Saturday, March 29, 2008

international exhibition GREAT PERSONALITIES 2008.

Dear artist,
I invite you to participate at international exhibition GREAT PERSONALITIES 2008.
You can find Romanian personalities at
- Size: free -
Number of drawings: free
- Computer art will be accepted at resolution 300 dpi for size 21X30cm or more, preferable JPEG.
Send your drawings at both emails: and
- Exhibition will be organize in November 2008
- Prizes: 20 artists will be invited at a short holiday in Romania. All expenses will be suportef from organizers.
- Deadline: Octomrie 30, 2008 (but we prefer as soon possible for expose its by internet)
- All participants will received the catalogue free of charge.
- Address for the sending of the originals: Nicolae Ionita Str-Eminescu, nr-28A, bl-Gioconda, ap-27, 100329 - Ploiesti, ROMANIA
Best regards,
Nicolae Ionita

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (


1) The contest is open to all caricaturists living in Europe
2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Justice (the lawyers exercise, being a Judge, the Laws, Justice, the Courts…)
3) Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white with the maximum format of A4, in all techniques and styles (the works done by computer sent in a computer support - CD or disquette with 300dpis or Jpeg - must also be submitted in a A4 print , hand signed and numbered 1/1) as caricature , cartoon, humor drawing, comic strip , comics (story in one page only)… and these should be identified on the back of the drawing with the name of the artist, address, email, telephone number and income tax number.
4) The works will be awarded by a Jury and the awards will be :
1st prize - € 2.000,0
2nd prize - € 1.500,00
3rd prize - € 1.000,00
5) The Jury hás the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality
6) The Caricatures which are awarded prizes become the property of the organisers. After the exhibition, all the other works will be returned to the artists with a catalogue
7) All exhibited artists give the right to the organisers to use, publish and exhibit caricatures without compensation or payment , for the promotion of the exhibition
8) Works must be submitted until April 28th 2008 to I Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal
9) The I Bienal de Humor Luis d’Oliveira Guimarães will take place between June 7h and September 22nd 2008.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


MELA RIDENS (contest for young artists 16-29 years old) -

Dear colleague,we remember you to participate in the 2 prestigious intl cartoons contests organized by Studio d'Arte Andromeda - Trento (Italy) :
Total Prizes: 2.500 €uro
Deadline: March 31, 2008 (the post-mark will provide the proof) > last days for participating in !
Attached the complete regulations and entry-form (pdf format)-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGULATIONS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We aim at all the artists not overwhelmed by the current rampant savagery, but still able to look at the present world with critical realism and at the same time, wanting the moon.We want to be open minded to the ideals and the dreams.
1. The exhibition is by invite. Authors can present an unlimited number of works, the Studio will exhibit those that, by its incontrovertible opinion, considers most in line with the subject.
2. Works must be the originals, can be realized with any technique and must be strictly on topic.
3. Maximum format A3
4. Send your works toStudio d'Arte Andromedavia Malpaga 1738100 Trento - Italybefore march 31th 2008
5. We will inform you of the inauguration date in time
6. The works will be returned on demand
7. The Organization Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works
8. The Studio reserve the possibility of printing a catalogue with the most significant works and the right of using them for informations, news and documentations for the gallery. We will give a catalogue to all participant during the inauguration, or we will send it with the works.
9. The Studio d'Arte Andromeda don't answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
10. The contest has the following prizes: - 1st prize: 1000 Euro- 2nd prize: 700 Euro- 3rd prize: 500 Euro- Prize visitors (300 Euro)
The works should be sent to:STUDIO D'ARTE ANDROMEDA
Via Malpaga 1738100 TRENTO
ITALY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MELA RIDENS Special contest
via e-mail only for young artists 16-29 years old (with a special reserved section for professional artists over 30 years)
Prizes: Special PrizesDeadline: September 20, 2008 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGULATIONS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"An apple a day..." A popular motto that has found in scientific research a punctual and precise confirmation. The Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Italian League for the Struggle against Tumors), appraising the most recent scientific studies, has activated a series of initiatives to favor the daily consumption of apples and a style of life founded on a correct feeding.To comunicate this message there has been organized an ample informative campaign including a space dedicated to the juvenile creativeness.The expressive form chosen is the humorous graphic: cartoons, sketches or brief comic strips in order to provoke a reflection on the benefits deriving from the consumption of this magic fruit that in making us feel good guarantees a dynamic, lively, pleased, seren life.The apple is pleasant much more than a medicine. On website you can get scientific news about organolettic property of apples.The initiative will last a whole year, a jury composed of the artists of Studio d'Arte Andromeda will select the works to expose and the virtual exibition will continually be adjourned. The project will be enriched as contacts, meetings, exchanges and prizes come along.
1. The contest is intended for young people of the whole world of inclusive age between 16 and 29 years.
2. Professional artists over 30 years of age can also partecipate in a special reserved section.
3. The virtual exibition will be visitable on the site
4. Works have to be sent to the address beginning from November 1st 2007 and up to September 20th 2008.
5. Number of works max 2; size vertical or horizontal A4; 300 DPIs.
6. Admitted: comic strips, cartoons, coloured or white/black illustrations.The works should be sent via e-mail
(including entry-form with complete author's data)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Uma Organização: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Uma Produção: Humorgrafe
Director Artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (

Regulamento do concurso Literário de Crónicas Humorísticas:
1 Aberto à participação de escritores humoristas lusofonos.
2. Tema: A Justiça (o exercício de advocacia, o que é ser Juiz, as Leis, a Justiça, os tribunais…)
3. Cada artista pode enviar até 4 trabalhos, não podendo cada um exceder os 4.000 caracteres. Estes devem vir identificados no verso com nome e morada, e-mail, telefone e nº contribuinte.
4. Os trabalhos serão julgados por um júri constituído por: um representante da Câmara Municipal de Penela; por um representante da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal; dois representantes da família Oliveira Guimarães; pelo Director Artístico da Bienal; um representante dos patrocinadores, um artista convidado, sendo outorgados os seguintes Prémios:
* 1º Prémio Literário do I SHLOG- 2008 (no valor de € 1.000)
* 2º Prémio Literário do I SHLOG- 2008 (no valor de € 750)
5. O júri outorga-se o direito de não atribuir os prémios se os trabalhos a concurso não atingirem a qualidade mínima exigida.
6. Os direitos de reprodução são propriedade da organização, logo que seja para promoção deste Salão, e discutidos pontualmente com os autores, no caso de outras utilizações.
8. Os trabalhos devem ser enviados até 28 de Abril de 2008 para I Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela

Regulamento do concurso gráfico humorístico:
1 Aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos com humor, residentes na Europa.
2. Tema: A Justiça (o exercício de advocacia, o que é ser Juiz, as Leis, a Justiça, os tribunais…)
3. Cada artista pode enviar até 4 trabalhos, em preto e branco formato não superior a A4 , aberto a todas as técnicas e estilos, (os trabalhos feitos a computador, para alem do seu envio em suporte informático - CD ou disquete a 300 dpis Jpeg – devem ter também um print em A4, assinados à mão e numerados 1/1) como caricatura, cartoon, desenho de humor, tira, prancha de bd (história num prancha única)... devendo estes vir identificados no verso com nome e morada, e-mail, telefone e nº contribuinte.
4. Os trabalhos serão julgados por um júri constituído por: um representante da Câmara Municipal de Penela; por um representante da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal; dois representantes da família Oliveira Guimarães; pelo Director Artístico da Bienal; um representante dos patrocinadores, um artista convidado, sendo outorgados os seguintes Prémios:
* 1º Prémio da I BHLOG- 2008 (no valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio da I BHLOG- 2008 (no valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio da I BHLOG- 2008 (no valor de € 1.000)
5. O júri outorga-se o direito de não expor aqueles trabalhos que não atinjam a qualidade mínima exigida.
6. Os trabalhos premiados ficam automaticamente adquiridos pela organização. Todos os outros serão devolvidos após a exposição, com respectivo catálogo.
7. Os direitos de reprodução são propriedade da organização, logo que seja para promoção deste Salão, e discutidos pontualmente com os autores, no caso de outras utilizações.
8. Os trabalhos devem ser enviados até 28 de Abril de 2008 para I Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela
9. A I Bienal de Humor Luís d’ Oliveira Guimarães – Penela 2008, realiza-se de 7 de Junho a 22 de Setembro.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2nd International Car Caricature Exhibition in Zagreb 2008.

There is nothing quite like a caro Wherever we turn this omnipresent menace (or should we say "sensible means of transport") is with uso But where would we be without one? Could we really face our friends and neighbours without our "four-wheeled friend"? Even if it means our bank­account is more often in the "red" than the "black" if we see a car we like - we MUST HAVE IT !
In many societies a car is a status symbol which says to everyone just how cool, trendy or well-off the driver is. More CC's, expensive stereos or funky add-ons ali add up to create our own personal advertisement. Being different or innovative is
cool, too. Fancy a swimming pool in the back of your car? Too late, that's already been done ! Anyway, most of us can only afford a DIY sink ...
Of course, we must not forget that cars are thought of as phallic symbols by many men (and women, too I). Even the cheapest two-seater sports car can boost your potency and self-confidence ... and there is no doubt that some ladies love something hot and throbbing to play with!
And, talking about the ladies, we must not forget that they love their cars as well. Some of them even like to give their cars cutesy kitten names ... Iike "Love-bug" or "Fluffy" ...
But whatever car YOU drive, remember it has a PERSONALlTY ... and that is what the exhibition is ali about! So come along to the 2nd International Car Caricature Exhibition in Zagreb 2008. You know it makes sense ... And there is plenty of parking space for your "personality extension", too!

1 • Ali caricaturists (and those wishing to be one) on the planet Earth have the right to participate.
2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of 2 caricatures
3. The format for caricatures is either A4 or A5.
4. Caricatures must be submitted on paper, (either drawn or as a computer print) and signed by the artist. Photocopies and other forms of duplication will not be accepted.
5. Caricatures will be exhibited following selection by the judges appointed by the Organisers, Huna d.o.o. Zagreb.
6. The Organisers will present the following awards:
GRAND PRIZE € 4,000 or 30,000 Kn
1st PRIZE €1,000 or 7,500 Kn
2nd PRIZE € 800 or 5,500 Kn
3rd PRIZE € 5000r 3,500 Kn
Two special recognition prizes: each '€ 300 or 2.200 Kn
In addition to monetary prizes, each winner will receive a certificate
7. Each participant in the exhibition will be represented in the exhibition catalogue with one caricature selected by the Organisers.
8. Every artist whose work is exhibited is entitled to a free copy of the exhibition catalogue.
9. The subject matter of the exhibition is: Our everyday car - parking
10. Prizes will be awarded by a committee of at least seven persons, of whom five will be sponsor representatives and two will be experts appointed the Organisers.
11. Caricatures which are awarded prizes become the property of the sponsor awarding the prize to the artist or remain the property of the Organisers.
12. Caricatures which are not awarded prizes
beco me the property of the Organisers or, at the explicit request of the artist, can be returned (on payment of shipping costs) or may be collected from Huna d.o.o. six months after the exhibition.
13. Ali exhibited artists give the right to the Organisers to use, publish and exhibit caricatures, without compensation or payment, for the promotion of future exhibitions and projects.
14. The Organisers reserve the right to utilise caricatures with third-parties to promote the artist and the exhibition.
15. By submitting caricatures to the 2nd International Car Caricature Exhibition Zagreb 2008 the artist agrees and accepts and the terms of participation.
16. Caricatures will be accepted for inclusion in the exhibition until 21.04.2008 at the Organisers address.
17. The exhibition will take place in the lobby of the Autobusni kolodvor (Main bus Station) in Zagreb on 28.05.2008.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

XII Salão Luso-Galaico de caricatura - Vila Real 2008

1. Aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos com humor, residentes em Portugal e na Galiza.
2. O tema lançado a desafio aos humoristas, este ano, é "Rádio & Televisão" (paródias a programas, a séries, á comunicação social… caricaturas de locutores, entrevistadores, heróis de séries…).
3. Cada artista pode enviar até 4 trabalhos, em preto e branco formato não superior a A3 (de preferência A4), aberto a todas as técnicas e estilos, (os trabalhos feitos a computador, para alem do seu envio em suporte informático - CD ou disquete a 300 dpis Jpeg – devem ter também um prints em A4, assinados à mão e numerados 1/1) como caricatura, cartoon, desenho de humor, tira, prancha de bd (história num prancha única)… devendo estes vir identificados no verso com nome e morada, e-mail, telefone e nº contribuinte. A acompanhar os desenhos deve ser enviado um mini curriculum do artista para aparecer no catálogo.
4. Os trabalhos serão julgados por um júri constituído por: um representante da Câmara Municipal de Vila Real; do Governo Civil de Vila Real, da Delegação Norte da Secretaria de Estado da Cultura, António Manuel Pires Cabral e Elísio Amaral Neves Assessores do Pelouro da Cultura, o Presidente da Humorgrafe e um artista plástico convidado, sendo outorgados os seguintes Prémios:
* 1º Prémio do XII Salão Vila Real / 2008 (no valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio do XII Salão Vila Real / 2008 (no valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio do XII Salão Vila Real / 2008 (no valor de € 1.000)
Menções Honrosas (no valor de € 500)
5. O júri outorga-se o direito de não expor aqueles trabalhos que não atinjam a qualidade mínima exigida.
6. Os trabalhos premiados ficam automaticamente adquiridos pela organização (CMVR). Todos os outros serão devolvidos após a exposição.
7. Os direitos de reprodução são propriedade da organização, logo que seja para promoção deste Salão, e discutidos pontualmente com os autores, no caso de outras utilizações.
8. Os trabalhos devem ser enviados até 28 de Abril de 2008, para: XII Salão Luso-Galaigo de Caricatura / 2008Edifício da Biblioteca Municipal Dr. Júlio Teixeira Rua Madame Brouillard, 5000- 573 Vila Real / PORTUGAL
9. O XII Salão Luso-Galaico de Caricatura de Vila Real / 2008, realiza-se na Galeria de Arte do Teatro Municipal de Vila Real de 21 de Junho a 30 de Julho. A entrega dos Prémios realiza-se na noite de 12 de Julho com a Festa da Caricatura. A exposição, será apresentada posteriormente em Ourense (como nos anos anteriores)
Uma Produção: HUMORGRAFE

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

III Concurso de Humor Gráfico Santomera 2008

1. Podrán concursar todos los humoristas gráficos, profesionales o no, de cualquier país.
2. Se admitirán un máximo de dos obras por participante, que necesariamente no habrán sido presentadas a otro certamen.
3. El tema: “Tolerancia intercultural”.
4. Las obras, deberán ser originales, realizadas en cualquier técnica pictórica. Se admitirán trabajos digitales siempre que sean firmados por el autor y con la indicación expresa de que se trata de la impresión número 1.
5. Tendrán un formato máximo de 30 x 42 cms., sin marco y comprendido su eventual “passe partout”.
6. Los premios establecidos son: 1º. Premio: 900 €; 2º. Premio: 600 €; Dos. Accesit. 150 €
7. El plazo de recepción de las obras será hasta el día 17 de Marzo de 2008 a las 14 horas. Fuera de dicho plazo no se admitirá obra alguna.
8. Las obras se presentarán, haciendo constar el nombre del autor, así como el resto de datos personales, tales como: dirección, teléfono fotografía, e-mail y un breve currículo.
9. Las obras deberán remitirse a la dirección siguiente:III CONCURSO DE HUMOR GRÁFICO “SANTOMERA 2008”Ayuntamiento de SantomeraCASAGRANDE (Inmigración)c/ Cuatro esquinas, 5830140 Santomera • Murcia • ESPAÑA
10. El fallo del jurado, que será inapelable, se hará público el 27 de Marzo de 2008. Los premios podrán ser declarados desiertos a juicio del jurado.
11. Las obras seleccionadas serán expuestas desde el 1 al 30 de Abril de 2008 en las dependencias de CASAGRANDE, en Santomera.
12. Las obras premiadas quedarán en propiedad del Ayuntamiento de Santomera. Los autores de las mismas se comprometen a ceder al mismo los derechos de explotación de la obra en su modalidad de reproducción, comunicación pública y distribución.
13. Las obras no premiadas serán devueltas a sus autores, siempre que en el envío se haga constar expresamente, si bien quedan excluidos los trabajos que no se ajusten a las bases.
14. El hecho de concursar supone la plena aceptación de estas bases.

1. All professional cartoonists or not of any countries may take part in this competition.
2. Each cartoonist can submit 2 originals, being essential that the original works have not been submitted to a previous competition.
3. TOPIC: “Tolerance to other cultures”.
4. The works must be original, any painting technique being accepted. Top quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be considered originals as long as the author sings them, and with the indication that it is Print nº 1.
5. The format of the works will be maximum 30x42 cms without frame.
6. PRIZES: 1st PRIZE: 900 €; 2nd PRIZE: 600 €; Two runners-up: 150 €
7. The works should be received by the organization by March 17th, 2008 at 14:00 hours. No works will be accepted after that limit time.
8. Each of the works for submission must carry an identification label, clearly filled in, including name of cartoonist, as well as address, phone number, photograph, e-mail and a brief curriculum.
9. All works must be sent to this address:III CONCURSO DE HUMOR GRÁFICO “SANTOMERA 2008”Ayuntamiento de SantomeraCASAGRANDE (Inmigración)C/ Cuatro esquinas, 5830140 Santomera • Murcia • SPAIN
10. The decisions of the Jury which will be taken by majority vote and will be final, will be made public on March 27th, 2.008. The prize might be considered desiertos on the Jury's decision.
11. The selected works will be exhibited from 1st to 30 April 2008 in Casagrande, in Santomera.
12. The prizewinning works will not be returned to their authors. They will become property of the Council of Santomera. The awarding of a prize to a specific word will automatically imply the waiving of its author's royalties to the organisation.
13. The works not awarded as winners will be returned to their authors, provided theat this has clearly been by the authors in the identification label.
14. It must be made clear that accepting all these regulations is the essential requirement to take part in the competition.