Tuesday, March 30, 2010
III. Baja Cartoon Competition
The town of Baja – famous for its Fish Soup Contest (www.bajaihalfozofesztival.hu) - organises its third cartoon competition, and this time it goes international!
Every fun loving amateur or professional cartoonist is welcome to enter the event.
This passion is there in every one of us. We may not fish and hunt in the original sense of these words, but all of us long for the ’big prize’. Today, when we are experiencing financial, economic, political and moral crises, it takes more and more creativity hunt down or fish out that prize: a good job, a beautiful woman, a rare stamp, a big fish or a trophy. We spend our lives in pursuit of the big opportunity, the chance that may well be the only one.
Yes! If you think it over carefully enough you’ll see that we do fish and hunt in all walks of our lives.
Our cartoon competition calls everybody to show with the help of humour just how passionate men and women can be when they are fishing or hunting!
Competition details:
1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique. Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.
(The copy or digital run-off of the original cartoon is not accepted.)
2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of the cartoons.
3.) Deadline for entries: 20. June, 2010.
4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:
Phone: +36 20 426 58 82
e-mail: grafikuskelemen@freemail.hu
6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a catalogue via post.
7.) First prize: 400 euros + certification - Courtesy of the mayor of Baja
Special award: 300 euros + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Horgász fishing magazine
Special award: 200 euros + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Vadászlap hunting magazine
Special award: 200 euros + certification - Courtesy of Kedvenc crosswords magazine
8.) For the list and works of participants and for any other information visit: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
9.) The opening ceremony and prize distribution will be at 10 a.m. 09. July, 2010.
Address: Belvárosi Kiállitóterem (Town Exhibition Hall) - Szentháromság tér 11. sz, Baja, 6500
10.) We do not send back the cartoons, we are planning to make an exhibition from them.
11.) The organiser retains the right to use the cartoons freely.
We wish good work and succesfull participation to everyone.
Every fun loving amateur or professional cartoonist is welcome to enter the event.
This passion is there in every one of us. We may not fish and hunt in the original sense of these words, but all of us long for the ’big prize’. Today, when we are experiencing financial, economic, political and moral crises, it takes more and more creativity hunt down or fish out that prize: a good job, a beautiful woman, a rare stamp, a big fish or a trophy. We spend our lives in pursuit of the big opportunity, the chance that may well be the only one.
Yes! If you think it over carefully enough you’ll see that we do fish and hunt in all walks of our lives.
Our cartoon competition calls everybody to show with the help of humour just how passionate men and women can be when they are fishing or hunting!
Competition details:
1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique. Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.
(The copy or digital run-off of the original cartoon is not accepted.)
2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of the cartoons.
3.) Deadline for entries: 20. June, 2010.
4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:
Phone: +36 20 426 58 82
e-mail: grafikuskelemen@freemail.hu
6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a catalogue via post.
7.) First prize: 400 euros + certification - Courtesy of the mayor of Baja
Special award: 300 euros + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Horgász fishing magazine
Special award: 200 euros + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Vadászlap hunting magazine
Special award: 200 euros + certification - Courtesy of Kedvenc crosswords magazine
8.) For the list and works of participants and for any other information visit: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
9.) The opening ceremony and prize distribution will be at 10 a.m. 09. July, 2010.
Address: Belvárosi Kiállitóterem (Town Exhibition Hall) - Szentháromság tér 11. sz, Baja, 6500
10.) We do not send back the cartoons, we are planning to make an exhibition from them.
11.) The organiser retains the right to use the cartoons freely.
We wish good work and succesfull participation to everyone.
III.-й Конкурс карикатур г. Бая
Город Бая – одновременно с проведением известного в Европе Фестиваля Приготрвления Ухы www.bajaihalfozofesztival.hu – в этом году уже третий раз организует Конкурс Карикатур, и в первый раз с международным участием.
Мы ждём участие всех любителей юмора, как профессиональных художников, так и самодеятельных.
Тема рыболовства и охоты распронстраняется на все области жизни, и в прямом и в переносном смысле слов.
В наши дни мы переживаем финансовый, экономический, политический и моральный кризисы.
Всё больше и больше требуется креативности, чтобы найти, а потом захватить «трофею», то есть страстно желанную цель. Пусть будет она красивая женщина, хорошее место работы, редкая марка, большая рыба или удача на охоте.
Человек почти во всех областях жизни занимается рыбалкой и охотой.
Живём в угаре срастей!
Ищем разные возможности, хорошие решения, никогда не повторимые случаи, чтобы на 100 % ощутить вкус успеха.
Давайте, с помощю юмора покажем, какие мы страстные на рыбалке и охоте.
1.) От каждого участника конкурса мы ждём максимум три работы оригинала в формате А4 или А3, без всякмх технических ограничений.
Мы прмнимаем и копии работ, изготовленных или раскрашенных с помощю компютерной программы, если они снабжены оригинальной подписью автора и номером копии.
(Не принимаем фотокопию или дигитализированный оттиск оригинальных работ.)
2.) На обратной стороне конкурсных работ просим указать фамилию, имя и отчество, адрес, номер телефона, адрес E-mail участника конкурса.
3.) Срок поступления конкурсных работ: 20-ое июня 2010-го года.
4.) Почтовый адрес, куда ждём конкурсные работы:
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
5.) Интересоваться по вопросам, касающихся конкурса, можно по следующим адресам:
Телефон: +36 20 426 58 82
e-mail: grafikuskelemen@freemail.hu
6.) Из выбранных жюри конкурсных работ составляется каталог. Участники каталога получают каталог по почте.
7.) Первый приз: 400-евро + почетная грамота +малая скульптура (предложенный бургомистром города Бая)
Особый приз: 300 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом Венгерский Рыбак)
Особый приз: 200 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом красфордов Любимец)
Особый приз: 200 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом Венгерский Охотнический Журнал)
8.) Список участников конкурса, их работы и все другие информации можно посмотреть по адресам на интернете: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
9.) Дата открытия выставки и раздачи призов: 9-ое июля 2010-го года, в пятницу, в 17 часов.
Адрес: Выставочный Зал - 6500 Baja, Szentháromság tér 11.sz.
10.) Организатор конкурса сохраняет за собой все права свободного использования конкурсных работ.
11.) Конкурсные работы обратно не возвращаем. Планируем из них организовать постоянную выставку.
Всем участникам конкурса желаем плодотворной работы и много успехов!
Город Бая – одновременно с проведением известного в Европе Фестиваля Приготрвления Ухы www.bajaihalfozofesztival.hu – в этом году уже третий раз организует Конкурс Карикатур, и в первый раз с международным участием.
Мы ждём участие всех любителей юмора, как профессиональных художников, так и самодеятельных.
Тема рыболовства и охоты распронстраняется на все области жизни, и в прямом и в переносном смысле слов.
В наши дни мы переживаем финансовый, экономический, политический и моральный кризисы.
Всё больше и больше требуется креативности, чтобы найти, а потом захватить «трофею», то есть страстно желанную цель. Пусть будет она красивая женщина, хорошее место работы, редкая марка, большая рыба или удача на охоте.
Человек почти во всех областях жизни занимается рыбалкой и охотой.
Живём в угаре срастей!
Ищем разные возможности, хорошие решения, никогда не повторимые случаи, чтобы на 100 % ощутить вкус успеха.
Давайте, с помощю юмора покажем, какие мы страстные на рыбалке и охоте.
1.) От каждого участника конкурса мы ждём максимум три работы оригинала в формате А4 или А3, без всякмх технических ограничений.
Мы прмнимаем и копии работ, изготовленных или раскрашенных с помощю компютерной программы, если они снабжены оригинальной подписью автора и номером копии.
(Не принимаем фотокопию или дигитализированный оттиск оригинальных работ.)
2.) На обратной стороне конкурсных работ просим указать фамилию, имя и отчество, адрес, номер телефона, адрес E-mail участника конкурса.
3.) Срок поступления конкурсных работ: 20-ое июня 2010-го года.
4.) Почтовый адрес, куда ждём конкурсные работы:
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
5.) Интересоваться по вопросам, касающихся конкурса, можно по следующим адресам:
Телефон: +36 20 426 58 82
e-mail: grafikuskelemen@freemail.hu
6.) Из выбранных жюри конкурсных работ составляется каталог. Участники каталога получают каталог по почте.
7.) Первый приз: 400-евро + почетная грамота +малая скульптура (предложенный бургомистром города Бая)
Особый приз: 300 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом Венгерский Рыбак)
Особый приз: 200 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом красфордов Любимец)
Особый приз: 200 евро + почетная грамота (предложенный журналом Венгерский Охотнический Журнал)
8.) Список участников конкурса, их работы и все другие информации можно посмотреть по адресам на интернете: www.grafikuskelemen.hu
9.) Дата открытия выставки и раздачи призов: 9-ое июля 2010-го года, в пятницу, в 17 часов.
Адрес: Выставочный Зал - 6500 Baja, Szentháromság tér 11.sz.
10.) Организатор конкурса сохраняет за собой все права свободного использования конкурсных работ.
11.) Конкурсные работы обратно не возвращаем. Планируем из них организовать постоянную выставку.
Всем участникам конкурса желаем плодотворной работы и много успехов!
Graphics, satire, and humor Contest FASI - 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy.
FASI, the Federation Association of Sardinians in Italy, invites all the cartoonists in the world to participate in the special edition of the contest “Graphics, satire, and humor” created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy.
The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic designers around the world. You are also allowed to participate without competing. Such requests exempt the author from winning a prize, but makes it possible to still publish and/or display the author’s workForeign artists may express themselves on the following subjects: the fortunes of the ideals of the 20th century, on the condition of democracy achieved in their own country, on the respect observed towards human rights and peace, on the destiny of the concept of the State and national unity in times of globalization, or rather they can tell about their country’s perception of Italy.
The contest is divided into three categories:
A. Sardinia. This is dedicated to the artists that with any graphic technique, satire, caricature, or cartoon strip can bring to mind the actions and the Sardinian people that, originating from the kingdom of Sardinia, were creators of the kingdom of Italy and of the Italian Republic.
B. Lithography, Illustrations, web art, computer art
D. Caricature and SatireIt is permitted to submit an entry three each of the three categories.
4. The prizesPrize “Sardinia”:
1st prize € 5.000
2nd prize € 1.500
Prize “Lithography, Illustrations, Web art”
1st prize € 5 ,000
2nd prize € 1.500Prize
“Caricature and Satire”
1st prize € 5,000
2nd prize € 1.500
Deadline: 30th of April, 2010 (based on the postmark)
Recognizing that the value of the manifestation depends on the quality of the work and on the professionalism of the participants, we will be very honoured if you would contribute your art towards the overall success of the manifestation.We thank you for your time and attention. Cordial salutations,
The Executive Administrator Bruno Culeddu
Outline for participating
All the works must be sent to the following address:
Ufficio Postale 018
Via Cavour, 71/A
Casella postale 1826050129
Florence, Italy
For further information
e-mail: fasicentro@virgilio.it
Tel: (+39) 0552477935
(+39) 055 240549 -
Fax: (+39) 055 242006
Friday, March 19, 2010
Deadline: April 30, 2010
Dear colleague,we remember you to participate in the INTL GRAPHICS ILLUSTRATION SATIRE AND HUMOUR CONTEST "FRATELLI D'ITALIA", organized by FASI (Italy), the Federation Association of Sardinians in Italy, and created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy
Sections: A) Sardegna; B) Illustration; C) Satire & Humour
Deadline: April 30, 2010
1. The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic designers around the world. You are also allowed to participate without competing. Such requests exempt the author from winning a prize, but makes it possible to still publish and/or display the author's work.
From the kingdom of Sardinia to the kingdom of Italy. From the Italian republic to the European Union. From Europe to the United Nations. Independence and globalization. One hundred and fifty years of events, action, heroes and influential people either in Italy or the European Union.In the age of globalization try to express:- The capacity to evoke concepts of unity and national identity, independence, liberty, and the state. Philosophers, politicians, and poets of the Italian rebirth (Risorgimento Italiano) and to retell the most important moments and the influential people that characterize the first 150 years of Italian history.- The current condition of democracy, humanitarian works, and peace.- The future of the state, of the state in times of globalization and fortunes of the current ideals of the '900.
3. Sections
The contest is divided into three categories:
A) Sardegna. This is dedicated to the artists that with any graphic technique, satire, caricature, or cartoon strip that brings to mind the actions and the Sards that, originating from the kingdom of Sardegna, were creators of the kingdom of Italy and of the Italian Republic.
B) Illustrations. Graphics, lithography, web art, computer art
C) Satire and Humour. Cartoons, strips, caricaturesIt is permitted to submit an entry for each of the three categories.
4. PrizesTotal money prizes amounting: 25.000 €uro- Prize "Sardegna": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro- Prize "Illustrations": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro- Prize "Satire and Humour": 1st prize 5.000 €uro - 2nd prize 1.500 €uro
The prizes are offered by: Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Lazio, Presidenza della Regione Toscana, Presidenza Consiglio della Regione Piemonte- Prize "Black Sheep": 3.000 €uro from the Comune di Burgos- Prize "Inside the history": 1.000 €uro from the Fondazione Giuseppe Siotto, Cagliari- Prize "The see us like this": 1.500 €uro from the ACLI SardegnaThere will be 10 "Special Mentions"Other special prizes may be offered from various institutional sponsors, private interests, associations, newspapers and agencies.
5. Participation
A maximum of three works for each section may be submitted with any technique and any supported paper or canvas of the same dimension. The submitted works must be originals, and must arrive with the application form and the biography of the author. Each work must be signed and must have on the back the following information: the title of the work, the author's name, last name, address, phone number, and email address. The author must indicate on each work into which section it is to be entered.
The entries must be mailed (postage paid by the sender) without frames or glass to the following address:FASI Casella Postale 18260Ufficio Postale 018 Via Cavour, 71/A50129 Firenze ITALY Photocopies or photographs will not be accepted.
6. Deadline30th of April, 2010 (based on the postmark)
7. FormatUNI A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) otherwise UNI A3 (29,7 x 42 cm)
8. TechniqueFree. The works can be created even with digital techniques as long as they can be printed in high quality, the signature must be by hand, and come with a CD that contains the digital file of the work in the format TIFF with the resolution of 300 dpi.
9. JuryThe acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the jury nominated by the FASI.The jury is composed of: Gavino Sanna - President, Giuliano Rossetti, Tonino Mulas, Luca Paulesu, Giovanni Sorcinelli 'Gióx', Bepi VignaBruno Culeddu: Secretary without the ability to vote.The decisions of the jury are non debatable or up for appeal.The results of the jury will be given directly to the winning artists and published on the website of the Burgosatira, of the FASI and of FanoFunny.com
10. ExhibitionsIn 2011 (the anniversary of the Proclamation of the Unity of Italy), dates listed below, the works will be exhibited in Torino, Firenze, Roma, Cagliari and Burgos.The works will be consigned to the Museum of the Satire of Burgos, for a permanent exhibit.From Burgos will begin a touring exhibit throughout the various communities of Sardegna and all of Italy. This touring exhibit will also go abroad and be under the care of ACLI Sardegna and move throughout the Sardinian club worldwide.The inauguration ceremony and the awards ceremony will be held in Torino, which was the original capital of Italy.
11. CatalogueAll the authors selected for the catalogue will receive a free copy of said catalogue.
12. Ownership and rightsThe Organization reserves all rights to reproduce and distribute the works in any form and to organize exhibitions with selected works in any location in Italy or abroad, citing the author, without any payment. All the works submitted will not be returned and will remain the property of the Comune of Burgos where they will be exhibited and cared for by the Museo della Satira.The participation in the contest implies that complete acceptance from the part of the author to all the conditions and rules herein stated and implied.For further information, visit our website or email us:Segretery Festival
fasicentro@virgilio.itPhone/Fax (+39)055.242006 (+39)055.240549
Other great intl contests supported by FanoFunny
Theme: Italian Land
Deadline: April 15, 2010
Money Prize: 2.500 €uro
Theme: Water - Best usage of water
Deadline: April 20, 2010
Money Prize: 6.000 US$
Theme: The BluesHarp Harmonica
Deadline: April 30, 2010
Money Prize: 750 €uro
All the regulations
On the 15th of June, 1410, a battle took place near the village of Grunwald between the Polish-Lithuanian army led by Władysław Jagiełło and the army of the Teutonic Knights. Its course and outcome had a very strong impact on the formation of Europe in the centuries that followed. In July 2010, the 600th anniversary of that battle is celebrated. We invite all the European artists, who make caricatures professionally or as amateurs, to take part in a competition aimed at making a satirical work , which refers to the battle of Grunwald in a humorous manner. Looking at historical events from 600 years ago in a humorous way might help in discovering numerous modern references to the problems of people who live in contemporary Europe. We invite you to explore medieval history in all its aspects, from militaria to morals and more.
CHEERFUL GRUNWALD (GRUNWALD NA WESOŁO) - or the battle of Grunwald 600 years later
European satire and humor contest CHEERFUL GRUNWALD is open for all artists from Europe, who make caricatures professionally or as amateurs, as well as for art school students (high schools and colleges/universities).
Objects of the contest are satirical or humorous drawings, photographs and other designs in any technique, with the following (original work) dimensions: min. A4 (210 x 297 mm), max. A3 (420 x 297 mm), made on good quality paper, without the passe-partout. Photocopies of works that were made manually and works submitted to other contests will not be accepted. Photographs and digitally created works will be accepted, provided that if they qualify for the second stage (sending originals), they need to be marked as nr 1/1 and signed by the author. Each author may submit up to 3 works.
Stage 1: - till 10.05.2010
Works should be sent in digital format to grunwald2010@karykatury.info as JPG files no larger than 500 kb. The following information should be sent along with the file: title of the work, size of the original, technique used, author's personal details, traditional and electronic mail addresses, phone number.
By May 15th, 2010, the jury will choose works that qualify for stage 2.
Stage 2: - till 30.05.2010
Authors send originals of their works along with a CD containing its scan in A4 format, 300dpi resolution, RGB color profile, jpg file.
Also, separate files should be included with author's photograph and a short biographical note (photo - jpg format, biography - doc format).
The whole package should be sent to:
Darek Labedzki, ul. Mazurska 15 , 60- 433 Poznan, (POLSKA – POLAND)
with additional note "GRUNWALD NA WESOLO"
By June 6th, 2010, the jury will select the winners based on sent originals. Jury's verdict will be published on www.spak.art.pl, as well as
on www.karykatury.info.
A special jury appointed by the organizers of the contest will choose works for the exhibition. The jury will include representatives from artistic circles, as well as middle ages experts.
The jury shall grant following statutory prizes:
CHEERFUL GRUNWALD GRAND PRIX- 2 Grunwald swords and money prize of 2500 PLN
2nd place
- money prize of 2000 PLN
3rd place
- money prize of 1500 PLN
In addition, special prizes endowed by sponsors will be granted.Jury has the right to divide statutory prizes, change their amounts or refuse to grant them. Jury's decisions are conclusive. Winners shall be informed about the results personally. Protocol shall be published after June 10th on www.spak.art.pl
and www.karykatury.info.
Prize is subject to taxation in accordance with Polish law. Money prize shall be handed to foreign authors if they participate in the opening of the exhibition, come and collect the prize by December 15th, 2010, or give the organizers instructions to transfer money to a specified account and in currency specified by the author.
Authors whose works qualify for the exhibition shall receive a free catalog, they will also have their own place in the catalog.
The organizers guarantee the winners free participation in the CHEERFUL GRUNWALD event July 15th 2010.
Works submitted for the contest become a property of the organizers and after the end of the contest, they will be exhibited home and abroad as original works or high quality prints made at the expense of the organizers. Such prints will not be sent to the authors after the round of exhibitions in finished.
Authors who submitted their works grant (without any compensation) the organizers the right to exhibit and use their works in every respect for advertisement purposes, as well as to copy and circulate them in the form of catalog.
Organizers of the exhibition have the final vote in respect of interpreting the regulations.
By submitting their works for the contest, the authors accept these regulations and agree to have their photograph published in the catalog of the exhibition that follows the contest.
Organizers reserve the right to cancel the contest after Stage 1. At the same time, they undertake to publish a proper announcement at www.spak.art.pl and www.karykatury.info, informing about such decision.
The CHEERFUL GRUNWALD European Contest of Satirical Art is organized by
The Association of Polish Caricature Artists (www.spak.art.pl) and co-organized by The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “Koziołki” ( www.eurofestsat.eu) and by Castle Museum in Malbork. (www.zamek.malbork.pl )
works can be submitted until May 10th, 2010
jury's deliberation over the Internet will be taking place from June 6th to June 10th, 2010
contest exhibition - July 15th to September 15th, 2010
Darek Labedzki , agencja@atelier-a3.pl tel./fax +48 61 8488 744
On the 15th of June, 1410, a battle took place near the village of Grunwald between the Polish-Lithuanian army led by Władysław Jagiełło and the army of the Teutonic Knights. Its course and outcome had a very strong impact on the formation of Europe in the centuries that followed. In July 2010, the 600th anniversary of that battle is celebrated. We invite all the European artists, who make caricatures professionally or as amateurs, to take part in a competition aimed at making a satirical work , which refers to the battle of Grunwald in a humorous manner. Looking at historical events from 600 years ago in a humorous way might help in discovering numerous modern references to the problems of people who live in contemporary Europe. We invite you to explore medieval history in all its aspects, from militaria to morals and more.
CHEERFUL GRUNWALD (GRUNWALD NA WESOŁO) - or the battle of Grunwald 600 years later
European satire and humor contest CHEERFUL GRUNWALD is open for all artists from Europe, who make caricatures professionally or as amateurs, as well as for art school students (high schools and colleges/universities).
Objects of the contest are satirical or humorous drawings, photographs and other designs in any technique, with the following (original work) dimensions: min. A4 (210 x 297 mm), max. A3 (420 x 297 mm), made on good quality paper, without the passe-partout. Photocopies of works that were made manually and works submitted to other contests will not be accepted. Photographs and digitally created works will be accepted, provided that if they qualify for the second stage (sending originals), they need to be marked as nr 1/1 and signed by the author. Each author may submit up to 3 works.
Stage 1: - till 10.05.2010
Works should be sent in digital format to grunwald2010@karykatury.info as JPG files no larger than 500 kb. The following information should be sent along with the file: title of the work, size of the original, technique used, author's personal details, traditional and electronic mail addresses, phone number.
By May 15th, 2010, the jury will choose works that qualify for stage 2.
Stage 2: - till 30.05.2010
Authors send originals of their works along with a CD containing its scan in A4 format, 300dpi resolution, RGB color profile, jpg file.
Also, separate files should be included with author's photograph and a short biographical note (photo - jpg format, biography - doc format).
The whole package should be sent to:
Darek Labedzki, ul. Mazurska 15 , 60- 433 Poznan, (POLSKA – POLAND)
with additional note "GRUNWALD NA WESOLO"
By June 6th, 2010, the jury will select the winners based on sent originals. Jury's verdict will be published on www.spak.art.pl, as well as
on www.karykatury.info.
A special jury appointed by the organizers of the contest will choose works for the exhibition. The jury will include representatives from artistic circles, as well as middle ages experts.
The jury shall grant following statutory prizes:
CHEERFUL GRUNWALD GRAND PRIX- 2 Grunwald swords and money prize of 2500 PLN
2nd place
- money prize of 2000 PLN
3rd place
- money prize of 1500 PLN
In addition, special prizes endowed by sponsors will be granted.Jury has the right to divide statutory prizes, change their amounts or refuse to grant them. Jury's decisions are conclusive. Winners shall be informed about the results personally. Protocol shall be published after June 10th on www.spak.art.pl
and www.karykatury.info.
Prize is subject to taxation in accordance with Polish law. Money prize shall be handed to foreign authors if they participate in the opening of the exhibition, come and collect the prize by December 15th, 2010, or give the organizers instructions to transfer money to a specified account and in currency specified by the author.
Authors whose works qualify for the exhibition shall receive a free catalog, they will also have their own place in the catalog.
The organizers guarantee the winners free participation in the CHEERFUL GRUNWALD event July 15th 2010.
Works submitted for the contest become a property of the organizers and after the end of the contest, they will be exhibited home and abroad as original works or high quality prints made at the expense of the organizers. Such prints will not be sent to the authors after the round of exhibitions in finished.
Authors who submitted their works grant (without any compensation) the organizers the right to exhibit and use their works in every respect for advertisement purposes, as well as to copy and circulate them in the form of catalog.
Organizers of the exhibition have the final vote in respect of interpreting the regulations.
By submitting their works for the contest, the authors accept these regulations and agree to have their photograph published in the catalog of the exhibition that follows the contest.
Organizers reserve the right to cancel the contest after Stage 1. At the same time, they undertake to publish a proper announcement at www.spak.art.pl and www.karykatury.info, informing about such decision.
The CHEERFUL GRUNWALD European Contest of Satirical Art is organized by
The Association of Polish Caricature Artists (www.spak.art.pl) and co-organized by The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “Koziołki” ( www.eurofestsat.eu) and by Castle Museum in Malbork. (www.zamek.malbork.pl )
works can be submitted until May 10th, 2010
jury's deliberation over the Internet will be taking place from June 6th to June 10th, 2010
contest exhibition - July 15th to September 15th, 2010
Darek Labedzki , agencja@atelier-a3.pl tel./fax +48 61 8488 744
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Uma Organização: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Uma Produção: Humorgrafe
Director Artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
2 - Tema: O Teatro (Teatro Dramático, Musical, Caricaturas de personalidades do Teatro…)
3 - Aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos com humor, profissionais, amadores.
4 – Data Limite : 1 de Maio de 2010
5 - Cada artista pode enviar até 4 trabalhos originais, em preto e branco (uma só cor – não são aceites desenhos a 2, 3 ou 4 cores) formato não superior a A4 , aberto a todas as técnicas e estilos, (os trabalhos feitos a computador, para alem do seu envio em suporte informático - CD ou disquete a 300 dpis Jpeg – devem ter também um print em A4, assinados à mão e numerados 1/1) como caricatura, cartoon, desenho de humor, tira, prancha de bd (história num prancha única)... devendo estes vir identificados no verso com nome e morada, e-mail, telefone e nº contribuinte. As obras devem vir acompanhadas de um breve curriculum.
5.- Os trabalhos serão julgados por um júri constituído por: um representante da Câmara Municipal de Penela; por um representante da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal; um representantes da família Oliveira Guimarães; pelo Director Artístico da Bienal; um representante dos patrocinadores, e dois artistas plásticos convidado, sendo outorgados os seguintes Prémios:
* 1º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 1.000)
6 - O júri outorga-se o direito de não expor aqueles trabalhos que não atinjam a qualidade mínima exigida.
7 – A organização informará todos os artistas por e-mail se foram seleccionados, e quais os artistas premiados.
8 - Será publicado catálogo, assim como postais
9 - Os trabalhos premiados ficam automaticamente adquiridos pela organização. Todos os outros serão devolvidos após a exposição, com respectivo catálogo no final do ano 2010.
10 - Os direitos de reprodução são propriedade da organização, logo que seja para promoção deste Salão, e discutidos pontualmente com os autores, no caso de outras utilizações.
11 - Os trabalhos devem ser enviados até 1 de Maio de 2010 para II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - Para outras informações contactar o Director Artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com )
13 - A II Bienal de Humor Luís d’ Oliveira Guimarães – Penela 2010, realiza-se de 6 de Junho a 30 de Julho com extensão a Lisboa em Setembro.
Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
1) The contest is open to all caricaturists/ Cartoonists, all graphic artists with humor, professional and amateur.
2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Theatre (Theatre Drama, Musical, Caricatures of the theater ...)
3) - Deadline: May 1, 2010 4) Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2, 3 or 4 color) format not exceeding A4, open to all techniques and styles (the work done the computer, beyond their transmission in electronic form - CD or floppy disk 300 dpis Jpeg - must also have an A4 print, hand signed and numbered 1 / 1) as a caricature, cartoon, design humor, strip, plank bd (a story board only) ... identified and they should come on the back with name and address, e-mail, telephone and Nº taxpayer. The works must be accompanied by a brief curriculum. 4) The work will be judged by a jury consisting of: a representative of the Board City Hall, a representative of the Parish of Cord; representatives of a family Oliveira Guimarães, the Artistic Director of the Biennale, a representative of the sponsors, and two guest artists, and awarded the following awards:
1st prize - € 2.000,0
2nd prize - € 1.500,00
3rd prize - € 1.000,00
5) The Jury has the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality
6) - The organization shall inform all the artists by e-mail have been selected, and what the artists awarded. 7) - Will be published book, as well as postcards 8) - The winning works are automatically acquired by the organization. All others will be returned after the exhibition, with its catalog at the end of 2010. 9) - Reproduction rights are owned by the organization as soon as it is to promote this Hall, and occasionally discussed with the authors, for other uses. 10) - Entries must be submitted by May 1, 2010 for II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal
11) - For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com) 12) - The Second Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, will take place from June 5 to July 30 with extension to Lisbon in September.
Una organización: Ayuntamiento de Penela
Una producción: Humorgrafe
Director artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
1 - II BIENALES del HUMOR “OLIVEIRA GUIMARÃES de LUIS D” - PENELA 2010 2 - tema: El teatro del teatro (dramático, musical, Caricatures de las personalidades del teatro…)
3 - Abierto en la participación de todos los artistas gráficos con humor, profesionales, ventiladores.
4 - Él fecha límite: 1 de mayo de 2010
5 - cada artista puede enviar hasta 4 trabajos originales, en persona negra y el formato no superior del blanco (un color solo - no es dibujos de las aceptaciones los 2, 3 o 4 colores) el A4, abierto en todas las técnicas y estilos, (los trabajos hechos la computadora, allá de enviar un CD con las imagines - JPEG de 300 dpis - deben también tener una impresión en A4, firmado a mano y 1/1 numerado) como caricature, historieta, dibujo del humor, saca, placa del bd (historia en una única placa)… tener éstos a venir identificó en el verso con nombre y vivienda, email, teléfono, un breve Curruculum e NIF.
5. - Los trabajos serán juzgados por consistir en el jurado: un representante del consejo de ciudad de Penela; un representante de sponsor; un representante de la familia Oliveira Guimarães; el director artístico de el bienal, dos artistas invitados, siendo concedido después del Prémios:
* 1º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 1.000)
6 - el jurado concede la derecha de no exhibir esos trabajos que no alcancen la calidad mínima exigida.
7 - La organización informará a todos los artistas para el email si habían sido seleccionados, y cuál los artistas premiados.
8 - El catálogo será publicado, así como las postales
9 - Los trabajos premiados se adquieren automáticamente para la organización. Todos los otros serán vueltos la exposición después, con el catálogo respectivo de al final del año 2010.
10 - Las derechas de la reproducción son característica de la organización, tan pronto como esté para la promoción de este Pasillo, y discutido puntualmente con los autores, en el caso de otras aplicaciones.
11 - Los trabajos se deben enviar hasta 1 de mayo de 2010 para II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - La otra información a contactar el director artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
13 - II Bienales de humor el Luis de Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, se realiza 5 de junio los 30 de julio con la extensión la Lisboa en septiembre.
une Organisation : Chambre Municipale de Penela/
Production : Humorgrafe
Directeur Artistique : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
2 - Sujet : Le Théâtre (Théâtre Dramatique, Musical, Caricatures de personnalités du Théâtre…)
3 - Ouvert à la participation de tous les artistes graphiques avec humeur, professionnels, amateurs.
4 - Date Limite : 1er may 2010
5 - Chaque artiste peut envoyer jusqu'à 4 travaux originaux, dans noir et blanc (un seules couleurs - ne sont pas acceptés de dessins à 2, 3 ou 4 couleurs) format non supérieur à A4, ouvert à toutes les techniques et les styles, (les travaux faits à ordinateur, outre leur envoi dans support informatique - COMPACT DISC ou disque souple à 300 dpis Jpeg - doivent avoir aussi un print dans A4, signés à la main et numérotés 1/1) je mange caricature, cartoon, dessin d'humeur, enlève, plaque de bd (histoire dans une plaque seule)… en devant ceux-ci venir identifiés dans le vers avec nom et adresse, courrier électronique, téléphone et nº contribuables. Les œuvres doivent venir accompagnées d'un bref curriculum.
5. - Les travaux seront jugés par un jury constitué par : un représentant de la Chambre Municipale de Penela ; par un représentant de la Réunion de Clientèle du Spinal ; un représentant de la famille Oliveira Guimarães ; par le Directeur Artistique du Bisannuel ; un représentant des parrains, et deux artistes plastiques invité, en étant accordé les suivants Prix :
* 1º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 2.000)
* 2º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 1.500)
* 3º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 1.000)
6 - le jury s'accorde le droit de ne pas exposer ces travaux qui n'atteignent pas la qualité minime exigée.
7 - L'organisation informera tous les artistes par courrier électronique se sont sélectionnées, et lequel les artistes lauréats.
8 - Sera publié catalogue, ainsi que des cartes postales
9 - les travaux lauréats sont automatiquement acquis par l'organisation. Tous les autres seront retournés après l'exposition, avec respectif catalogue à la fin de l'année 2010.
10 - Les droits de reproduction sont propriété de l'organisation, dès que c'est pour promotion de ce Salon, et discutés rapidement avec les auteurs, dans le cas d'autres utilisations.
11 - Les travaux doivent être envoyés jusqu'au 1er mai 2010 pour II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - Pour que autres informations contactent le Directeur Artistique : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
13 - II Bisannuel d'Humeur à Luís d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, se réalise du 6 juin le 30 juillet avec extension Lisbonne en septembre.
Uma Produção: Humorgrafe
Director Artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
2 - Tema: O Teatro (Teatro Dramático, Musical, Caricaturas de personalidades do Teatro…)
3 - Aberto à participação de todos os artistas gráficos com humor, profissionais, amadores.
4 – Data Limite : 1 de Maio de 2010
5 - Cada artista pode enviar até 4 trabalhos originais, em preto e branco (uma só cor – não são aceites desenhos a 2, 3 ou 4 cores) formato não superior a A4 , aberto a todas as técnicas e estilos, (os trabalhos feitos a computador, para alem do seu envio em suporte informático - CD ou disquete a 300 dpis Jpeg – devem ter também um print em A4, assinados à mão e numerados 1/1) como caricatura, cartoon, desenho de humor, tira, prancha de bd (história num prancha única)... devendo estes vir identificados no verso com nome e morada, e-mail, telefone e nº contribuinte. As obras devem vir acompanhadas de um breve curriculum.
5.- Os trabalhos serão julgados por um júri constituído por: um representante da Câmara Municipal de Penela; por um representante da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal; um representantes da família Oliveira Guimarães; pelo Director Artístico da Bienal; um representante dos patrocinadores, e dois artistas plásticos convidado, sendo outorgados os seguintes Prémios:
* 1º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio da II BHLOG- 2010 (no valor de € 1.000)
6 - O júri outorga-se o direito de não expor aqueles trabalhos que não atinjam a qualidade mínima exigida.
7 – A organização informará todos os artistas por e-mail se foram seleccionados, e quais os artistas premiados.
8 - Será publicado catálogo, assim como postais
9 - Os trabalhos premiados ficam automaticamente adquiridos pela organização. Todos os outros serão devolvidos após a exposição, com respectivo catálogo no final do ano 2010.
10 - Os direitos de reprodução são propriedade da organização, logo que seja para promoção deste Salão, e discutidos pontualmente com os autores, no caso de outras utilizações.
11 - Os trabalhos devem ser enviados até 1 de Maio de 2010 para II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - Para outras informações contactar o Director Artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com )
13 - A II Bienal de Humor Luís d’ Oliveira Guimarães – Penela 2010, realiza-se de 6 de Junho a 30 de Julho com extensão a Lisboa em Setembro.
Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
1) The contest is open to all caricaturists/ Cartoonists, all graphic artists with humor, professional and amateur.
2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Theatre (Theatre Drama, Musical, Caricatures of the theater ...)
3) - Deadline: May 1, 2010 4) Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2, 3 or 4 color) format not exceeding A4, open to all techniques and styles (the work done the computer, beyond their transmission in electronic form - CD or floppy disk 300 dpis Jpeg - must also have an A4 print, hand signed and numbered 1 / 1) as a caricature, cartoon, design humor, strip, plank bd (a story board only) ... identified and they should come on the back with name and address, e-mail, telephone and Nº taxpayer. The works must be accompanied by a brief curriculum. 4) The work will be judged by a jury consisting of: a representative of the Board City Hall, a representative of the Parish of Cord; representatives of a family Oliveira Guimarães, the Artistic Director of the Biennale, a representative of the sponsors, and two guest artists, and awarded the following awards:
1st prize - € 2.000,0
2nd prize - € 1.500,00
3rd prize - € 1.000,00
5) The Jury has the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality
6) - The organization shall inform all the artists by e-mail have been selected, and what the artists awarded. 7) - Will be published book, as well as postcards 8) - The winning works are automatically acquired by the organization. All others will be returned after the exhibition, with its catalog at the end of 2010. 9) - Reproduction rights are owned by the organization as soon as it is to promote this Hall, and occasionally discussed with the authors, for other uses. 10) - Entries must be submitted by May 1, 2010 for II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal
11) - For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com) 12) - The Second Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, will take place from June 5 to July 30 with extension to Lisbon in September.
Una organización: Ayuntamiento de Penela
Una producción: Humorgrafe
Director artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
1 - II BIENALES del HUMOR “OLIVEIRA GUIMARÃES de LUIS D” - PENELA 2010 2 - tema: El teatro del teatro (dramático, musical, Caricatures de las personalidades del teatro…)
3 - Abierto en la participación de todos los artistas gráficos con humor, profesionales, ventiladores.
4 - Él fecha límite: 1 de mayo de 2010
5 - cada artista puede enviar hasta 4 trabajos originales, en persona negra y el formato no superior del blanco (un color solo - no es dibujos de las aceptaciones los 2, 3 o 4 colores) el A4, abierto en todas las técnicas y estilos, (los trabajos hechos la computadora, allá de enviar un CD con las imagines - JPEG de 300 dpis - deben también tener una impresión en A4, firmado a mano y 1/1 numerado) como caricature, historieta, dibujo del humor, saca, placa del bd (historia en una única placa)… tener éstos a venir identificó en el verso con nombre y vivienda, email, teléfono, un breve Curruculum e NIF.
5. - Los trabajos serán juzgados por consistir en el jurado: un representante del consejo de ciudad de Penela; un representante de sponsor; un representante de la familia Oliveira Guimarães; el director artístico de el bienal, dos artistas invitados, siendo concedido después del Prémios:
* 1º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 2.000)
* 2º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 1.500)
* 3º Prémio II de BHLOG- 2010 (en el valor de € 1.000)
6 - el jurado concede la derecha de no exhibir esos trabajos que no alcancen la calidad mínima exigida.
7 - La organización informará a todos los artistas para el email si habían sido seleccionados, y cuál los artistas premiados.
8 - El catálogo será publicado, así como las postales
9 - Los trabajos premiados se adquieren automáticamente para la organización. Todos los otros serán vueltos la exposición después, con el catálogo respectivo de al final del año 2010.
10 - Las derechas de la reproducción son característica de la organización, tan pronto como esté para la promoción de este Pasillo, y discutido puntualmente con los autores, en el caso de otras aplicaciones.
11 - Los trabajos se deben enviar hasta 1 de mayo de 2010 para II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - La otra información a contactar el director artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
13 - II Bienales de humor el Luis de Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, se realiza 5 de junio los 30 de julio con la extensión la Lisboa en septiembre.
une Organisation : Chambre Municipale de Penela/
Production : Humorgrafe
Directeur Artistique : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
2 - Sujet : Le Théâtre (Théâtre Dramatique, Musical, Caricatures de personnalités du Théâtre…)
3 - Ouvert à la participation de tous les artistes graphiques avec humeur, professionnels, amateurs.
4 - Date Limite : 1er may 2010
5 - Chaque artiste peut envoyer jusqu'à 4 travaux originaux, dans noir et blanc (un seules couleurs - ne sont pas acceptés de dessins à 2, 3 ou 4 couleurs) format non supérieur à A4, ouvert à toutes les techniques et les styles, (les travaux faits à ordinateur, outre leur envoi dans support informatique - COMPACT DISC ou disque souple à 300 dpis Jpeg - doivent avoir aussi un print dans A4, signés à la main et numérotés 1/1) je mange caricature, cartoon, dessin d'humeur, enlève, plaque de bd (histoire dans une plaque seule)… en devant ceux-ci venir identifiés dans le vers avec nom et adresse, courrier électronique, téléphone et nº contribuables. Les œuvres doivent venir accompagnées d'un bref curriculum.
5. - Les travaux seront jugés par un jury constitué par : un représentant de la Chambre Municipale de Penela ; par un représentant de la Réunion de Clientèle du Spinal ; un représentant de la famille Oliveira Guimarães ; par le Directeur Artistique du Bisannuel ; un représentant des parrains, et deux artistes plastiques invité, en étant accordé les suivants Prix :
* 1º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 2.000)
* 2º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 1.500)
* 3º Prix de II BHLOG- 2010 (dans la valeur € de 1.000)
6 - le jury s'accorde le droit de ne pas exposer ces travaux qui n'atteignent pas la qualité minime exigée.
7 - L'organisation informera tous les artistes par courrier électronique se sont sélectionnées, et lequel les artistes lauréats.
8 - Sera publié catalogue, ainsi que des cartes postales
9 - les travaux lauréats sont automatiquement acquis par l'organisation. Tous les autres seront retournés après l'exposition, avec respectif catalogue à la fin de l'année 2010.
10 - Les droits de reproduction sont propriété de l'organisation, dès que c'est pour promotion de ce Salon, et discutés rapidement avec les auteurs, dans le cas d'autres utilisations.
11 - Les travaux doivent être envoyés jusqu'au 1er mai 2010 pour II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela.
12 - Pour que autres informations contactent le Directeur Artistique : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
13 - II Bisannuel d'Humeur à Luís d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, se réalise du 6 juin le 30 juillet avec extension Lisbonne en septembre.
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Plazo de entrega de obras:
Marzo 8 a JUNIO 8 del 2010.
Ver todas las bases y premios en:
Friday, March 05, 2010
World Press Freedom 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition
The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition1. The theme for the 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:The ´†right†ª not to be offended†is not a right.In Canada, Mark Steyn is brought before three different Human Rights Tribunals for allegedly “insulting Islam”.Meanwhile at the United Nation’s Human Rights Commission, Arab states have for years attempted to make that a crime. What started out with a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for insulting Mohamed and was dismissed by many as an isolated incident, culminated years later with the assassination of Theo Van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam for the same offense. In Denmark, cartoonists still fear for their life for having drawn Mohamed in newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Meanwhile in Ireland, blasphemy is now a criminal offence. How can we encourage vigorous debate while being respectful of religious sensibilities?2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500, a crystal trophy, plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 plus a certificate, and a third of $500 and certificate. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black & white and must not have previously won an award.4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.5. The cartoonist’s name, address and telephone number must be included in the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should also be provided.6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our World Press Freedom Day Luncheon on May 3. Entrance by the cartoonist in this Cartoon competition is deemed acceptance of this condition.7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2010 and will be advised by e-mail. The winning names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site: http://www.ccwpf-cclpm.ca/8. The best 30 cartoons will be exhibited at the Luncheon.The deadline for reception of cartoon is 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20th, 2010.Send submission by e-mail to: info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca
The cartoon should be in jpg format at 300 dpi Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
The cartoon should be in jpg format at 300 dpi Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
20th edition of INTERNATIONAL SATIRE EXHIBITION - Studio d'Arte Andromeda - Trento (Italy)
Total Prizes: 2.500 €uro
Deadline: April 15, 2010
Total Prizes: 2.500 €uro
Deadline: April 15, 2010
We aim at all the artists, at their poetic, ironic, irriverent, bright, satiric ferocity for picking the thoughts and emotions related to the land of Italy and for representing them in terms of their art and their land.
1. Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d'Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherent to the theme.
2. Works must be the originals, can be realized with any technique and must adhere strictly to the theme.
3. Maximum size allowed: A3
4. The works must arrive at theStudio d'Arte Andromedavia Malpaga 1738100 Trento - Italybefore april 15th 2010
5. The date of inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
6. The works will be returned on demand.
7. The Organization Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
8. The Studio reserves the right to print a catalogue with the most significant works and the right to use the same access of information, news and documentats about the exhibition. The catalogue will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
9. The Studio d'Arte Andromeda don't answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
10. The contest has the following prizes:- 1st Prize: €uro 1.000- 2nd Prize: €uro 700- 3rd Prize: €uro 500- Visitors Prize: €uro 300
The works should be sent to:STUDIO D'ARTE ANDROMEDAVia Malpaga 1738100 TRENTOITALY
For further information, visit our website or email us:Segretery Festival