı isim, soyisim, adres, telefon, e-posta adresiniyazacaktır...Karikatürler aşağıdaki e-posta adresine gönderilecektir:yeniakrep@kibris.net
TECHNICAL INFO:A4 Size Max. 100-300dpi... Max. one entry Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted Name, address, tel, e-mail All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail bysubmitting your cartoon to: yeniakrep@kibris.net
TELİF HAKLARI:Yarışmaya gönderilen tüm karikatürler, kart, poster, albüm, gazete,magazin, kitap ve benzeri tekniklerle basılıp çoğaltılabilecektir.Katılımcıların, bütün bu koşulları kabul ettikleri ve gönderdiklerieserlerin yeni baskısı veya kullanımı halinde, gelecekte herhangi bir malitazmin istemeyeceklerinin bilincinde oldukları kabul edilecektir.
COPYRIGHT:The cartoons will be displayed at or may be used for promotional purposes:cards,posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine and books etc. Participantsare considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware thattheir submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetarycompensation
ÖDÜLLER:Birincilik Ödülü (Plaket) Bir Kişiyeİkincilik Ödülü (Plaket) İki KişiyeÜçüncülük Ödülü (Plaket) Üç Kişiye
PRIZES:First Prize (Plaquet) To a person
Second Prize (Plaquet) Two persons
Third Prize (Plaquet) Three persons
SERGİ:Ekim 2010 (Naci Talat Vakfı, Lefkoşa Kıbrıs)
EXHIBITION:October 2010
Naci Talat Foundation (Nicosia - Cyprus)
Naci Talat fotoğrafları için aşağıdaki web sitesini ziyaret ediniz:
Naci Talat photos, please visit the following web page:http://www.nacitalat.com/
KONU:Naci Talat Portre Karikatürleri...
THEME:Naci Talat Portrait Cartoons...
NACİ TALAT ÖZGEÇMİŞ:10 Mart 1945 yılında, Mağusa'nın (Kıbrıs) Büyükkonuk köyünde doğdu. İlk veorta öğrenimini Lefkoşa'da tamamladıktan sonra 1962 yılında AnkaraUniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi'ne başladı. 1963 Toplumlararası Çarpışmalarnedeni ile ile tahsiline ara verip Erenköy Harekatı'na katıldı. 1971yılında, Hukuk Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu. Öğrenciliği sırasında, Öğrencikuruluşlarında çeşitli kademelerde görev aldı. Kıbrıs Türk Ulusal ÖğrenciFederasyonu'nun ilk başkanlığını yaptı.1972 yılında Lefkoşa'da başladığı avukatlık mesleğine, milletvekiliseçldiği 1976 yılında ara verdi. 1975 yılında Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devletive 1983 yılında Kuzey Kıbrıs Kurucu Meclislerinde Cumhuriyetçi TürkPartisi'nin temsilcisi olarak bulundu. Hiç ara vermeden 20 Haziran 1976,28 Haziran 1981, 23 Haziran 1985 tarihli genel seçimlerde milletvekiliseçildi. 6 Mayıs 1990 tarihli seçimde milletvekili seçildiği haldeiktidarın anti-demokratik uygulamalarını boykot etti, Meclis'egirmedi.1972 ile 1991 yılları arasında Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi'nin GenelSekreterliğini yapan Naci Talat, yaşamını Kıbrıs Türk Toplumunun barışve demokrasi mücadelesine adadı.Kıbrıs Türk siyasi yaşmına yön veren önemli siyasetçilerin başında gelenefsanevi lider, 26 Haziran 1991 tarihinde, Londra'da sevdiklerine vemücadelesine veda etti.
NACI TALAT BIOGRAPHY:He was born on March 10, 1945 in Buyukkonuk Village in Magusa. Aftercompleting his primary and secondary education in Nicosia, in 1962 he wentto University of Ankara Law School. He married Vesile Usar in 1969 and hada daughter and a son. He then graduated from Law School in 1971. He wasfluent in English and Greek and while he was a student, he took part invarious positions in student organizations. He was the first president ofthe Cypriot Turkish National Student Federation.When he was elected as a deputy of the Congress in June 1976, he took abreak from his job as a lawyer which he started in 1972. He was arepresentative of Cumhuriyetci Turk Partisi in the Founding Assembly ofKTFD (Turkish Federative State of Cyprus) in 1975 and (Northern CyprusParlementer Assembly) in 1983. Without any breaks, he was re-elected as adeputy after the June 1981 and June 1985 elections. After the May 1990election, even though he was elected as a deputy, he boycotted theanti-democratic practices and did not join the Congress.Between 1972 and 1991, Naci Talat was the Secretary General ofCumhuriyetci Turk Partisi, and he dedicated his life for the peace anddemocracy struggle of the Cypriot Turkish Community.This legendary leader, who was one of the most important politicians thatguided Cypriot Turkish political life, said his goodbyes to the struggleand the people who loved him, on June 26, 1991 in London.Even though years have passed since he passed away, Naci Talat's thoughts,voice, and image still continue to affect tens of thousands of people.
EN SON KATILIM:15 Ekim 2010
DEADLINE:15 October 2010
TEKNİK BİLGİLER:Ölçü: A4... En fazla 100-300 dpi... En fazla bir eser... Siyah-beyaz veyarenkli... Her katılımcı isim, soyisim, adres, telefon, e-posta adresiniyazacaktır...Karikatürler aşağıdaki e-posta adresine gönderilecektir:yeniakrep@kibris.net
TECHNICAL INFO:A4 Size Max. 100-300dpi... Max. one entry Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted Name, address, tel, e-mail All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail bysubmitting your cartoon to: yeniakrep@kibris.net
TELİF HAKLARI:Yarışmaya gönderilen tüm karikatürler, kart, poster, albüm, gazete,magazin, kitap ve benzeri tekniklerle basılıp çoğaltılabilecektir.Katılımcıların, bütün bu koşulları kabul ettikleri ve gönderdiklerieserlerin yeni baskısı veya kullanımı halinde, gelecekte herhangi bir malitazmin istemeyeceklerinin bilincinde oldukları kabul edilecektir.
COPYRIGHT:The cartoons will be displayed at or may be used for promotional purposes:cards,posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine and books etc. Participantsare considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware thattheir submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetarycompensation
ÖDÜLLER:Birincilik Ödülü (Plaket) Bir Kişiyeİkincilik Ödülü (Plaket) İki KişiyeÜçüncülük Ödülü (Plaket) Üç Kişiye
PRIZES:First Prize (Plaquet) To a person
Second Prize (Plaquet) Two persons
Third Prize (Plaquet) Three persons
SERGİ:Ekim 2010 (Naci Talat Vakfı, Lefkoşa Kıbrıs)
EXHIBITION:October 2010
Naci Talat Foundation (Nicosia - Cyprus)
Naci Talat fotoğrafları için aşağıdaki web sitesini ziyaret ediniz:
Naci Talat photos, please visit the following web page:http://www.nacitalat.com/
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Concurso de Cartoon FECO Portugal / Amnistia Internacional - Dignidade
A FecoPortugal – Associação de Cartoonistas e a Amnistia Internacional – Portugal são co-organizadoras de uma exposição internacional de cartoon, que tem por tema e título: DIGNIDADE. Esta iniciativa pretende chamar a atenção da sociedade para a crise de valores a que vamos assistindo, com a crescente sobrevalorização do TER, à custa da subvalorização do SER.Para mais informações acerca do tema, veja Campanha Exija Dignidade.
1 – Tema: “Dignidade”. Cada autor pode abordar a problemática da Dignidade (ou da falta dela…), tomando em sentido lato o valor positivo do conceito.
2 – Podem participar artistas profissionais ou amadores, de qualquer nacionalidade.
3 – As obras têm de ser criação original de cada autor, podendo ter sido já divulgadas ou publicadas (ou não) na imprensa ou outros meios de difusão.
4 – Cada autor pode participar com uma única obra, que pode ser Cartoon, Caricatura, Ilustração, ou Banda Desenhada em história de página única, elaborados em qualquer técnica, inclusivamente com recurso a computador, a preto e branco ou cores.
5 – As obras que tiverem texto, devem contê-lo em língua portuguesa.
6 – As obras, que devem ter dimensões máximas A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), têm de ser enviadas por e-mail, em ficheiros JPG com resolução de 300 dpi, para: presidente_dir@feco-portugal.org
7 – Com cada obra, mas em ficheiro separado, deve ser enviado um ficheiro com: Nome da obra, nome do autor, endereço postal sem esquecer o país, telefone e e-mail.
8 – Um curriculum resumido deve acompanhar as obras, em documento anexo.
9 – O prazo de recebimento das obras termina a 30 de Setembro de 2010.
10 – Um júri, constituído por cinco elementos, procederá à selecção das obras recebidas, que serão expostas depois de devidamente emolduradas e reproduzidas em catálogo. O júri pode ainda seleccionar um conjunto de obras extra-catálogo, que poderão igualmente ser emolduradas e expostas. Os autores cujas obras seleccionadas e expostas não constem do catálogo, são mencionados nele. O júri terá a seguinte constituição: um representante da FecoPortugal, um representante da Amnistia Internacional, um cartoonista convidado, um investigador da área do cartoon e um profissional da escrita.
11 – Todos os autores de obras seleccionadas para o catálogo receberão um exemplar desse catálogo.
12 – A exposição será inaugurada na “ Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º 156 (Lisboa - Portugal) a 21 de Outubro. Ficará exposta durante duas semanas, após o que inicia um período de itinerância em Portugal, podendo também ser exposta no estrangeiro.
13 – A participação dos autores implica a aceitação do conteúdo deste regulamento e a cedência de direitos de autor à organização, apenas para difusão informativa e promocional do evento e edição do catálogo, bem como exposição itinerante. Essas utilizações, que não possuem nenhuma finalidade lucrativa, não implicam qualquer pagamento aos autores.
14 – Nenhum órgão de comunicação ou outra entidade será autorizado a utilizar, para publicação ou outra finalidade, qualquer das obras enviadas, fora do âmbito do ponto anterior.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
21º Festival Int. Banda Desenhada da Amadora - 2010
Regulamentos dos Concursos
21º Concurso de Banda Desenhada
19º Concurso de Cartoon
21º Concurso de Banda Desenhada
Escalão A - dos 17 aos 30 anos
Escalão A+ - a partir dos 31 anos (sem Bds publicadas em álbum e que nunca tenham sido premiados pelo Amadora BD)
Escalão B - dos 12 aos 16 anos
Casa artista, ou equipa pode participar com uma BD de 4 pranchas, com texto em Português.(Para mais informação consultar www.amadorabd,com)
Data limite de entrega: na CMA - CNBDI até dia 15 de Setembro 2010 até às 17h00, ou por correio
Prémios :
Escalão A - 1º Prémio - € 1.000, 2º Prémio - € 750; 3º Prémio - € 600
Escalão A+ - Prémio único - € 1.000
Escalão B - 1º Prémio - € 750, 2º Prémio - € 600, 3º Prémio - € 500
19º Concurso de Cartoon
Podem concorrer todos os artistas maiores de 16 anos, com dois trabalhos máximo sob pseudónimo diferente para cada trabalho em formato A4. (Para mais informação consultar www.amadorabd,com)
Data limite de entrega: na CMA - CNBDI até dia 15 de Setembro 2010 até às 17h00, ou por correio
Escalão C - dos 16 aos 30 anos
Escalão C+ - a partir dos 31 ( sem Cartoons publicados na imprensa e que nunca tenham sido premiados pelo Amadora BD)
Escalão C - 1º Prémio - € 600, 2º Prémio - € 450, 3º Prémio - € 350
Escalão C+ - Prémio único - € 600
Endereço: Amadora BD - Festival Int. de Banda Desenhada
CMA/CNBDI - Av. Brasil 52A
2700-134 Amadora / Portugal
21º Concurso de Banda Desenhada
19º Concurso de Cartoon
21º Concurso de Banda Desenhada
Escalão A - dos 17 aos 30 anos
Escalão A+ - a partir dos 31 anos (sem Bds publicadas em álbum e que nunca tenham sido premiados pelo Amadora BD)
Escalão B - dos 12 aos 16 anos
Casa artista, ou equipa pode participar com uma BD de 4 pranchas, com texto em Português.(Para mais informação consultar www.amadorabd,com)
Data limite de entrega: na CMA - CNBDI até dia 15 de Setembro 2010 até às 17h00, ou por correio
Prémios :
Escalão A - 1º Prémio - € 1.000, 2º Prémio - € 750; 3º Prémio - € 600
Escalão A+ - Prémio único - € 1.000
Escalão B - 1º Prémio - € 750, 2º Prémio - € 600, 3º Prémio - € 500
19º Concurso de Cartoon
Podem concorrer todos os artistas maiores de 16 anos, com dois trabalhos máximo sob pseudónimo diferente para cada trabalho em formato A4. (Para mais informação consultar www.amadorabd,com)
Data limite de entrega: na CMA - CNBDI até dia 15 de Setembro 2010 até às 17h00, ou por correio
Escalão C - dos 16 aos 30 anos
Escalão C+ - a partir dos 31 ( sem Cartoons publicados na imprensa e que nunca tenham sido premiados pelo Amadora BD)
Escalão C - 1º Prémio - € 600, 2º Prémio - € 450, 3º Prémio - € 350
Escalão C+ - Prémio único - € 600
Endereço: Amadora BD - Festival Int. de Banda Desenhada
CMA/CNBDI - Av. Brasil 52A
2700-134 Amadora / Portugal
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
La publicación humorística Melaíto y la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba en Villa Clara (UNEAC), convocan al X Salón de Humorismo «Santa Clara 2010», con carácter internacional..
El evento de este año estará dedicado a los 42 años, de esta ya legendaria publicación ,del centro del país
Los temas a concursar serán libre y erótico. Las dimensiones de las obras pueden llegar hasta 25 x 35 cm en tamaño máximo, en cualquier técnica y soporte ,incluidos copias impresas de trabajos digitales, los de tercera dimensión no rebasarán los 50 x 50 cm en cualquiera de sus lados.
Cada autor puede enviar un máximo de 3 obras por categoría.
Las obras deben ser enviadas por correo postal y se recibirán hasta el 30 de noviembre del 2010en:
Casa de la UNEAC
Máximo Gómez no. 107 entre Julio Jover y Martí, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Los premios:
Se otorgarán 3 premios por cada categoría y las menciones que el jurado estime pertinentes:
Para participantes nacionales:
1er premio: 2 000 moneda nacional y diploma
2do premio: 1 300 moneda nacional y diploma
3er premio: 800 moneda nacional y diploma
Para participantes extranjeros:
Los laureados recibirán como premio una obra de artes plásticas original, en lienzo de un reconocido pintor villaclareño y diploma, que se les hará llegar de forma segura.
El jurado estará integrado por prestigiosos caricaturistas, y su dictamen será inapelable
Además, en los días comprendidos entre el 18 y el 20 de diciembre del 2010 tendrá lugar un encuentro entre destacados caricaturistas en la ciudad de Santa Clara
La inauguración de la exposición y entrega de los premios se efectuará el 20 de diciembre a las 3:00 de la tarde en la sede de la UNEAC , donde celebraremos los 42 años de esta publicación .
Para aclarar dudas sobre la presente convocatoria pueden dirigirse a la siguiente dirección:
Comité Organizador .
30 de septiembre del 2010
El evento de este año estará dedicado a los 42 años, de esta ya legendaria publicación ,del centro del país
Los temas a concursar serán libre y erótico. Las dimensiones de las obras pueden llegar hasta 25 x 35 cm en tamaño máximo, en cualquier técnica y soporte ,incluidos copias impresas de trabajos digitales, los de tercera dimensión no rebasarán los 50 x 50 cm en cualquiera de sus lados.
Cada autor puede enviar un máximo de 3 obras por categoría.
Las obras deben ser enviadas por correo postal y se recibirán hasta el 30 de noviembre del 2010en:
Casa de la UNEAC
Máximo Gómez no. 107 entre Julio Jover y Martí, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Los premios:
Se otorgarán 3 premios por cada categoría y las menciones que el jurado estime pertinentes:
Para participantes nacionales:
1er premio: 2 000 moneda nacional y diploma
2do premio: 1 300 moneda nacional y diploma
3er premio: 800 moneda nacional y diploma
Para participantes extranjeros:
Los laureados recibirán como premio una obra de artes plásticas original, en lienzo de un reconocido pintor villaclareño y diploma, que se les hará llegar de forma segura.
El jurado estará integrado por prestigiosos caricaturistas, y su dictamen será inapelable
Además, en los días comprendidos entre el 18 y el 20 de diciembre del 2010 tendrá lugar un encuentro entre destacados caricaturistas en la ciudad de Santa Clara
La inauguración de la exposición y entrega de los premios se efectuará el 20 de diciembre a las 3:00 de la tarde en la sede de la UNEAC , donde celebraremos los 42 años de esta publicación .
Para aclarar dudas sobre la presente convocatoria pueden dirigirse a la siguiente dirección:
Comité Organizador .
30 de septiembre del 2010