Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Brazilcartoon takes responsibility for the prizes of the Contest and extends the deadlineThe portal Brazilcartoon supported the Godofredo Guedes’ Centennial International Fair of Cartoon / Brazil with the creation of graphic pieces for disclosure, but unfortunately the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Montes Claros of the current administration (2004-2008) did not fulfill the agreement of paying the valuo of the prizes. Due to the large number of works we have received and the importance of the event, the Brazilcartoon will realize the fair independent of the support from the Secretary of Culture. The deadline will be extended until August 01 of 2009, date of Godofredo’s birthday. So if you have not participated yet, now it’s a good opportunity to honor this great Brazilian artist.International Caricature Contest Godofredo Guedes’ CentenaryGodofrendo, Godô, as he was kindly named, was born on August 15 in the city Riacho de Santana, Bahia, in 1908. In 1953 he moved to Montes Claros / MG. He began to dominate the brush before he was 15, in 1923. His first work was “Nosso Senhor Bom Jesus da Lapa”, made by oil. As the years went by he became a reference in painting portraits and beautiful landscapes, North of Minas’ hinterlands scenes.Godofredo was also an influence to the beginning of advertising in Montes Claros, producing painted signs to local commerce. In music he had a most important role in compositions that are nationally known such as “CANTAR” which have already been recorded by Milton Nascimento and Paula Toler, as well as his own son, the singer and composer Beto Guedes.Godofredo went beyond the mounts, in Minas’ capital, where he collaborated in the creation of the art market in Belo Horizonte, in Liberdade Square.The immortal Godofredo has always had painting and music in his blood, and contributed immensely with the cultural formation of Montes Claros. He left a valuable inheritance of compositions and paintings, and also created an instrument, pentacorde, that have and particular sound.The City Montes Claros, Brazilcartoon’s home, opens the celebrations of Godofredo Guedes’ centenary with several festivities, in order to retribute to the great cultural collaboration of this talented artist: Godofredo Guedes.Montes Claros is located in the north portion of Minas Gerais. It is an important academic pole and the cultural crib that has already projected great artists in national and international scene such as the writer Darcy Ribeiro, the illustrator and cartoonist Marcelo Lélis, the singer and composer Beto Guedes, one of the integrants of MPB movement, Clube da Esquina; Konstantin Christoff, humor painter known internationally; Carlos Muniz, cartoonist, and Márcio Leite, Brazilcartoon’s director.
International Godofredo Guedes’ Centenary Contest’s
1 - Any person can participate the Contest, except Brazilcartoon’s workers and organization staff.
2 - Participants: The competition is open to all amateur cartoonists, professionals and students
3 - The unknown works shall be presented in vertical, format 30cm x 40 cm.
4 - Each contestant may participate with only 1 (one) work.
5 - Techinique is free.
6 - Only original works will be accepted. Digital works shall be signed by the artist’s hand. In the back of each work shall present the following information: Author’s full name, full address with zip-code, phone number, CIC, Identity, bank data and e-mail.
7- The works can be registrated personally or by mail. The final date for registration is August 01, 2009, counting the publishing date. Brazilcartoon’s site won’t be responsible by any damage occurred during the publishing.
OBS.: The under-age participants shall send, written down, the authorization of the parents of responsible.
8- Category: Caricature.Caricature Concept – Graphic representation with funny anatomic distortions of known personalities.
9 – The participants shall fill the registration form and send the drawings, in the same envelope, to the following address:Salão Internacional de Caricaturas, Centenário Godofredo Guedes, Rua São Francisco, 666, Centro Cep: 39400-048 Montes Claros / MG, BRAZILMore info: (38) 3216-1109
Coordination: Walkiria Braga
10 – Registrations: until August 01, 2009
11 – The result will be published on August 15, 2009.
12 – Brazilcartoon will show on it’s site a gallery with all the selected and awarded drawings.
13- Drawings sent to the competition won’t be returned.
14 – Prizes:1st place: R$ 2.000 + trophy2nd place: R$ 1.000 + trophy3rd place: R$ 500 + trophyNew Talent’s Award: R$ 500 + trophy (This category is dedicated to amateur artists untill 16 years old).
15 – Authorial rights:The organization staff reserve the right to veto the participation of those whose work’s subject won’t fit the contest’s proposal. The organization may use the works sent to divulgate the event and in Brazilcartoon.
The registration of the International Godofredo Guedes’ centenary Contest implicates in total and unrestricted acceptance of the conditions above described.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Basis 14th Diogenes Taborda Salon 2009 - Argentina
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation Mercosur Art Showrooms Year 2009
Basis 14 the Diogenes Taborda Salon 2009
Open to artists of all countries in the world.
Can participate: painters, photographers, sculptors, printers, humorists, etc.
Theme: free.
Categories: Graphic humor / illustration / painting / digital art / popular naïf art / drawing / photography (monochrome or color up to 6 per artist).
Format: 40 cm x 30 cm only on paper, cardboard, cloth.
Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.
Deliveries: the art will be personally presented or sent in a sealed envelope (no framing, not paspartu) to the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation, Caseros 2739, CP 1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina, until August the first 2009.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one mention will be awarded in the following - Works of art: paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings from great masters of painting from Mercosur.
Cost: 50 Us dollars will be changed to participant artist to pay edition of brochure, packing/transportation in returning works, send fee by Foundation Cultural Volpe Stessens, cuenta corriente Bank Frances Nº 012-009379-9 – CBU 0170012120000000937995 - Buenos Aires – Sucursal Parque Patricios /Jorge Volpe DNI 12087670, Caseros 2739, CP 1246.
In case of not sending the money asked works will be considered a donation to the Volpe Stessens Foundation to become a part of the acerbity of the Itimuseum / Diògenes Taborda Museum / Paillet Museum or to be given away to some public welfare institution.Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation will care for good preserving of consignees works, but will not be responsible for theft, loss or breaking of them. When participating in these salons Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation is authorized to reproduce images of the exposing works on books, magazines, newspapers or any place where Jorge Volpe considers convenient for the best diffusion and promotion of the prizes.
Looking forward to counting with your participation and spreading of this information to achieve the best realization of these three salons, cordially greet you, Jorge Volpe, director of the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation.
The Coordinating committee of ONGD and other Solidarity Movements of Lleida and the Cultural Association Humoràlia organize the GRAPHIC HUMOR EXHIBITION – THE 8 MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS.
The aim of this exhibition is to make a campaign of awareness addressed to the society making use of the graphic humor as a visual journalistic genre of denunciation and civic commitment, which intends to contribute to the reflection
and to the action over the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG), marked by the
United Nations in September 2000 and which should be achieved by 2015.
The Millennium Development Goals include 8 key challenges for the development of countries which are socially and economically impoverished and so that these can be accomplished before 2015.
Thus, from the reduction at half of the extreme poverty till combating the HIV/AIDS propagation or achieving the universal primary education by 2015, the MDG constitute a plan agreed by all the world nations and the major development
institutions of the world. The goals made that northern societies make an
unprecedented effort in order to help the poorest…but, for the time being, where are these commitments?
1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieving universal primary education
3. Promoting gender and empower women
4. Reducing child mortality
5. Improving maternal health
6. Fighting against AIDS, paludism and other illnesses
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Developing a global partnership for development
For further information:
In Spanish:
In English:
1. Any professional artist or amateur can take part in the exhibition.
2. The exhibition topic is THE 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS
3. Each work has to make reference to one of the eight goals.
4. Deadline for sending the works: 31st of May 2009.
5. The works may be carried out in any technique, with Din A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
6. Participants may send a maximum of 3 works, in black and white or in colour, if it is possible without text. In case of including a text, this must be in Catalan, Spanish or English.
7. Works have to be sent by e-mail to, to 300 dpi in JPG o JPEG format.
8. In the same e-mail, include a document containing the following information: Title of the work, name and surnames, pseudonym, address, telephone (with the corresponding international prefix), e-mail, a brief CV
and a photography or caricature of the author.
9. Due to the character of the Exhibition, the selected works will not be rewarded with any economical amount.
10. A jury made up of qualified specialists in Solidarity and Graphic Humor will make a selection of 50 works among the presented ones.
11. The jury’s decision will be unappealable.
12. The selected drawings will be set forth in the International Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Humour, Catalunya HUMORÀLIA 2009. After Biennial, the Exhibition will be able to be itinerant.
13. The drawings, being digitals, will not be returned.
14. A catalogue with the selected works will be edited and sent to all the selected authors.
15. On the Coordinating Committee web page ( ) and on Humoràlia web page too ( ), it would be possible to visit the virtual gallery with a significant sample of the
received works.
16. The organization reserves the right to reproduce the selected works without the expressed authorization, only with the purpose of making aware the population towards the 8 Millennium Development Goals. The use of the
works will not have any lucrative end.
17. Taking part in the Exhibition implies accepting the entire terms and conditions. The Jury will solve any doubt that can arise.
La Coordinadora d’ONGD i altres Moviments Solidaris de Lleida y la Associació Cultural Humoràlia organizan la MUESTRA DE HUMOR GRÁFICO- LOS 8 OBJETIVOS DE DESARROLLO DEL MILENIO.
El objetivo de ésta muestra es realizar una campaña de sensibilización dirigida a la sociedad utilizando el humor gráfico como género periodístico visual de denuncia y de compromiso cívico, que pretende contribuir a la reflexión y a la acción sobre los
8 Objetivos de Desarrollo del milenio (ODM), marcados por las Naciones Unidas en setiembre del año 2000 y los cuales deberían lograrse al año 2015.
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio abordan ocho retos clave para el desarrollo de los países social y económicamente empobrecidos y marca las pautas por tal que éstos se puedan cumplir antes del año 2015. Desde la reducción a la mitad de la
pobreza extrema hasta la detención de la propagación del VIH/SIDA o la consecución de la enseñanza primaria universal para el año 2015. Los ODM
construyen un plan acordado por todas las naciones del mundo y todas las instituciones de desarrollo más importantes a nivel mundial. Los Objetivos han
hecho que las sociedades del norte sumen esfuerzos sin precedentes para ayudar a los más pobres… pero, ahora mismo, dónde están éstos compromisos?
1. Erradicar la pobreza extrema y el hambre.
2. Conseguir la enseñanza primaria universal.
3. Promover la igualdad entre los sexos y la autonomía de la mujer.
4. Reducir la mortalidad infantil
5. Mejorar la salud materna
6. Combatir el VIH/SIDA, el paludismo y otras enfermedades.
7. Garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente
8. Fomentar una asociación mundial para el desarrollo
Para saber más:
En español:
En inglés:
1. Pueden participar cualquier artista profesional o amateur
2. El tema de la muestra son LOS 8 OBJETIVOS DE DESARROLLO DEL MILENIO.
3. Cada obra tiene que hacer referencia a uno de los ocho objetivos.
4. El término de recepción de las obras finaliza el 31 de mayo de 2009.
5. Las obras pueden ser realizadas en cualquier técnica, con formato DinA4
(210mm x 297mm) o proporcional.
6. Los participantes pueden enviar un máximo de 3 trabajos, en blanco y negro o a color y a ser posible sin texto. En caso de contener texto éste deberá ser obligatoriamente en catalán, castellano o inglés.
7. Las obras se deben enviar únicamente por e-mail a , a 300 dpi en formato JPG o JPEG.
8. En el mismo e-mail, las obras tienen que ir acompañadas de un documento que incluya: Titulo de la obra, nombre i apellidos, pseudónimo, dirección, teléfono con el correspondiente prefijo internacional, e-mail, breve
currículum i fotografía o caricatura del autor o autora.
9. Debido al carácter solidario de la muestra, las obras seleccionadas no serán premiadas con ninguna cantidad económica.
10. Un jurado formado por especialistas cualificados en la Solidaridad y en Humor Grafico realizará una selección de 50 obras entre todas las presentadas.
11. La decisión del jurado será inapelable.
12. Los dibujos seleccionados se expondrán en la Bienal Internacional de Humor Gráfico HUMORALIA 2009. Después de la bienal, la muestra podrá ser itinerante.
13. Las obras, al ser digitales no serán retornadas a los autores.
14. Se va a editar un catálogo de las obras seleccionadas que se enviará a todos los autores seleccionados.
15. Al portal Web de la Coordinadora ( ) y al portal Web de Humoralia ( ) se podrá visitar la galería virtual con una muestra representativa de las obras recibidas.
16. La organización se reserva el derecho de reproducir las obras seleccionadas sin autorización expresa y sin que esto represente ninguna obligación respecto al artista, únicamente con la finalidad de sensibilizar a la población
sobre los 8 objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. La utilización de las obras no
tendrá ninguna finalidad lucrativa.
17. la participación en la Muestra implica la aceptación íntegra y sin reservas de éstas bases. Cualquier duda que pueda surgir la resolverá el jurado.
The aim of this exhibition is to make a campaign of awareness addressed to the society making use of the graphic humor as a visual journalistic genre of denunciation and civic commitment, which intends to contribute to the reflection
and to the action over the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG), marked by the
United Nations in September 2000 and which should be achieved by 2015.
The Millennium Development Goals include 8 key challenges for the development of countries which are socially and economically impoverished and so that these can be accomplished before 2015.
Thus, from the reduction at half of the extreme poverty till combating the HIV/AIDS propagation or achieving the universal primary education by 2015, the MDG constitute a plan agreed by all the world nations and the major development
institutions of the world. The goals made that northern societies make an
unprecedented effort in order to help the poorest…but, for the time being, where are these commitments?
1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieving universal primary education
3. Promoting gender and empower women
4. Reducing child mortality
5. Improving maternal health
6. Fighting against AIDS, paludism and other illnesses
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Developing a global partnership for development
For further information:
In Spanish:
In English:
1. Any professional artist or amateur can take part in the exhibition.
2. The exhibition topic is THE 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS
3. Each work has to make reference to one of the eight goals.
4. Deadline for sending the works: 31st of May 2009.
5. The works may be carried out in any technique, with Din A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
6. Participants may send a maximum of 3 works, in black and white or in colour, if it is possible without text. In case of including a text, this must be in Catalan, Spanish or English.
7. Works have to be sent by e-mail to, to 300 dpi in JPG o JPEG format.
8. In the same e-mail, include a document containing the following information: Title of the work, name and surnames, pseudonym, address, telephone (with the corresponding international prefix), e-mail, a brief CV
and a photography or caricature of the author.
9. Due to the character of the Exhibition, the selected works will not be rewarded with any economical amount.
10. A jury made up of qualified specialists in Solidarity and Graphic Humor will make a selection of 50 works among the presented ones.
11. The jury’s decision will be unappealable.
12. The selected drawings will be set forth in the International Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Humour, Catalunya HUMORÀLIA 2009. After Biennial, the Exhibition will be able to be itinerant.
13. The drawings, being digitals, will not be returned.
14. A catalogue with the selected works will be edited and sent to all the selected authors.
15. On the Coordinating Committee web page ( ) and on Humoràlia web page too ( ), it would be possible to visit the virtual gallery with a significant sample of the
received works.
16. The organization reserves the right to reproduce the selected works without the expressed authorization, only with the purpose of making aware the population towards the 8 Millennium Development Goals. The use of the
works will not have any lucrative end.
17. Taking part in the Exhibition implies accepting the entire terms and conditions. The Jury will solve any doubt that can arise.
La Coordinadora d’ONGD i altres Moviments Solidaris de Lleida y la Associació Cultural Humoràlia organizan la MUESTRA DE HUMOR GRÁFICO- LOS 8 OBJETIVOS DE DESARROLLO DEL MILENIO.
El objetivo de ésta muestra es realizar una campaña de sensibilización dirigida a la sociedad utilizando el humor gráfico como género periodístico visual de denuncia y de compromiso cívico, que pretende contribuir a la reflexión y a la acción sobre los
8 Objetivos de Desarrollo del milenio (ODM), marcados por las Naciones Unidas en setiembre del año 2000 y los cuales deberían lograrse al año 2015.
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio abordan ocho retos clave para el desarrollo de los países social y económicamente empobrecidos y marca las pautas por tal que éstos se puedan cumplir antes del año 2015. Desde la reducción a la mitad de la
pobreza extrema hasta la detención de la propagación del VIH/SIDA o la consecución de la enseñanza primaria universal para el año 2015. Los ODM
construyen un plan acordado por todas las naciones del mundo y todas las instituciones de desarrollo más importantes a nivel mundial. Los Objetivos han
hecho que las sociedades del norte sumen esfuerzos sin precedentes para ayudar a los más pobres… pero, ahora mismo, dónde están éstos compromisos?
1. Erradicar la pobreza extrema y el hambre.
2. Conseguir la enseñanza primaria universal.
3. Promover la igualdad entre los sexos y la autonomía de la mujer.
4. Reducir la mortalidad infantil
5. Mejorar la salud materna
6. Combatir el VIH/SIDA, el paludismo y otras enfermedades.
7. Garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente
8. Fomentar una asociación mundial para el desarrollo
Para saber más:
En español:
En inglés:
1. Pueden participar cualquier artista profesional o amateur
2. El tema de la muestra son LOS 8 OBJETIVOS DE DESARROLLO DEL MILENIO.
3. Cada obra tiene que hacer referencia a uno de los ocho objetivos.
4. El término de recepción de las obras finaliza el 31 de mayo de 2009.
5. Las obras pueden ser realizadas en cualquier técnica, con formato DinA4
(210mm x 297mm) o proporcional.
6. Los participantes pueden enviar un máximo de 3 trabajos, en blanco y negro o a color y a ser posible sin texto. En caso de contener texto éste deberá ser obligatoriamente en catalán, castellano o inglés.
7. Las obras se deben enviar únicamente por e-mail a , a 300 dpi en formato JPG o JPEG.
8. En el mismo e-mail, las obras tienen que ir acompañadas de un documento que incluya: Titulo de la obra, nombre i apellidos, pseudónimo, dirección, teléfono con el correspondiente prefijo internacional, e-mail, breve
currículum i fotografía o caricatura del autor o autora.
9. Debido al carácter solidario de la muestra, las obras seleccionadas no serán premiadas con ninguna cantidad económica.
10. Un jurado formado por especialistas cualificados en la Solidaridad y en Humor Grafico realizará una selección de 50 obras entre todas las presentadas.
11. La decisión del jurado será inapelable.
12. Los dibujos seleccionados se expondrán en la Bienal Internacional de Humor Gráfico HUMORALIA 2009. Después de la bienal, la muestra podrá ser itinerante.
13. Las obras, al ser digitales no serán retornadas a los autores.
14. Se va a editar un catálogo de las obras seleccionadas que se enviará a todos los autores seleccionados.
15. Al portal Web de la Coordinadora ( ) y al portal Web de Humoralia ( ) se podrá visitar la galería virtual con una muestra representativa de las obras recibidas.
16. La organización se reserva el derecho de reproducir las obras seleccionadas sin autorización expresa y sin que esto represente ninguna obligación respecto al artista, únicamente con la finalidad de sensibilizar a la población
sobre los 8 objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. La utilización de las obras no
tendrá ninguna finalidad lucrativa.
17. la participación en la Muestra implica la aceptación íntegra y sin reservas de éstas bases. Cualquier duda que pueda surgir la resolverá el jurado.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
29. Uluslararasi Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarismasi / 29th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
Nasreddin Hodja, the master of Turkish humourists, lived in Aksehir between 1208-1285. He is partly medresse-educated (Muslim theological school), partly self-trained. Historical information on his life and personality is highly limited, but from what has travelled by word-of-mouth from generation to generation, we understand him to have been a significant folk philosopher, with a view on life as intensely amusing as it is stimulating and giving food for thought. He is so much at one with the people that perhaps it is truer to say he lived his works rather than created them. With a strong social personality, Nasreddin Hodja constitutes the nucleus of Turkish folk humour, with stories emanating from his personality being woven by the people around his character century after century, so that the humour of Hodja has reached our day as vigorous and as close to people’s heart as ever.
The Association of Cartoonists maintains that in the struggle for a more tolerant and peaceful world, humour, in other words “the laughing thought” and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh. Bearing this aim in mind, the Association of Cartoonists is organizing each year the International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest to the living memory of Nasreddin Hodja, Turkish master of popular humour.
29. Uluslararasi Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarismasi
29th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
Original Cartoon, the Best Cartoon...
One Cartoon,
the prizes
1-) GrandPrize: 4000$
2-) HonourPrizes: 4 Honour Prizes, each 1000$
3-) SpecialPrizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies.
Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists
a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
c) Choice of subject is free.
d) The participants may send only one work.
e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
g) The works must reach the organizing association not later than July 31, 2009.
h) The results will be announced on August 11, 2009.
i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
j) The participating cartoons will be put into an album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. The album will be sent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited and published in the album.
k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul, then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Antalya.
l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
29 edición del concurso internacional de caricatura “Nasreddin Hoca”
1. Gran Premio: 4000 $
2. Premios de éxito: 4 premios, para cada una 1000 $
3. Premios especiales: Los premios especiales de distintas instituciones, asociaciones, periódicos, revistas de arte, sindicatos, agencias o personas.
a) El concurso está abierto para todos los caricaturistas del mundo.
b) No se impone la condición de que las caricaturas enviadas al concurso sean publicadas o no, pero es imprescindible que no haya sido premiado en otro concurso.
c) El tema del concurso es libre.
d) Es posible participar en el concurso con una sola caricatura.
e) El tamaño de la caricatura no debería ser más grande que el formato 30 x 40 cm. Es imprescindible que las caricaturas sea originales.
f) Los participantes deberían poner su nombre y apellido, su dirección, número de teléfono y su país con letras mayúsculas detrás de la obra. Los artistas también deberían adjuntar un breve curriculum.
g) Deben mandar las caricaturas a la dirección del Comité Organizador antes del 31 de julio de 2009.
h) Los resultados serán dados el 11 de agosto de 2009.
i) Todas las caricaturas participantes en el concurso serán guardadas en el Museo de Caricatura y Humor de Estambul por la Asociación de Caricaturistas.
j) Las caricaturas serán expuestas en un albúm, el jurado elegirá las obras que merecen ser expuestas en el albúm. Será enviado el albúm del concurso a los participantes cuyas obras han sido publicadas en el mismo.
k) Las caricaturas del concurso serán expuestas primero en Estambul, luego de la ceremonia de premio y después en las grandes provincias de Turquía como Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya Trabzon.
l) Se consideran que todos los participantes en el concurso aceptan todas las condiciones.
Karikaturculer Dernegi
Yerebatan Sarnici Cikisi Alemdar Caddesi
The Association of Cartoonists maintains that in the struggle for a more tolerant and peaceful world, humour, in other words “the laughing thought” and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh. Bearing this aim in mind, the Association of Cartoonists is organizing each year the International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest to the living memory of Nasreddin Hodja, Turkish master of popular humour.
29. Uluslararasi Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarismasi
29th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
Original Cartoon, the Best Cartoon...
One Cartoon,
the prizes
1-) GrandPrize: 4000$
2-) HonourPrizes: 4 Honour Prizes, each 1000$
3-) SpecialPrizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies.
Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists
a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
c) Choice of subject is free.
d) The participants may send only one work.
e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
g) The works must reach the organizing association not later than July 31, 2009.
h) The results will be announced on August 11, 2009.
i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
j) The participating cartoons will be put into an album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. The album will be sent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited and published in the album.
k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul, then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Antalya.
l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
29 edición del concurso internacional de caricatura “Nasreddin Hoca”
1. Gran Premio: 4000 $
2. Premios de éxito: 4 premios, para cada una 1000 $
3. Premios especiales: Los premios especiales de distintas instituciones, asociaciones, periódicos, revistas de arte, sindicatos, agencias o personas.
a) El concurso está abierto para todos los caricaturistas del mundo.
b) No se impone la condición de que las caricaturas enviadas al concurso sean publicadas o no, pero es imprescindible que no haya sido premiado en otro concurso.
c) El tema del concurso es libre.
d) Es posible participar en el concurso con una sola caricatura.
e) El tamaño de la caricatura no debería ser más grande que el formato 30 x 40 cm. Es imprescindible que las caricaturas sea originales.
f) Los participantes deberían poner su nombre y apellido, su dirección, número de teléfono y su país con letras mayúsculas detrás de la obra. Los artistas también deberían adjuntar un breve curriculum.
g) Deben mandar las caricaturas a la dirección del Comité Organizador antes del 31 de julio de 2009.
h) Los resultados serán dados el 11 de agosto de 2009.
i) Todas las caricaturas participantes en el concurso serán guardadas en el Museo de Caricatura y Humor de Estambul por la Asociación de Caricaturistas.
j) Las caricaturas serán expuestas en un albúm, el jurado elegirá las obras que merecen ser expuestas en el albúm. Será enviado el albúm del concurso a los participantes cuyas obras han sido publicadas en el mismo.
k) Las caricaturas del concurso serán expuestas primero en Estambul, luego de la ceremonia de premio y después en las grandes provincias de Turquía como Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya Trabzon.
l) Se consideran que todos los participantes en el concurso aceptan todas las condiciones.
Karikaturculer Dernegi
Yerebatan Sarnici Cikisi Alemdar Caddesi
Monday, April 20, 2009
Balkan Cartoon Exhibition - Levadia'da Balkan Karikatür Sergisi -Yunanistan

Levadia'da Balkan Karikatür Sergisi -Yunanistan
Sergiye tüm karikatür sanatçıları katılabilir.
Konu: Balkanlarda –mizahi bakışla - milliyetçilikSayı: En çok 3 eser.
Her eserin arka yüzünde sanatçı adı, soyadı, adres, tel no ve e-mail bulunmalı, kısa biyografi eklenmelidir.Boyut: En az A4, en fazla A3.
Son katılma: 30 Nisan 2009
Sergi: 30 Mayıs 2009
Tüm katılımcılara albüm gönderiliyor.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
IV The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip - KIKS ZIKISON 2009
Živojin Pavlović"ZIKISON"(Paracin – Serbia 1885. – 1950.)
IV The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip, KIKS Zikison 2009.,
and The Satirical Manufactory "Zikison" are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. PORTRAIT cartoon "ZIKISON", WITHOUT WORDS. How to see the cartoonist, "ZIKISON" and his age, technology-free, for all three categories of works to send the full?
2. Caricature WITHOUT WORDS - FREE, free technique.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: First prize in all three categories, the presentation of the special page Weekly electronic journal zikison and kiks (Caricature and Short Comic Cartoon). All authors whose works jury will be selected in your gallery and All authors whose works selected for the jury will get ŽIKIŠON Charter or Diploma.
Works can be sent by E-mail & & with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs. Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
The competition is open Non-Stop!(Results: December 2009/ January 2010)
ZIKISON (1885. - 1950.) Was a Satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a Co – Author editor of many of newspaper for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he was died in 1950.
April 2009 in Paracin, SERBIA - For The SRZ /SRŽ & KIKS Zikison: Zoran Matic Mazos
Živojin Pavlović "ŽIKIŠON" (Paraćin – Srbija 1885. – 1950.)
IV Konkurs karikature i kratkog stripa, KIKS Zikison 2009.,
i SRŽ – Satirična Radionica Žikišon RASPISUJU U KATEGORIJI, TEMA:
PORTRET KARIKATURA "ŽIKIŠON", BEZ REČI, Kako karikaturisti vide"Žikišona" i njegovo doba, za sve tri kategorije broj radova za slanje je neograničen, tehnika slobodna?
2. KARIKATURA, BEZ REČI – SLOBODNA, tehnika slobodna.
Konkurs je otvoren i slobodan za profesionalce i amatere, afirmisane i neafirmisane autore od 7 do 77 godina. Za sve narode ove planete, a ako se kojim slučajem javi i neko sa druge, pored internacionalnog postaćemo i prvi interplanetarni konkurs.
NAGRADE: Prva nagrada u sve tri kategorije, prezentacija na posebnoj stranici Elektronskom nedeljnom listu ZIKISON i kiks-u (Kaarikatura i kratki strip). Svi autori čije radove žiri bude odabrao imaće svoju galeriju na i Svi autori ćije radove žiri izabere za najbolje dobiće ŽIKIŠON Povelju ili Diplomu.Radove slati na e-mail , , sa kratkom biografijom i fotografijom. Svi pristigli radovi za konkurs se ne vraćaju, a organizator zadržava pravo korišćenja i objavljivanja za svoje potrebe.
Konkurs je otvoren Non-Stop!(Rezultati: Decembar 2009 / Januar 2010)
ŽIKIŠON, je živeo od 1885 . do 1950. Satiričar, karikaturista, urednik, izdavač i štampar. Pokretač je saradnik i urednik više listova za humor i satiru između dva rata u Srbiji. Stradao je i bio zatvoren od komunističkog režima 1949. posle te torture i zaplenjene imovine, ubrzo je 1950. Preminuo.
U Paraćinu, april 2009. godine
Za SRŽ i KIKS Žikišon: Zoran Matić Mazos
View the best works,
-- Zoran Matic MazosGraphical designer & CartoonistAddress:Zoran Matic MazosKneza Ive od Semberije 2035 250 Paracin, SERBIATelephone:+ 381 - (0)35/56-55-63+ 381 - (0)62/25-30-60E-mail:
Živojin Pavlović"ZIKISON"(Paracin – Serbia 1885. – 1950.)
IV The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip, KIKS Zikison 2009.,
and The Satirical Manufactory "Zikison" are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. PORTRAIT cartoon "ZIKISON", WITHOUT WORDS. How to see the cartoonist, "ZIKISON" and his age, technology-free, for all three categories of works to send the full?
2. Caricature WITHOUT WORDS - FREE, free technique.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: First prize in all three categories, the presentation of the special page Weekly electronic journal zikison and kiks (Caricature and Short Comic Cartoon). All authors whose works jury will be selected in your gallery and All authors whose works selected for the jury will get ŽIKIŠON Charter or Diploma.
Works can be sent by E-mail & & with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs. Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
The competition is open Non-Stop!(Results: December 2009/ January 2010)
ZIKISON (1885. - 1950.) Was a Satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a Co – Author editor of many of newspaper for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he was died in 1950.
April 2009 in Paracin, SERBIA - For The SRZ /SRŽ & KIKS Zikison: Zoran Matic Mazos
Živojin Pavlović "ŽIKIŠON" (Paraćin – Srbija 1885. – 1950.)
IV Konkurs karikature i kratkog stripa, KIKS Zikison 2009.,
i SRŽ – Satirična Radionica Žikišon RASPISUJU U KATEGORIJI, TEMA:
PORTRET KARIKATURA "ŽIKIŠON", BEZ REČI, Kako karikaturisti vide"Žikišona" i njegovo doba, za sve tri kategorije broj radova za slanje je neograničen, tehnika slobodna?
2. KARIKATURA, BEZ REČI – SLOBODNA, tehnika slobodna.
Konkurs je otvoren i slobodan za profesionalce i amatere, afirmisane i neafirmisane autore od 7 do 77 godina. Za sve narode ove planete, a ako se kojim slučajem javi i neko sa druge, pored internacionalnog postaćemo i prvi interplanetarni konkurs.
NAGRADE: Prva nagrada u sve tri kategorije, prezentacija na posebnoj stranici Elektronskom nedeljnom listu ZIKISON i kiks-u (Kaarikatura i kratki strip). Svi autori čije radove žiri bude odabrao imaće svoju galeriju na i Svi autori ćije radove žiri izabere za najbolje dobiće ŽIKIŠON Povelju ili Diplomu.Radove slati na e-mail , , sa kratkom biografijom i fotografijom. Svi pristigli radovi za konkurs se ne vraćaju, a organizator zadržava pravo korišćenja i objavljivanja za svoje potrebe.
Konkurs je otvoren Non-Stop!(Rezultati: Decembar 2009 / Januar 2010)
ŽIKIŠON, je živeo od 1885 . do 1950. Satiričar, karikaturista, urednik, izdavač i štampar. Pokretač je saradnik i urednik više listova za humor i satiru između dva rata u Srbiji. Stradao je i bio zatvoren od komunističkog režima 1949. posle te torture i zaplenjene imovine, ubrzo je 1950. Preminuo.
U Paraćinu, april 2009. godine
Za SRŽ i KIKS Žikišon: Zoran Matić Mazos
View the best works,
-- Zoran Matic MazosGraphical designer & CartoonistAddress:Zoran Matic MazosKneza Ive od Semberije 2035 250 Paracin, SERBIATelephone:+ 381 - (0)35/56-55-63+ 381 - (0)62/25-30-60E-mail:
Web & Blogs:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
International Cartoon Contest "TOGETHER FOR SECURITY AND PEACE " Ruse, Bulgaria 2009
Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd
Provides opportunity for professionals and amateur cartoonists around the world to show their attitude to the staff of order and security authorities through the eyes of the cartoonist.
In a humorous way to represent relationships between the police employees and people who have come in simple, interesting, strange, conflict or other situations such as traveling on the road, in the court scenes, corrupt transactions,
conversations, etc.
1. Each participant is entitled to participate with no more than 3 works. The cartoon size should be min. A4, max. A3 format.
2. Cartoons can be color or black and white, also digital works with original signature of the author.
3. Deadline for submission of the works is Jun 25, 2009 at the following mail address: OD MVR – Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd , Ruse-7000
Cartoon contest
4. Participants should send a short CV as well as: name, surname, job title, address and telephone contact, e-mail address.
5. The Jury will consist of the following members:
1) Ivailo Tsvetkov, President of FECO Bulgaria /Federation of cartoonists’ Organizations/
2) Rumen Dragostinov, Vice-President of FECO Bulgaria
3) Valentin Georgiev, cartoonist, illustrator, artist
4) Volodya Kenarev, artist, Deputy Mayor for humanitarian activities in the Municipality of Ruse
5) Elena Velikova, art expert, director of Ruse Art Gallery
6) Svetoslav Parvanov, commissar, director of Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
7) Daniela Malcheva, regional spokesman for the Ministry of Interior in Ruse, Presscenter and Public Relations specialized administrative directorate of the Ministry of Interior
I - 300 Euro (€) plus diploma
II – 200 Euro plus diploma
III - 100 Euro plus diploma
7 encouraging prizes and public choice awards.
6. Winners and other selected works will participate in an Art Exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery. Cartoons will not be returned, but will remain in the collection of the Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. Some will be involved in prevention activities and projects for the public benefit, if appropriate (always displaying the author's name).
7. Postage must be paid by the participants. No fee is charged for participation in the contest.
8. In addition the exhibition artists will receive e-catalog on CD from the show and awarded works will be included in the contest brochure. Participation in the competition is taken as consent of the author with
these conditions.
We wish success to all participants!
OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION: 1 July, 2009, from 18 hours Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borissova Str.
Questions about the organization and rules of the contest can be sent to Valentin Georgiev phone: 359 885 447 511 .-mail: or at the e-mail of Ruse Directorate of MoI:
Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd
Provides opportunity for professionals and amateur cartoonists around the world to show their attitude to the staff of order and security authorities through the eyes of the cartoonist.
In a humorous way to represent relationships between the police employees and people who have come in simple, interesting, strange, conflict or other situations such as traveling on the road, in the court scenes, corrupt transactions,
conversations, etc.
1. Each participant is entitled to participate with no more than 3 works. The cartoon size should be min. A4, max. A3 format.
2. Cartoons can be color or black and white, also digital works with original signature of the author.
3. Deadline for submission of the works is Jun 25, 2009 at the following mail address: OD MVR – Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd , Ruse-7000
Cartoon contest
4. Participants should send a short CV as well as: name, surname, job title, address and telephone contact, e-mail address.
5. The Jury will consist of the following members:
1) Ivailo Tsvetkov, President of FECO Bulgaria /Federation of cartoonists’ Organizations/
2) Rumen Dragostinov, Vice-President of FECO Bulgaria
3) Valentin Georgiev, cartoonist, illustrator, artist
4) Volodya Kenarev, artist, Deputy Mayor for humanitarian activities in the Municipality of Ruse
5) Elena Velikova, art expert, director of Ruse Art Gallery
6) Svetoslav Parvanov, commissar, director of Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
7) Daniela Malcheva, regional spokesman for the Ministry of Interior in Ruse, Presscenter and Public Relations specialized administrative directorate of the Ministry of Interior
I - 300 Euro (€) plus diploma
II – 200 Euro plus diploma
III - 100 Euro plus diploma
7 encouraging prizes and public choice awards.
6. Winners and other selected works will participate in an Art Exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery. Cartoons will not be returned, but will remain in the collection of the Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. Some will be involved in prevention activities and projects for the public benefit, if appropriate (always displaying the author's name).
7. Postage must be paid by the participants. No fee is charged for participation in the contest.
8. In addition the exhibition artists will receive e-catalog on CD from the show and awarded works will be included in the contest brochure. Participation in the competition is taken as consent of the author with
these conditions.
We wish success to all participants!
OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION: 1 July, 2009, from 18 hours Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borissova Str.
Questions about the organization and rules of the contest can be sent to Valentin Georgiev phone: 359 885 447 511 .-mail: or at the e-mail of Ruse Directorate of MoI:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Hola amics, us envio les bases del II Concurs de caricatures Humoreix que convoca l'Eix Comercial de Lleida y Humoràlia. Son caricatures d'actors coneguts del cinema.Aniveu-vos a participar.Us agrairé també que difongueu aquestes bases als vostres contactes.Gràcies.Hola amigos, os envio las bases del II Concurso de caricaturas Humoreix que convoca el Eix Comercial de Lleida y Humoràlia. Son caricaturas de actores conocidos del cine.
Animaos a participar.
Os agradeceré también que hagais difusión de estas bases a vuestros contactos.
Marçal Abella Brescó
Animaos a participar.
Os agradeceré también que hagais difusión de estas bases a vuestros contactos.
Marçal Abella Brescó
1 Pot participar en aquest concurs qualsevol artista amateur o professional, essent un concurs obert internacionalment.
2 El tema objecte del Concurs és: “Caricatures Actors Coneguts de Cinema”. 3 Només es pot presentar un original per participant, que seran de caracter original i no hauran set premiats, ni publicats anteriorment. Les obres que segons criteri del jurat puguin ser iguals o similiars a obres conegudes seran inmediatament desqualificats.
4 Les obres poden ser realitzades en qualsevol tècnica pictòrica amb un format màxim de un DIN-A3 ( 420x297 mm ) o proporcional. També poden participar obres en format digital. En aquest cas les obres hauràn de tenir una resolució mínima de 300 pp en format jpg
5 Si l’obra presentada existeix qualsevol tipus de text, aquest haurà de ser traduït al castellà o català.
6 Les obres hauràn de ser remeses en un sobre degudament tancat i s’adjuntarà una fitxa amb les dades de l’autor (nom, cognoms, adreça, nacionalitat, telefon, direccio e-mail, etc; o bè a través d’Internet a la següent direcció de e-mail amb un arxiu adjunt amb les dades de l’autor. Dins la plana web de, existeix una fulla d’inscripció. Es recomana que les obres remeses que no siguin digitals, siguin fotocopies en color, però signades a mà. Totes les copies originals seran retornades a l’autor un cop acabat el concurs.
7 El termini d’admissió de les obres finalitzarà el 4 de Maig de 2009.
8 A partir del dia 12 de Maig de 2009, les obres seran exposades en les botigues adscrites dins l’Associació de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida, degudament senyalitzades. Previament es constituirà un jurat especialitzat format per un representant d’Humoràlia, un representant de l’Eix i dos membres professionals que valoraran les 200 millors obres que s’exposaran. Aquestes obres també restaran exposades a la web de l’Associació de l’Eix Comercial. El Jurat es reserva el dret de declarar dessert el premi si la qualitat dels originals no és suficient, així com la participació dels mateixos en el veredicte del concurs, si el vot popular és mínim.
9 L’autor es compromet a cedir els drets d’imatge de l’obra presentada per la seva publicació i exposició tant física com digital, així com per la publicació d’aquestes en un catàleg, que es podrà descarregar des de la web d’Humoreix. Una vegada fallat i finalitzat l’obra enviada físicament es retornarà al seu autor. L’organització es compromet a la no utilització de la imatge de l’obra guanyadora sense autorització previa de l’autor, així com les altres obres no premiades en altres events o publicacions que no siguin exclusives d’Humoreix. També l’organització es fa càrrec i cura dels originals des del moment de la recepció fins la finalització del concurs. L’organització es compromet a informar de la recepció i l’acceptació de l’obra participant als seus autors a través de e-mail o publicació en la web de l’Eix.
10 S’otorgarà un premi únic de 1500 euros pel guanyador
11 El vot serà popular en una primera fase a través de votacions d’e-mail a la web de l’Eix Comercial. Només s’admetrà un vot per persona. Posteriorment, de les 3 obres més votades pel públic, es decidirà l’obra guanyadora, a través d’un jurat qualificat composat per representants de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida i d’Humoràlia. La decisió del jurat serà inapel.lable.
12 El veredicte es donarà a conèixer durant els dies 5 i 6 de Juny de 2009, dins l’activitat de Caricaturistes a l’Eix.
13 La participació en el concurs suposa l’acceptació de les seves bases i terminis. Qualsevol dubte o problema que pugui sorgir durant aquest temps, l’organització a través dels seus membres donarà solució d’aquest mitjançant un comunicat.
1 Puede participar en este concurso cualquier artista amateur o profesional, siendo un concurso abierto internacionalmente.
2 El tema objeto del Concurso es: "Caricaturas de Actores Famosos de Cine".
3 Sólo se puede presentar un original por participante, que serán de carácter original y no deberán ser premiados, ni publicados anteriormente. Las obras que según criterio del jurado puedan ser iguales o similiars a obras conocidas, serán inmediatamente descalificados.
4 Las obras pueden ser realizadas en cualquier técnica pictórica con un formato máximo de un DIN-A3 (420x297 mm) o proporcional. También pueden participar obras en formato digital. En este caso las obras deberán tener una resolución mínima de 300 pp en formato jpg
5 Si la obra presentada, contiene cualquier tipo de texto, este deberá ser traducido al castellano o catalán.
6 Las obras deberán ser remitidas en un sobre debidamente cerrado y se adjuntará una ficha con los datos del autor (nombre, apellidos, dirección, nacionalidad, telefono, direccion e-mail, etc, o bien a través de Internet a la siguiente dirección de e-mail con un archivo adjunto con los datos del autor. En la página web de existe una hoja de inscripción. Se recomienda que las obras enviadas que no sean digitales, sean fotocopias en color, pero firmadas a mano. Todas las copias originales serán devueltas al autor una vez finalizado el concurso.
7 El plazo de admisión de las obras finalizará el 4 de Mayo de 2009.
1 Puede participar en este concurso cualquier artista amateur o profesional, siendo un concurso abierto internacionalmente.
2 El tema objeto del Concurso es: "Caricaturas de Actores Famosos de Cine".
3 Sólo se puede presentar un original por participante, que serán de carácter original y no deberán ser premiados, ni publicados anteriormente. Las obras que según criterio del jurado puedan ser iguales o similiars a obras conocidas, serán inmediatamente descalificados.
4 Las obras pueden ser realizadas en cualquier técnica pictórica con un formato máximo de un DIN-A3 (420x297 mm) o proporcional. También pueden participar obras en formato digital. En este caso las obras deberán tener una resolución mínima de 300 pp en formato jpg
5 Si la obra presentada, contiene cualquier tipo de texto, este deberá ser traducido al castellano o catalán.
6 Las obras deberán ser remitidas en un sobre debidamente cerrado y se adjuntará una ficha con los datos del autor (nombre, apellidos, dirección, nacionalidad, telefono, direccion e-mail, etc, o bien a través de Internet a la siguiente dirección de e-mail con un archivo adjunto con los datos del autor. En la página web de existe una hoja de inscripción. Se recomienda que las obras enviadas que no sean digitales, sean fotocopias en color, pero firmadas a mano. Todas las copias originales serán devueltas al autor una vez finalizado el concurso.
7 El plazo de admisión de las obras finalizará el 4 de Mayo de 2009.
8 A partir del día 12 de Mayo de 2009, las obras serán expuestas en las tiendas inscritas dentro la Associació de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida, debidamente señalizadas. Previamente se constituirá un jurado especializado formado por un representante de Humoràlia, un representante de l’Eix y dos miembros profesionales que valorarán las 200 mejores obras que se expondrán. Estas obras también permanecerán expuestas en la web de la Asociación del Eje Comercial. El Jurado se reserva el derecho de declarar desierto el premio si la calidad de los originales no es suficiente, así como la participación de los mismos en el veredicto del concurso, si el voto popular es mínimo.
9 El autor se compromete a ceder los derechos de imagen de la obra presentada para su publicación y exposición tanto física, como digital, así como por la publicación de éstas en un catálogo, que se podrá descargar desde la web de humoreix. Una vez fallado y finalizado la obra enviada físicamente se devolverá a su autor. La organización se compromete a la no utilización de la imagen de la obra ganadora sin autorización previa del autor, así como las demás obras no premiadas en otros eventos o publicaciones que no sean exclusivas de humor. También la organización se hace cargo y cuidado de los originales desde el momento de la recepción hasta la finalización del concurso. La organización se compromete a informar de la recepción y la aceptación de la obra participante a sus autores a través de e-mail o publicación en la web del Eje.
10 se otorgará un premio único de 1500 euros para el ganador
11 El voto será popular en una primera fase a través de votaciones de e-mail en la web de l’Eix Comercial. Sólo se admitirá un voto por persona. Posteriormente, de las 3 obras más votadas por el público, se decidirá la obra ganadora, a través de un jurado calificado compuesto por representantes de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida y de Humoràlia. La decisión del jurado será inapelable.
12 El veredicto se dará a conocer durante los días 5 y 6 de Junio de 2009, dentro de la actividad de caricaturistas a l’Eix.
13 La participación en el concurso supone la aceptación de sus bases y plazos. Cualquier duda o problema que pueda surgir durante este tiempo, la organización a través de sus miembros dará solución a este, mediante un comunicado.
9 El autor se compromete a ceder los derechos de imagen de la obra presentada para su publicación y exposición tanto física, como digital, así como por la publicación de éstas en un catálogo, que se podrá descargar desde la web de humoreix. Una vez fallado y finalizado la obra enviada físicamente se devolverá a su autor. La organización se compromete a la no utilización de la imagen de la obra ganadora sin autorización previa del autor, así como las demás obras no premiadas en otros eventos o publicaciones que no sean exclusivas de humor. También la organización se hace cargo y cuidado de los originales desde el momento de la recepción hasta la finalización del concurso. La organización se compromete a informar de la recepción y la aceptación de la obra participante a sus autores a través de e-mail o publicación en la web del Eje.
10 se otorgará un premio único de 1500 euros para el ganador
11 El voto será popular en una primera fase a través de votaciones de e-mail en la web de l’Eix Comercial. Sólo se admitirá un voto por persona. Posteriormente, de las 3 obras más votadas por el público, se decidirá la obra ganadora, a través de un jurado calificado compuesto por representantes de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida y de Humoràlia. La decisión del jurado será inapelable.
12 El veredicto se dará a conocer durante los días 5 y 6 de Junio de 2009, dentro de la actividad de caricaturistas a l’Eix.
13 La participación en el concurso supone la aceptación de sus bases y plazos. Cualquier duda o problema que pueda surgir durante este tiempo, la organización a través de sus miembros dará solución a este, mediante un comunicado.
1. Any artist, amateur or professional, can participate in this competition, as it is a competition which is open internationally.
2. The competition theme is: "Caricature Celebrities Cinema Actors."
3. Only one original piece of work will be accepted from each participant. The piece must be original, not have won any prizes in previous competitions or have been published anywhere else. Any pieces which are considered, according to the criteria of the judges, to be similar in any way to other well known artwork will be disqualified immediately.
4. Artwork can be executed using any pictorial technique within a maximum scale of A3 (420 x 297mm) or a scale which is proportional to this. Digitally formatted work will also be accepted. In this case the work must have a resolution of 300ppi and be presented in JPG or JPGE format.
5. If any text is present in the work it must be translated into Spanish or Catalan.
6. Artwork must be presented within a sealed envelope together with the details of the participant (name, surname, address, nationality, telephone number, email address, etc). Work can also be sent by email to the following address: (Eix Comercial), with the participant’s details in another document attached to the same email. It is advisable for artwork that is not digital to be colour photocopied and hand signed. All original artwork will be returned to the artist once the competition has finished.
7. The final admissions date for artwork is 4th May 2004.
8. From 12th May 2008 artwork will be exhibited in the shops that are members of the Association of the Lleida Eix Comercial (Shopping District), and will be duly labelled. Prior to this a panel of specialist judges will be convened, formed by one representative of Humoralia, another from the Shopping District and two professionals who will judge the 200 best entrees, which will be exhibited. These artworks will also be exhibited on the Eix Comercial (Shopping District) Association website. The judges reserve the right to declare the prize null and void if the quality of the originals is insufficient or if there is little or no public interest.
9. The artist is obliged to give up all image copyrights for the artwork presented for its publication and exhibition, both physical and digital, as well as publishing them in a catalog, which can be downloaded from the web humoreix. Once the work has been judged and finalized it will be returned to the artist. The organization pledges not to use images of the winning piece, or any other award winning pieces, without prior permission from the artist. Moreover, the organization will take full responsibility for the originals from the moment they are received until the finalization of the competition.The organization promises to inform the contestants of the reception and acceptance of the participating artwork via email or publication on the Eix website
10.One prize only of €1,500 will be awarded to the winning entry.
11. The verdict will be decided by public vote over the Internet using the Shopping District’s website in a first phase. Only allowed one vote per person. In a second phase, a qualified Jury composed by representatives persons of the Commercial Association “Eix” and Humoràlia will decide between the 3 most popular votes, wich was the winner. The judges’ decision will not be open to appeal.
12. The verdict will be released during the 5th and 6th June 2009
13. Participation in the competition means the acceptance of all terms and conditions. Any doubts or problems that may arise during this time will be dealt with by the organization through a memo to its members.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Łódz Comics Contest
The competition is open to the public. The theme of the comics is free. You can use different techniques such as drawing, painting, computer graphics or photography.
To take part in the competition you should submit comic strips that haven’t been published before.
The submitted comics will be evaluated in two categories:- professionals (people who have already published their works in albums or magazines- excluding MFK catalogues)- novices (winners in the category will be treated as professionals in the future competitions)
The participant is supposed to declare in which category he/she would like to appear. The organizers exercise the right to verify the participants` declarations.
The competitors can put forward one comic strip.
The number of pages must not exceed eight pages A3 (297x420mm) or A2 (210x297mm).
All the pages should be signed, numbered and marked as “professional” or “novice”. You should write your name, address, function e.g. graphic designer, scriptwriter, your e-mail and the telephone number. All works should be signed on the back side only. You should also enclose a CD with an electronic version of the work (files saved as tif, CMYK, A4-300DPI).
The works that won’t be accompanied by a CD version won’t be published in the catalogue. All the comics should be packed in a cardboard folder which is needed to send you back the comics (copies and printouts will not be sent back).
The comics should be sent to Łódzki Dom Kultury, Traugutta 18, 90-113 Łódz,
with a headline KOMIKS 2008 by 31 August 2008.
To take part in the competition you are requested to pay 30 PLN. (for Polish citizens) and 15 Euro (for foreigners) into our bank account: ŁDK, Traugutta 18, 90-113 Łódz PKO BP O/Łódz,
Nr PL44102033520000100200142562 (swift BPKOPLPW)
and send the photocopy of the receipt along with the comics.
Only works complying with the requirements will take part in the competition.
The works will be shown at the Exhibition of Comics housed in ŁDK during the festival.
The organizers exercise the right to verify the participants` works.
All competitors will be allowed free admission to fringe events. What is more, all competitors whose works will be published in the catalogue will get a copy of it for free. A special jury (Comics Academy) will gather a week before the festival and, having seen all works, will choose the winners.
There will be three awards in both categories (professionals and novices) and Grand Prix MFK 2008.
The awards will be handed to the winners on the 4th of October 2008 in ŁDK during the festival.
The winners will be informed about their prizes before the festival and invited to participate in the award ceremony during the festival (October 4, 2008). The travel costs will be reimbursed by the festival.
The Grand Prix winner will receive a special award – the French Embassy will cover the cost of the journey and the stay in Angouleme in France at the Comics Festival.Once the festival has been over, the exhibition can be shown in other Polish cities. The Grand Prix winner will be officially asked to prepare graphic elements used during the International Festival of Comics 2009 and will be requested to submit the project by the end of the year 2008. The organizers reserve for themselves the right to turn down the winner’s project if they come to the conclusion that it does not meet their expectations. In such a situation, they will ask another artist to prepare the project.
The organizers also reserve the right to publish some of the works in the catalogue of the exhibition, magazines and the Internet to promote the artists and the festival itself.
The right will be reserved in the future years in which the festival will be organized so that they could use some chosen works in the jubilee issues of publications without additional permissions.
The organizers reserve the right to give the works to the sponsor of the festival so that he could on a one-off basis show them in the Internet or print them.If you send the works it means you agree on giving your data to publishers who would like to contact you. If you are not interested in that you should send a special declaration.
After the exhibitions are finished you will be requested to collect your comics in the festival office or they will be sent back to you within three months.
6ª edição do Prémio Stuart de Desenho de Imprensa El Corte Inglês/Casa da Imprensa
Data Limite para recepção de candidaturas 3 Maio
El Corte Inglés institui, em associação com a Casa de Imprensa, o PRÉMIO STUART DE DESENHO DE IMPRENSA, visando homenagear um dos mais célebres ilustradores de sempre e premiar a excelência nacional contemporânea.
1. O PRÉMIO STUART DE DESENHO DE IMPRENSA EL CORTE INGLÉS/CASA DA IMPRENSAestá aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos residentes em Portugal com trabalhos de ilustração, tira cómica e cartoon/caricatura publicados no período compreendido entre 20 de Abril de 2008 e 19 de Abril de 2009 inclusive, em todas as publicações periódicas de âmbito nacional ou regional, com excepção das electrónicas.
2. O PRÉMIO STUART é constituído por três prémios a atribuir, em separado, nas áreas da ilustração, tira cómica e cartoon/caricatura. O Grande Prémio, no valor de 10 000 €, será atribuído àquele que se distinga de entre os três finalistas. Os dois restantes terão o valor pecuniário de 5 000 € cada.
3. Cada artista pode enviar até 10 originais, acompanhados por um exemplar da página completa da publicação onde aqueles trabalhos foram editados e curriculum breve. Os originais deverão ser identificados no verso com título, assinatura, periódico e respectiva data de publicação além da indicação obrigatória da área em que se inscrevem: ilustração, tira cómica ou cartoon/caricatura. Os trabalhos digitais deverão ser apresentados sob forma de uma impressão de qualidade autenticada pelo autor.
4. conjunto dos trabalhos será avaliado por um júri composto pelo vencedor da edição anterior, Gonçalo Viana, um convidado especial, dois representantes do El Corte Inglés e um da Casa da Imprensa. O vencedor do Grande Prémio compromete-se automaticamente a fazer parte do júri do ano seguinte.
5. Os membros do júri tem a prerrogativa de indicar para apreciação dos seus pares trabalhos e autores que não se tenham inscrito, desde que estejam cumpridas as regras do artigo 1.
6. Os trabalhos premiados serão considerados propriedade do El Corte Inglés.
7. Uma selecção dos trabalhos feita pelo júri será incluída no website «Prémio Stuart» e objecto de exposição itinerante, considerando-se que a apresentação a concurso cede automaticamente aos organizadores o direito de uso em ambas as circunstâncias. Para tanto, deverão os concorrentes enviar uma versão em formato digital dos trabalhos a concurso.
8. Os trabalhos a concurso deverão ser enviados até 3 de Maio de 2009 (data do carimbo dos CTT) para:El Corte Inglés – Grandes Armazéns, Prémio Stuart de Desenho de Imprensa, Departamento de Relações Externas, Av.ª António Augusto de Aguiar, n.º 31, 1069 – 413 Lisboa.
9. Não haverá recurso das decisões do júri.
El Corte Inglés institui, em associação com a Casa de Imprensa, o PRÉMIO STUART DE DESENHO DE IMPRENSA, visando homenagear um dos mais célebres ilustradores de sempre e premiar a excelência nacional contemporânea.
1. O PRÉMIO STUART DE DESENHO DE IMPRENSA EL CORTE INGLÉS/CASA DA IMPRENSAestá aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos residentes em Portugal com trabalhos de ilustração, tira cómica e cartoon/caricatura publicados no período compreendido entre 20 de Abril de 2008 e 19 de Abril de 2009 inclusive, em todas as publicações periódicas de âmbito nacional ou regional, com excepção das electrónicas.
2. O PRÉMIO STUART é constituído por três prémios a atribuir, em separado, nas áreas da ilustração, tira cómica e cartoon/caricatura. O Grande Prémio, no valor de 10 000 €, será atribuído àquele que se distinga de entre os três finalistas. Os dois restantes terão o valor pecuniário de 5 000 € cada.
3. Cada artista pode enviar até 10 originais, acompanhados por um exemplar da página completa da publicação onde aqueles trabalhos foram editados e curriculum breve. Os originais deverão ser identificados no verso com título, assinatura, periódico e respectiva data de publicação além da indicação obrigatória da área em que se inscrevem: ilustração, tira cómica ou cartoon/caricatura. Os trabalhos digitais deverão ser apresentados sob forma de uma impressão de qualidade autenticada pelo autor.
4. conjunto dos trabalhos será avaliado por um júri composto pelo vencedor da edição anterior, Gonçalo Viana, um convidado especial, dois representantes do El Corte Inglés e um da Casa da Imprensa. O vencedor do Grande Prémio compromete-se automaticamente a fazer parte do júri do ano seguinte.
5. Os membros do júri tem a prerrogativa de indicar para apreciação dos seus pares trabalhos e autores que não se tenham inscrito, desde que estejam cumpridas as regras do artigo 1.
6. Os trabalhos premiados serão considerados propriedade do El Corte Inglés.
7. Uma selecção dos trabalhos feita pelo júri será incluída no website «Prémio Stuart» e objecto de exposição itinerante, considerando-se que a apresentação a concurso cede automaticamente aos organizadores o direito de uso em ambas as circunstâncias. Para tanto, deverão os concorrentes enviar uma versão em formato digital dos trabalhos a concurso.
8. Os trabalhos a concurso deverão ser enviados até 3 de Maio de 2009 (data do carimbo dos CTT) para:El Corte Inglés – Grandes Armazéns, Prémio Stuart de Desenho de Imprensa, Departamento de Relações Externas, Av.ª António Augusto de Aguiar, n.º 31, 1069 – 413 Lisboa.
9. Não haverá recurso das decisões do júri.