2007 China Guangxi International Cartoon Contest
2,Deadline: August 28, 2007
1) Size: Min:A4(210mm×297mm), Max:A3(297mm×420mm)
2) Quantity: Unlimited
3) Please send original drawings to this Festival. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. Digital artworks(CD&Disk) and good quality photocopies will be accepted.
4) Please write the following information in the top left corner on the back side of cartoon: name, address, tel & fax, e-mail, title & theme.
5) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at our website.
6) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese.
7) After sending original drawings,all cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoon to: cygjmh2007@163.com, cygjmh2@163.com
Format:JPEG Size:max.3000k(3M) per cartoon Resolution ratio:200dpi-300dpi
(Each e-mail must be accompanied by the author's entry-form for the submitted cartoon.)
Gold Prize(1 awards): 10000RMB+Certificate+Catalogue,
Silver Prize(2 awards): 5000RMB+Certificate+Catalogue,
Bronze Prize(4 awards): 2000RMB+Certificate+Catalogue,
Public Prize(1 awards): 5000RMB+Certificate+Catalogue,
Honorable Mention(10 awards): Certificate+Catalogue,
Selected Prize(100 awards): Certificate+Catalogue,
(All awards are subject to necessary adjustment. Please check web bulletin.)
Guangxi City College(www.gxccedu.com)
China Journalistic Caricature Society,China Art Association(Guangxi Branch)
Assistant Sponsor:
Hunan Art Association Cartoon Committee of China
c/o: Li Lin
Guangxi International Cartoon Contest
Guangxi City College,
Fusui County, Guangxi
532100 P.R.CHINA
Web: www.gxccfy.com/cartoon
E-mail:cygjmh2007@163.com, cygjmh2@163.com
2007 China Guangxi International Cartoon Contest
Full Name:___________________________________ Photo/ Caricature
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Hompage: _____________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________
A)Environment Protection Quantity__________________________
B)Free Theme Quantity__________________________
Title: 1_______________2_______________3________________4______________
5_______________6_______________7________________8______________ Biography_____________________________________________________________
*P.S. Please fill in entry form through computer; Duplication entry form is acceptable